Carbon Tax what are your thoughts?

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greedy people have ruined the earth (rev 11:18 ). it is a good idea to try and look to lessen our impact. i dont have a comment on the tax itself.
greedy people have ruined the earth (rev 11:18 ). it is a good idea to try and look to lessen our impact. i dont have a comment on the tax itself.

Have the roman catholic church always done the right thing...and not been greedy?
There are only 2 major environmental problems on earth that need extra attention, population growth and dependance on economic growth. Its only by stopping these things that genuine progress will be made.

If any CO2 financial insentive/punishment should be implemented it should be a very carefully planned ETS.

The things that should be taxed more are energy exports and imports of products that can be made here (i have no idea of what sort of increases are practical though). This will allow for better environmental outcomes and also enable Australia to be more independant. The thing is that this will cause the people in control to make less money, so its not going to happen. I have also always believed that the fuel exise should be constantly raised at a slow rate.

IMO Australia is one of the most envirnmentally friendly countries on earth, apart from our coal exports we wouldnt contrubute much at all to global warming.
We should also tax religious organisations at 150% the normal rate, to make up for all the tax they have been dodging.
i didnt vote them in. but i sure as hell will do my bit to vote labour out.
carbon tax is nothing more than another excuse for another new tax. its nothing more than a tax on the air we breath.
carbon dioxide is need so things grow.
thanks labour/greens for bending me over, sorry you cant get in any deeper
carbon tax is nothing more than another excuse for another new tax. its nothing more than a tax on the air we breath.
carbon dioxide is need so things grow.

I am not a dyed-in-the-wool political hack, I wouldn't support the tax, but come on... 'A tax on the air we breathe' 'Co2 is needed so things grow' This kind of vapid sloganeering is as bad as suggesting the tax.
I am not a dyed-in-the-wool political hack, I wouldn't support the tax, but come on... 'A tax on the air we breathe' 'Co2 is needed so things grow' This kind of vapid sloganeering is as bad as suggesting the tax.

It is very simplified but CO2 isnt really an evil thing, i have never seen any evidence to suggest the amount of CO2 Australia produces directly is likely to damage anything, that said i have never tried to look for it but would be keen to see anything suggesting Australias direct CO2 emmisions are a significant factor.
I apologise if anyone else has already pointed this out as I skipped half the posts.

I find the tax to be a complete joke. If the government was serious about reducing green house emissions they would stop all mining of brown coal (proabaly one of the biggest polluters and most inefficent forms of producing power). Yet they are quite happy to slug us this Carbon tax and also sell mining rights, plus get their slice of the action when the coal is then on sold to some of the worlds largest polluters such as China.
Am I the only one whos sees a problem with this??
Am I the only one whos sees a problem with this??

No, but how could you stop it? the government is to brainless and corrupted/influenced by real power to create reform that wont make us go broke without being dependant on coal. If you would all vote for me as president i could fix it :)
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