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Besides deformaties, poor feeders, neuro issues ect, how many people out there just cull offspring for their poor pattern.
I think people will be quite surprised!


Hmmmm, How many purist line breeders, actually how man time have I read some "master race" minion say "it would look good in my freezer" or "you should hit it on the head with a hammer" in regards to a perfectly healthy hybrid or morph. All I'm going to say is. . . these are little lives that we are responsible for not star wars collectables. If you breed it and can be given a decent life then it is your responsibility to make sure it is looked after. (just like babies) I have a lot of mouths to feed and it gets a bit expensive but. . my responsibility.
Besides deformaties, poor feeders, neuro issues ect, how many people out there just cull offspring for their poor pattern.
I think people will be quite surprised!


As the hobby has exploded in recent years we'll see this more and more. Just have a look at how many 'newbs' are breeding coastals,beardies, blue tongues, antaresia, etc, and they can barely give them away. You can only feed and house huge numbers of snakes if you're selling enough to support them, and I can't imagine the new crop of backyard breeders are doing that.
Which again is a reason the domestic blood lines need to be kept strong because, like it or not, the majority of these unsellables will end up being released into backyards.
On the subject of culling non-feeders, sometimes they just need that little extra push to get the feeding response going. Having it not kick in straight away, imo, is perfectly normal and would have to be one of the main factors regarding survival rates in the wild.

If the animal has a defect that will see it not have quality of life or live without pain then i believe it should be culled. If there is, however, an opportunity for that animal to live normally, then as keepers we have a duty of care to ensure that happens...

Survival of the fittest shouldnt exist in Captive Breeding...Everything should be given chance at life :)

Kayte Xo
And..sometimes they don't feed at all, and die a slow painful death. Occaisionally after they've been sold as 'fussy'.
earlier it was mentioned that litters with deformed babies should be culled instead of used for breeding,does that go for the adult pr that produced the deformed ones to begin with?i bet not

also funny is if an oddity is produced,someone mentioned earlier a luecistic that had issues was kept for future breeding,why does that specimen deserve to live over a supposed fugly one that may just have a kink but otherwise could live a happy life still

also if they are hard to sell,dont breed them,dont incubate the eggs,they are in our care,they are our responsibility,culling because u have to many mouths to feed or cant sell them or give them away,or cant be stuffed trying to get them to feed is a pretty p@ss poor excuse for culling them in my eyes

a reptilian equivelent of the hitler regime all over again,lol
A snake in the grand scheme of things is no greater then the rodents we cull to feed them. (unless there is some conservation value)
When my mother was pregnant with me she had a hard time. She nearly lost me a few months before i was born,and was ordered to have bed rest so she didnt go into premature labor. I was born 3wks prem and weak,but i survived.

Im sure many of us know people who have a intellectual disability or such,i know i do.

Im also sure that many of us have children,some of whom where a bit slow to latch onto the breast and feed,or have had problems with feeding. Some of our children may have ADD or trouble with literacy,slow learners.

We all know people with a life threatening illness,or will know someone close who will have,or perhaps be unlucky ourselves.

I work in aged care,i see people who continue to fight to live,some who fear death,some who pray for it,and some who would be better off if death came. We do our best to comfort and ease those who suffer. Some of those whom i assist with their daily living need feeding via a peg tube. Is this force feeding?
We fight in hospitals to assist the weak,some make it,some dont.

God help us if snakes ruled the earth.
I would call peg feeding a human who has very poor quality of life cruel.
Much more cruel than putting a snake to death swiftly.
I am culling deformed hatchings, but I am keeping bad feeders and giving them more attention. In majority cases they turn to strong adults. Some hatching just don,t feed immediately like the others ( I am finding this to be case mainly with black headed pythons).
But after few forcefeeds or asisted feeds they turn to be as strong snakes and good feders like the others. There is no black and white solution here. Many of my strong adults was poor feeders for first year.
also if they are hard to sell, dont breed them, dont incubate the eggs, they are in our care, they are our responsibility, culling because u have to many mouths to feed or cant sell them or give them away, or cant be stuffed trying to get them to feed is a pretty p@ss poor excuse for culling them in my eyes

I totally agree with this. If you breed snakes that may not be the prettiest or up to the standard you’re looking for I’m sure there’s plenty of young kids or people who can’t afford to spend a lot of money buying reptiles who would be very appreciative to get them for free and give them a good home.

Encouraging others and helping others to get into the hobby that we love is a great reason to give a few of these animals away and give these reptiles a home instead of culling in my opinion. culling for the right reasons has its place but should not be done because a reptile is a little difficult to get started feeding or because the keeper has too many to feed.

And yes I’ve given some away to people I know who I think deserve them but can’t afford them or for other reasons. And not crappy looking ones or ones with anything wrong with them either. most of these I could have sold easily but gave away to previous customers, friends and people I wanted to encourage inthe hobby. There’s nothing wrong with selling reptiles for a fair price and it’sgood to recoup some costs of keeping but it’s also good to give a few away as well..
I think people just don't add them in the books so basically they never existed. Harsh I know but if your breeding for quality and pattern you will understand.


Don't you have to put eggs in the book? We do in WA, so if you have a clutch and are inspected they expect to see that you have recorded it... Until we get carbon copy books there is nothing stopping people from re-writing their records when it comes time to submitt them though...
Yes it's the same in Vic but people can just fill out the books after everything hatches, or not fill it out at all for that matter. The DSE is nice enough to give you a courtesy call also a few days prior so you have plenty of time to fill in the books then. Stupid I know but the DSE just do not have the man power or resources to control this which is a shame to the hobby. Look I personally do breed for quality and pattern and cull plenty of hatchies every year. I am an animal technician by profession so culling animals is what I do, mostly primates so I don't want to here about the legalalities but from reading some of the posts I will definately consider giving some away.

Yes it's the same in Vic but people can just fill out the books after everything hatches, or not fill it out at all for that matter. The DSE is nice enough to give you a courtesy call also a few days prior so you have plenty of time to fill in the books then. Stupid I know but the DSE just do not have the man power or resources to control this which is a shame to the hobby. Look I personally do breed for quality and pattern and cull plenty of hatchies every year. I am an animal technician by profession so culling animals is what I do, mostly primates so I don't want to here about the legalalities but from reading some of the posts I will definately consider giving some away.


So you are saying that it is illegal.... isnt that breaking site rule 15?
Yes I do but I do it humanely using leathabarb (leathal injection). Please dont flame me as most professional breeders I know do the same. What do you think happens to all the sibs that get produced from jags? Its just the reality of things. You just dont hear of it.
Yes I do but I do it humanely using leathabarb (leathal injection). Please dont flame me as most professional breeders I know do the same. What do you think happens to all the sibs that get produced from jags? Its just the reality of things. You just dont hear of it.

And once upon a time we kept reptiles as we had a love for animals:(. I have been breeding different snakes for colors, patterns and or funky anomalies for a long time and have a huge amount of offspring didnt turn out how I would want. . . .but I didnt KILL EM. . . . no, no now Im stuck with a lot of mouths to feed. But that is my responsibility. . as said before the same could be said about kids.
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