Young Drivers New Laws

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when i wrote to the rta to ask if you were allowed to drive these cars if you took the turbo off they couldnt give me a response... maybe thats what some people are doing ???? i had to look around for months to find a manual non turbo car....
Won't work, they usually run lower compression ratios than a naturally aspirated engines. Take the turbo off and you may as well knock a hole in the floor and fred flinstone it :D
Won't work, they usually run lower compression ratios than a naturally aspirated engines. Take the turbo off and you may as well knock a hole in the floor and fred flinstone it :D

my dads a mechanic, i know all the issues involved, its not that hard 2 do.
with enough money you can do anything.

the only real problem would be emission levels. but again if you had the time and money to play around you could fix that 2.
one random point that demostrates how stupid the NSW laws is the Nissan 200sx (S15)

p platers are not allowed to drive the normal version(turbo) of this car, and yet are allowed to drive the Autech Vesion (tuned non-turbo version) yet they both have the same amount of kilowatts. only diff is the turbo version has more torque....
Power on it's own means nothing it should go on power to weight ratio...

I've been in some scarey fast mini's and they"d be pumping, maybe, 120bhp and pushing 600kg yet they'll eat a wrx or commodore of the lights (and around the corners in the commodores case:lol:)
i agree that power to weight ratio is a better measure. but at what point do we say it is 2 powerful ? 100KW per tonne? 150 KW per tonne?

and would you go on stock weight (ie weight when car is brand new). because its easy for someone to strip out a car to improve the ratio.
How would this be policed (power)? There are so many mods you can do to a car to increase hp and no one would be any the wiser unless it was put on a dyno and i don't see MVR getting a dyno in any state.
Thats very true waruikazi.

It like when they pull you over here for the random road worthy checks. Sure you can check if the tyres are bald but you'll never be able to tell that you have cracked engine mounts etc :rolleyes:

Like I said.... if they have a turbo they just won't show thier P plates at the risk of being pulled over.

So like originally stated these laws are all but useless.....
The best thing i like about hoons is when i get a call for the tow truck coz they have been caught doing something wrong :lol:. Its just as good when the pager goes off for SES and you get to cut their cars roof or doors off :lol: :lol: . (not to good when they injured badly because most do learn from a bad enough crash)
exactly! policing it is almost impossible. in NSW p platers are not allowed any "performance mods" but in all seriousness there are a heap of mods that are hard to pick unless you have a very very good knowledge of cars. any noob can pick a turbo (esp. if they chuck on a massive blow off valve.) but sometimes even if a cop opened the bonnet theres still lots of tricks that cant been seen (stroking, blue printing. etc)

if someone wants to break these laws they will find a way.
IMO power limits and curfews are unfair and discriminatory. If you did a power to weight ratio all bikes would be off limits too.

Its a case of eductating those who want to be safe drivers and getting rid of those who dont want to drive safely or simply arnt able to drive safely. Although punishing ppl who do the right thing seems to be the most common approach to these sort of things :(
ECU, better ign parts, cams, porting, valve train upgrades, head mods, better pistons list goes on and on.
IMO power limits and curfews are unfair and discriminatory. If you did a power to weight ratio all bikes would be off limits too.

Its a case of eductating those who want to be safe drivers and getting rid of those who dont want to drive safely or simply arnt able to drive safely. Although punishing ppl who do the wright thing seems to be the most common approach to these sort of things :(

Not true, you could still ride a postie :lol:
The spare parts guy from my work got done doing 246kph. He only got done because he was stupid enough to film it and show everyone. Lost his licence for just under 4 years and hasnt learnt a thing coz now he lets his mates drive the car along the same road.

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ECU, better ign parts, cams, porting, valve train upgrades, head mods, better pistons list goes on and on.

exactly,the list is massive and unfortuantly 90% of police would not be able to pick them.
exactly,the list is massive and unfortuantly 90% of police would not be able to pick them.
They don't need to, if you go a 10k performance build on an engine you're not going to drive like Bill and Ester on their way to bowls or you wouldn't have spent all that money. Sooner than later someone will dob you in and you'll get caught for doing something stupid.
I've seen young blokes put one of those $40 hyclone things in and drive like idiots for the next 2 days :lol:
didnt mean to offend any 4x4 people who actually can drive.

Cause believe it or not, there are a few of us out there....especially in areas of the country away from the SE corner ;)

Don't get me wrong, I can't stand the urban cowboys either, but banning 4x4's is a reasonably stupid idea in a country like australia......
I've got nothing against 4x4 training courses though, Ive had to do one myself in the past.
The only way to stop 'accidents' - and I mean accidents simply due to lack of experience is to make a certain number of hours compulsory with a driving instructor (considerably more than currently) AND not be able to fudge it (ie, must be signed off by the driving instructor and the driving instructor submits logs as well), as well as advanced driving courses.

Also, no restrictions will stop the hoons. Simple.

I got my licence in the days where you get your L's when you are 16 and 9 mths, wait 3 months and go for your P's without any proof of any actual driving experience. That was 14 years ago and I have never had an at fault accident, nor any not at fault that could have been avoided, and only 1 speeding ticket (less than 15km/h), which I was let off. Its all to do with common sense and courtesy, and theres no way in the world THAT can be tested nor enforced!
its probably been done, but looking at 6 pages, i just aren't in the mood for reading at the moment :p;)

My solution to lowering young people dying as a result of careless driving. Well, it seems the age we are talking is between 18 and 21, so why no stop people from getting their learners untill they are 18 and then get their P's a 21 then full lic at 25. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

But then we will get a new era of young drivers dying as a result of carelessness. So lets bump it up and talk about the licenced people dying on the road between the ages of 21 to 25. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Lets change the rules again. L's at 24, p's at 26 and fulls at 28....or better yet, lets just no be able ot get our lic untill we are 50. :lol: :lol: :lol: Thats should lower the death rate of yound people, however, unlicensed driving will be very high.....bugger...:p

I know that the ammount of young people dying on the road is too high, but these people who are driving careless are doing it illegally so even if the rules are changed they weren't obeying them in the first place.

My little brother has had the best education to stop him from becoming a hoon. We have both joined the local SES recently and as a part of training a local metal wreck smashes up a car or two creating a car scene. Then we roll along and chop up the cars to save the dummy inside. One night was a real life training thing, shane, our trainer and myself arrived early, shane and me not being qualified yet were only allowed to watch. Suddenly shane became the dummy at the wheel and was rescued by the ses and tended to by training paremidics. Was a great eye opener for him.
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