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yes Eathling we do need to survive. spending money on schools is a great idea. insulation, i really dont see that being of any great benefit. i dont see the point of insulating a roof of a house if the walls arent done, then theres double glassing to think about. insulation is a complete package if its going to work and do as intended.
as you say time will tell if rudd really dose have the right ideas that will work for this country
How is the money to schools a good idea to keep the economy from busting, any different to insulation?
I know money to Schools is always usually a great positive and I would normaly like to see more that direction. However, its not time to get what we want, but what we need to keep the economy from going into recession. Now is not the time to pick from our wish list.
Why is everything means tested? I personally find it quite offensive that just because someone decides to get an education - or work hard to make reasonable money, he/she should be penalised by not receiving certain government handouts. I'm glad to see the opposition blocked this ridiculous waste of tax payers money.

Working hard, long hours does not always ensure a good pay at the end of the week. I worked for years as a chef working 40-70 hour weeks on a salary of around $40000 a year, If everyone had jobs that paid upwards of $50000 a year then could you imagine how much a loaf of bread would cost?
You're selfish... :lol:
I slog my guts out for bugga all money. Which is not your fault, but dont you think people slogging their guts out, working for peanuts should get the insentive?
I mean, if you've got plenty of money, you already have money to put back into the economy, so the under 80K makes sense to me....
Thats my 2 cents :lol:

Just because people are on 100k plus doesnt mean they ever see that kind of money. A considerable part of that goes to the tax office for starters. Everyones circumstances are different as well. Myself, I have 2 kids, (one autistic) and a mother with parkinsons to care for physically and financially. I don't own a house and still have car payments to make. Living remote also means that you pay through the nose for most things. $7 for 2 ltr of milk.
Minimum 20c a litre more than the nearest capital city for fuel. I certainly dont have 'plenty of money' and neither do most of the people I work with.
My point was not that people on less money should not get any govt. bonus handout. My point is that if they are going to hand it out, they should hand it out to everyone regardless of income.
rang centrelink yesterday finished yr 12 nov- starting uni end of this month they told me im entitled to no bonuses, no youth allowance no nothing so i get a total of nothing :evil:

insentives and bonuses to everyone except those who could use it for something more than a new plasma or mobile phone like uni students trying to get an education and geting left out by the kids get laptops which the majority wont be used for school work while uni students get a 20k debt plus have to pay own travel and hundreds for text books etc and the government gives you no money and wonders why people leave to work after yr 10... ...

i understand that theres alot of strugling people who may actually put the money to good use but i doubt it will help the economy with the vast majority of what people will buy (plasma's ,tvs, games etc ) being made overseas .
think ruddy needs to stay in the country and out of his jet and without his millions for a few weeks to realise how it is for the majority of the population.
"Tax Bonus for Working Australians of up to $950 paid to every eligible Australian worker earning $100,000 or less"


Take note of the EVERY ELIGIBLE clause.....that does not mean everybody.

Agree with ya mate. Was re posting cuz i saw your "If your single and/or have no kids = no coin for YOU"

If the centrelink website was the only one viewed people would be misinformed.:evil:

I hate nothing more than misinformed political debate :D:D:D
Its sad isnt it!
They want kids to start taking up apprenticeships after school, how about providing decent wood and metalwork facilities in high schools to get them interested.

It sfunny you say that, my son goes off to high school in 2010 and is not interested in Manual Arts at all, one of his electives is going to be cooking.
When I started grade 8 we did everything so we had an idea of what we did or did not like for ur electives in grade 9/10 because we had a taste of it the year before...

Im a single parent of 4 that are all in school, I pay over $1500 a year for them all to do swimming training plus 2 of them play soccer and the eldest is joining cadets. On top of that I work 5 days a week and pay a huge fortune in vacation care fees in the holidays.

The government needs to make these dole bludging, drug using single parents & single people get off their lazy butts and get a job. If they want to use child minding facilities make them pay full price and let the working parents get the higher percentages off their fees, after all they are the ones working and not bludging. I was going to use my money to pay off some credit cards (then destroy them) so i can try and start my own business and hopefully one day own a home. Guess thats not going to happen for a while........

I could go on and on but I need to calm down a bit first :evil:

Oh by the way my eldest daughter got age champion in the 13yo girls age group at the high school swimming carnival today, makes it all worth while putting up with the governments **** (well sometimes)
Why is everything means tested? I personally find it quite offensive that just because someone decides to get an education - or work hard to make reasonable money, he/she should be penalised by not receiving certain government handouts. I'm glad to see the opposition blocked this ridiculous waste of tax payers money.

There may be a few people out there who find this offensive mate.

I myself disagree with you. Not offended though. I got thick skin you see:D

I myself am educated, and work very hard to bring home a decent wage for my wife and 4y/o boy. My wife is alo educated and also works very hard for her pay packet.
However, Not everyone is lucky enough to obtain work in a well paid field.
My wife and I both work full time, and she works an 8hr sunday shift and we still barely make 85k per anum.
6 Months ago, i interbiewed people for a *******kickers job at work, and i had uni graduates with law degrees applying.
Not all low income earners are lazy or uneducated.

Whilst i agree that the income testing is quite often a little unreasonable, the government has to draw the line somewhere, andthey cannot please everyone all the time.

Just my 2c. ;)
not all single people and unemployed are bludgers ive been looking for a job daily since the week i left school 20th nov 08 havnt been able to find a job everyone turned me down since theres so many unemployed no one wants to give the school leavers a go when they can hire experienced people for the same price.
so all this crap single people with no jobs are bludgers or drug dealers and junkies is crap and uncalled for. (going to uni from 23 feb 09) its not like i want to be siting on my butt.
but with unemployment the way it is not much i can do
opposition has opposed it, (go figure) and it looks like we wont be getting it after all, instead there will be tax cuts for workers.,. will work out roughly the same per annum in the long run, just not a lump sum dollar value up front.... Still nothings set in stone and it won't go through till tomorrow. Keep eyes peeled on the financial sector tomorrow.
not all single people and unemployed are bludgers ive been looking for a job daily since the week i left school 20th nov 08 havnt been able to find a job everyone turned me down since theres so many unemployed no one wants to give the school leavers a go when they can hire experienced people for the same price.
so all this crap single people with no jobs are bludgers or drug dealers and junkies is crap and uncalled for. (going to uni from 23 feb 09) its not like i want to be siting on my butt.
but with unemployment the way it is not much i can do

Not sure if you were referring to my response of - The government needs to make these dole bludging, drug using single parents & single people get off their lazy butts and get a job - but I want to add one more thing.

There is a difference between a dole bludger and someone on the dole to survive.
Dole bludger- cant be bothered to find work
On the dole to survive- because they cant find a job yet still have to live

I have a "friend" that is a single mum of 3, all her kids are in school and yet she still does not work. She stays at home smoking dope and complaining she is broke and that the kids fathers dont pull through with their payments of child support. You know what, if she stopped smoking dope & cigarettes, got off her butt and got a friggin job she probably wouldnt have these problems.

I dont smoke, drink or do drugs, I work everyday yet I still have to put a damn form in every fortnight yet my "friend" who does all of the above (except drink but replace that with playing the pokies) and doesnt work, DOES NOT have to put a form in, where the hell is the logic on that one.

Rant over :oops:
All this and uni students get nothing. Oh no wait...... we get more fees! Thank you Mr. Rudd ;).
lol its not very responsible of the government then teaching teens who are to lazy to work to get free money and to blow it on crap

lmao thats about the way it is then isnt it... spend it on the economy...

owel maby i should run for PM lmao :p

.... and to all others who say they are opposed to this payment (and I am not one who is getting it. There is a surplus, it has been 'stashed', so to speak. The payments, both those in December, and now, are being made to help stimulate the economy. Why give it straight to industry and retail when it can be given to the community, who can THEN 'give' it to industry, and retail, by buying things they need/want. This way, it helps stimulate the economy, this is the theory, and is one of the reasons the Rudd government is doing it, they have the foresight to see the bigger picture, and create a flow on to (indirectly) help industries and retail areas, and ultimately the workforce..................... everybody wins!!!!!!
Hmmmmmm....... it's like they say.... you can please SOME of the people SOME of the time...... but..................
Tax cuts are fine but when I see those who really need it miss out because they dont pay tax, it really doesnt seem to make much sense. Those with nothing, get nothing while those with , get more! Where's the logic in that?

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
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"Mr Turnbull said that bringing forward tax cuts scheduled for mid-2010 would give many families an extra $1700 over the year."......... yup, that would help (the high income earners, that is!!!) - that is typical Liberal mentality - give to those who have, ignore/neglect, those who havent!
Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. is all nice said like that but what happens when someone is trying to get educated to stand on there own feet and cant afford it
why teach a man to fish when he cant afford the fishing equipment i say.
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