you little smart ****...

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Zoe unless your using ceramics don't even worry about light cages, i've never used them and in 10yrs i'm yet to have a snake burn it's self.
Snakes are very good at detecting heat and if they are coiled around a light (which they won't if they have enough cage furnisings) they will climb off as soon as it starts warming up and if it's hot they won't even touch it.
They don't need baby proofing. :)
yeah our last cage was like that and then we had that little incident (not sure if u read the thread) where he had those blood like marks on his belly. some said it was a burn some said it wasnt...either way, thats why we put him in the new enclosure with the covers! we wanted to try out the uv light for his colours and they can get pretty hot huh...and i was told that bigger snakes can smash the uv's? anyway, they're all installed now so now we just gotta re-check em all :?
doberman those work well but a really good cheap alternative is a product called Bi-seal, it is a foam strip with an adhesive back that comes in a roll and trims down easily with a pair of scissors.... you can get it at pretty much any hardware store, i know that at bunnings it is in the isle with the window tracks and door seals (its classed as a weather strip)

Take care
i dont use cages over any lights and my little diamonds only put there heads next to the light whereas the olives will touch the light and realise it is not to be messed with as its hot. hey zoe i thought you took that snake to the vet that had the blood marks and pete told you it wasnt a burn, but do you still thinks it was? has it gone now? at that time my adult diamonds had that as well but now its gone as they were about to shed.
ricko if the little fellas get on the lamps while it is cool they will get comfy and once it turns on they will stay there till it heats up and wont be able to get off (they will become stuck) they wont even realise this is happening until it is too late.... it happens all to easily and a good burn = death.

Take care mate
hey mate i have had this happen but i use very low wattage lights and i have only seen one of my snakes on the light and as soon as it came on it was off again as it got too hot, i got the snake out a minute later and nothing wrong i guess its alll just learning. how is sampson stockeh? has he had a shed for you yet?
My understanding is that snakes main detection of heat is from above - their top side!! In nature a snake does not need to have it's heat receptors tuned to a high level for its belly, so will not detect high level temps until it's too late - servere burns or worse. Maybe some have had luck without cages, but is it worth the risk?
he is awsome mate and yes he has shed, well and truely a part of the family now... he gets more attention then i do
in any case to make a cage hazard free its not hard so my advice would be - it shouldnt mater lets see if it maters.why not make it imposible for anything to happen
yeah ricko pete said it wasnt a burn but a fair few people on here thought it was! i dont really know what it was, im not saying it WAS a burn but i would prefer to take the action against it happening again if it was. hey, if it happens again then we will know it's definitely not a burn as the cages are covered now! he shed and it seems to have completely gone now so thats good at least :D
When I had hatchlings in a normal size encloseure I filled that gap by inserting Silicone air line tubing in the gap. It worked very well, rolling out of the way as you opened the door and rolling back when you closed it. Hope this helps Dobbymick
I once had a coastal carpet actually get inside the a flouro set up.
Everything was warm and cosy until the timer turned it on.
moosenoose said:
Hey Zoe! are those your real wings :D :lol: :lol: :D


Seriously - two rules

1/ A cage is only a strong as its weakest point.
2/ If a caged animal can hurt itself, it eventually will.

So you should always examine any enclosure for weak points and hurt points.
Applying these rules to my new enclosure I can see that both the weak and hurt point is the heater cage, its too light and and not ancored properly. This will be fixed ASAP.

Question to every one. What are your enclosures week and hurt points?
When I had hatchlings in a normal size encloseure I filled that gap by inserting Silicone air line tubing in the gap. It worked very well, rolling out of the way as you opened the door and rolling back when you closed it. Hope this helps Dobbymick
Thanks Afro
that sounds like a great idea is that the stuff you normally use on a fish tank ?
If you used the American venacular of ass will it be changed?
We shall see.
Sorry No one but I have had to deal with snakes that people handed in after grotesque burns from light bulbs.
I personally dont use guards on suspended lights as they are set up to provide adequate heating surface and perches.
This is as you say. The problems stem from to low a wattage giving inadequate heat.
I know people who have had it happen as well but i have never had a problem with it, i would use cages if i was using ceramics or big globes like par 38s but other than that i don't bother.
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