National Nudist Week

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It doesn't sound pathetic, I know exactly what you mean. Except if you rely that much on someone else, when they leave you can't cope anymore, because your self esteem has grown around them, not yourself.

You mentioned it here because you're unhappy with the way you are. You wouldn't have mentioned it at all if you were completely happy with it, and didn't want to change. I was seeing an online cousellor for a while, that was pretty good. Maybe try that for a bit?
I think its only because it happened to be the only person who actually wanted to get to know me.. So when they screwed me over.. eh- lets just say it certainly didn't help. I love being amongst a group of peope and having a good conversation, but don't really know anyone to do that.

And I think I more mentioned it to start with because its just so much a complete total opposite to you guys :) I know its 'me' that has to do something to change my situation, but like I said I've been trying for years. I have improved somewhat in that I'm now less shy I suppose.

I'll just leave it now anyway.. and thanks for the advice and trying to help :)
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That's ok, hope it made you feel a bit better at least. And you got me interested in knowing you :)


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Kitah, since we've taken these posts somewhat off topic (but I'm sure it'll swing back to nudism at some stage - sorry Smithers) I hope you've realised ONE thing from all this - there ARE people out here who could be there for you in your journey. It's up to you to take the first of many steps in your evolution - one step at a time is how we all get anywhere in life. Resilience is key.
:) hugs

Here's my bum contribution.


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I don't need too much encouragement to get my gear off at times but then I don't really have much shame :)

In fact, the first time my wife saw me naked we were camping with a group of friends and having a few soothing, refreshing ale's that went on into the evening. Someone decided it was time to head to the beach and go for a swim so the kit came off and off we all went. I was the first in the water and there was bioluminescent plankton about. As the waves were braking over me the plankton was discharging light causing my "manhood" to glow :) My wife's first glimpse :)

Walking back to our campsite a few hours later ( all naked still ) we wandered through a small clearing with cabins and lots of people. They were pretty shocked to see us all. The next morning we realised it was a church retreat :)
Due to the large response to this thread, I'm Going to have a nudist party Located in the Newcastle area
Must be over 18yo and fit the criteria, all alcohol and food supplied
Pm for more details Thanks Dan
I got on the news naked once and arrested for it on a different occasion. Lol good times... don't tell my employer! ;)
the first time my wife saw me naked we were camping with a group of friends and having a few soothing, refreshing ale's that went on into the evening. Someone decided it was time to head to the beach and go for a swim so the kit came off and off we all went. I was the first in the water and there was bioluminescent plankton about. As the waves were braking over me the plankton was discharging light causing my "manhood" to glow :) My wife's first glimpse :)

haha Way to swoon the woman.... thats awesome.. Luv it :p:)
if it helps i refuse to be nude around people in my house...strangers or overly religious folk doesn't bother me but friends, family and the like i'll cover up.... i to have a form of aspbergers but it's mild and you learnt to cope with it and what it can limit you to do.
Just think ...... under all these clothes we are all naked :shock:

Richard, I was just thinking that same thing last night....we're all nude. When you have breast cancer you develop a very weird sense of humour....!! I had my right boob off, so now they call me... "lefty" ... :) or I say...I'm only left, not right here !! All sorts of silly things. Women who have had a double mastectomy have an even worse warped sense of humour. Be it fat bits, or little bits or no bits....we're basically all the same, and what we look like doesn't matter. :)
I scare the be-jesus out of the kids walking through the house. It's a terrible shame when I don't know they have friends over :lol: ...a little embarrassing actually...but hell, it's my house! :lol:
lol, im sure there was much talk at school about it the following days/weeks/years :)
In all seriousness, it's the only way I can also clear the bathroom if I wanted a shower (that's before I put in another ensuite lol - now it's like heaven actually exists at home!) was like; you've all got 10 seconds to get out of her before I start stripping! My daughters, who live in the bathroom, are always more than willing to get out the door mid-hair-sessions. And my son certainly doesn't need to be told twice :lol: I find it effective and liberating :D

I will hijack the thread, no more :D
Richard, I was just thinking that same thing last night....we're all nude. When you have breast cancer you develop a very weird sense of humour....!! I had my right boob off, so now they call me... "lefty" ... :) or I say...I'm only left, not right here !! All sorts of silly things. Women who have had a double mastectomy have an even worse warped sense of humour. Be it fat bits, or little bits or no bits....we're basically all the same, and what we look like doesn't matter. :)

personally i would be in 2 minds over this...celebrating because i don't have them anymore but saddened because what has identified me as a woman for so long is now just chucked in the rubbish. guys honestly have no idea how lucky they are...
Right, cause guys don't bat an eye lid if they have to lose their tockleys.

personally i would be in 2 minds over this...celebrating because i don't have them anymore but saddened because what has identified me as a woman for so long is now just chucked in the rubbish. guys honestly have no idea how lucky they are...
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