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yeah i know they are illegal thats why the topic is called that lol. I am just curious as they are from what i beleive fairly common in america and uk and dont look too expensive so i was interested to know the price of illigaly shipping.

you could prob get them shipped for.......uuummmm..... $25,000 to $110,000 maybe some time behind bars...... BARGAIN!! just call national parks for a quote!!;)
I heard the general antiv-venom for tiger snakes works on a speices of cobra

G'day mate,

This is true. I haven't heard of Tiger antivenom neautralising any crotalid venom though, and would be very sceptical of that claim.


yeah i know they are illegal thats why the topic is called that lol. I am just curious as they are from what i beleive fairly common in america and uk and dont look too expensive so i was interested to know the price of illigaly shipping.

You do realize that this being a public website anyone could read this (like for example different parks and wildlife ppls etc), not too smart a move IMO .........
What happens when they outgrow their fascination? They are released and then devastate our native fauna, by introducing diseases, killing them or eating them all.

I would love to own a boa, or a chameleon, but only if i lived in the country it was native to!
Too many times now we see how an exotic was released and devastated our native fauna, for gods sake havent we learn anything from the Cane Toad.

It will always be a problem, because we are human and want what we cant have, but at what cost?

Then next time a smuggler is caught, they should be packaged up the same way as the animals they smuggled in or out of our country, sent back the way they came and then lets see if they survive!!! Hope not, one less piece of scum the world and our animals have to worry about. JMPO!!!!
i know heaps of ppl with reptiles that arnt under lience it just one of those things that you can then pride yourself on having your legal. i work for a vet and many animals workers believe that what they have in place for reptile they should have the same for dogs and cats to keep track of everything that way only ppl who deserve animal will have them
i know heaps of ppl with reptiles that arnt under lience it just one of those things that you can then pride yourself on having your legal. i work for a vet and many animals workers believe that what they have in place for reptile they should have the same for dogs and cats to keep track of everything that way only ppl who deserve animal will have them

I agree, whats going to cause more environmental impact, an escaped, introduced dog or cat, or an escaped, native (at least to this country, if not the area) lizard, frog or snake?
Its only illegal if you get caught :D. For all the self righteous posters; for many of you, your "right" to keep reptiles only came about because people disregarded what was law and illegally kept reptiles. Plain and simple, so after you've put away your prayer books, think about the the reality of your hobby. People didn't give a hoot about what was illegal and what wasn't 20 years ago so why would they give a hoot now?

In the end IMO exoctics will be legalised here - its already started to happen.
Maybe he means back before they reversed things, had the amnesty and started phasing out the exotic licences.
Maybe he means back before they reversed things, had the amnesty and started phasing out the exotic licences.

Yep I was refering to that. It will be impossible to stop exotics regardless of what they do, the same way they couldn't stop illegal keeping of natives. In my own case I'd just be happy to be able to keep diamonds - there exotics for us over in the west
I agree that they'll never be able to stop it happening but I can't see it being legalised again, I'd like to be wrong though.
They will never be legalised and I doubt very much there will ever be another amnesty.
They will never be legalised and I doubt very much there will ever be another amnesty.

It will depend on how endemic in the community exotics become, if they become widespread and they wish to maintain some sort of control they will have to legalise them or have an amnesty. Laws often take time to catch up with reality
then after that they will legalise heroin etc because it is so widespread? Wont happen,not in this lifetime.
then after that they will legalise heroin etc because it is so widespread? Wont happen,not in this lifetime.

That's your argument :D ,that's gold :D ,it proves my point entirely- there has been a lot of talk on its legalisation to control its use. 30 years ago no one would believe we'd have safe injecting rooms, but there you have it. You wouldn't be the first person to see things happen in their life time that were thought to be impossible only a few years earlier.

Oh that point you tried to make was funny - thanks for that, I thought this was going to be a dull thread.

Look outside your box because that will end up being reality :D:D

That's your argument :D ,that's gold :D ,it proves my point entirely- there has been a lot of talk on its legalisation to control its use. 30 years ago no one would believe we'd have safe injecting rooms, but there you have it. You wouldn't be the first person to see things happen in their life time that were thought to be impossible only a few years earlier.

Oh that point you tried to make was funny - thanks for that, I thought this was going to be a dull thread.

Look outside your box because that will end up being reality :D:D


Reality? as i wrote earlier it will never happen thats the reality.As far as heroin goes, injecting rooms are a long way away from making it legal.
I'm echoing Ramsayi - exotic reptiles and amphibians will never be legal. Certainly not if I have any say it, at least.


Reality? as i wrote earlier it will never happen thats the reality.As far as heroin goes, injecting rooms are a long way away from making it legal.

NPWS used to say that to us when we kept natives, good thing that none of us listened to them then - now that is reality.:D
I'm echoing Ramsayi - exotic reptiles and amphibians will never be legal. Certainly not if I have any say it, at least.

You have a say, whether its effective or not will depend on how many people disagree - that's just politics
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