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G'day thenothing,

You need to look at the situation from a number of different angles. Firstly, any animal that isn't native to Australia, and is out of a persons control (i.e. outside), should be considered feral. I can not for the life of me fathom why someone who cares so much for their cat, let it wander around in this world full of danger - if they really cared for them, they'd be responsible and keep them inside!

Back to the "different angles" comment. Whilst the situation with cattle is not a preferable one, it does have its positives. Economically, grazing land can have significant rewards for Australia. Feral cats don't, in fact it's the opposite and they cost us money. If someone could create a secret formula that would replace the need for grazing cattle in Australia, I would be all for it, however that isn't going to happen, and I need to eat meat at night and have milk on my Weet-Bix in the morning, and a lot less animals die as a result of grazing (I said grazing, not land clearing!).

In short, there are positives of having cattle in Australia, there are no positives to having cats.

Where's Sdaji?



Hi Jonno,

I'm here. I hadn't checked this thread until just now. As usual with cat threads, it's the rational people trying to reason with the irrational cat lovers, which is impossible, which is why I now avoid these threads.

Cats are bad. I'm not even going to bother backing that statement up as it isn't necessary. People say things like "There are worse things than cats, so we shouldn't worry about them", which as was pointed out, is as absurd as saying "There are worse things than rape, it shouldn't be a crime".

The other argument is that because humans brought cats here, it's our fault, not theirs, and we should leave them alone and let them do their thing (wipe out countless animals, etc). Well, it's not the countless native animals' fault that the cats are here either and we have a responsibility to them. Saying that because something is our fault and the solution is to punish ourselves, rather than solve the problem is utter idiocy, but you get it a lot from the cat lovers. In any case, it is our duty to make sure we don't make things worse, so there is no excuse to let your cat outside.

...of course, this is all utterly irrelevant to the purpose of the thread...

Is it okay to feed a cat to a snake? Duh. I don't recall god or any other divine entity declaring which animals were higher than others. I have spent my whole life studying biology, but I can't recall ever coming across the characteristics which animals must posess to make them ethically okay to be eaten. Some people love cats, true. Some people love rats, some people love pigs, some people love cockroaches and keep them as pets. Most people hate snakes, many people eat snakes, that's fine too, as long as they aren't wiping the species out or being cruel. Does it bother me when people eat snakes? Yes, I must admit it does, but that's my problem, I must accept that and not try to impose my irrational feelings upon others. If people are cruel or kill endangered animals, I will likely have something to say about it.

To Hindus, cows are sacred. To many people, killing a cow is as bad or worse than killing a person. There was talk of India going to war over the issue of the slaughter of the cows with that whole mad cow disease thing a few years ago... that shows how emotional and irrational people can get over this issue.

An animal doesn't understand whether it is being raised for food or to be a pet. If I told my cockroaches every day that they were going to be loved forever, I don't think they'd feel any worse when my lizards ate them. I don't think it would make them feel any better if I spent every day telling them that their lives were going to be cut short at some stage. If people want to have their irrational feelings and avoid using 'pet raised' animals to feed their snakes, that's their business, but they shouldn't impose that type of nonsense on anyone else or try to make them feel guilty about it.

I spent about two years working full time with grasshoppers, and during that time I became very fond of them. I found it extremely distressing when people fed grasshoppers to their lizards and frogs, I would not use them for my own animals, but I also would not allow myself to make anyone else feel guilty because of my own feelings on the issue - that was my problem and no one else's. In the same way, people who love any other type of animal need to understand that if others are not acting in an unethical way, they should be allowed to go about their business.

Unless someone wants to invite god to my house and have him give me a list of animals which can and can't be given to snakes, I won't take anyone seriously if they have a problem with someone else feeding a humanely killed, legally obtained and killed, non-threatened animal for food.

Incidentally, cats are absolutely delicious! :D (Yeah, I know, if I'd actually managed to convince anyone to change their mind, I've just undone it! :lol: We chose our side; rational or emotional, and rarely does anyone change)
I know this is off-topic... Technically... if you don't want cats to leave the yard... tie them up! We do the same thing to dogs. The alternative is make a 8-feet fence with no ability to climb it by keeping everything cluster-free. Seriously... it works. However there are too many cat owners that consider this cruel, yet they don't mind their dogs recieving that treatment? Stupid. I consider myself a responsible cat owner, my cat always stay indoor, and if she ever wanders outside -- it will be on a leash tied to something or I would make sure my fence is unclimbable. Period. So the pro-cat people should not have a problem with this method, and the anti-cat people should not be detesting and saying that is virtually impossible to control them outside.

Anyway, going back on topic,, I know of a guy out in a ranch somewhere that would feed all kind of things to his snakes, dogs, cats, lizards and a billion other pets. I am pretty sure he would not blink an eye about feeding a dog or cat to a snake or monitor.
Good post Sdaji. I was thinking of doing a big post as well along the same lines (but not so well put), but having delt with cat lovers before, it just wasn't worth it, its like teaching a pig to sing, it wastes your time and upsets the pig. Nothing anybody can say will make them believe that cats are bad.

I have a film clip of me missing a feral cat while I was out pig that still upsets me.
This is incredible
We managed to go through 13 pages of cat topic with out insulting each other.

This is big day for APS
Slatey - You must be so proud - like watching your child's first day at school...the members are a big boy now :)
Slatey - You must be so proud - like watching your child's first day at school...the members are a big boy now :)

Yes you are right. I am so happy about it.
This is what I stand for all along.
There is no need to insult another member because he have different opinion.
There is always way to present your argument with out to be rude and unpleasant.
it's called "trying to have an adult conversation" you might want to try it sometime ;)
I don't know if this has already been said, but if the rspca sold the cats 'they put to sleep" as snake food ,then maybe it would encourage those people to desex their animal rather then letting it have kitttens and then dumping them somewhere. Jmo.
I got to page 5 or 6 and had to stop reading to reply to this.

Let me ask you people this. Would you feed central blue tongues and pygmy bearded dragons, and knobtail geckos to your snake? Didnt think so. Just because some sickos out there eat cats and dogs.. doesnt mean we have to, nor our snakes. No true blue aussie would. So honestly get your minds out the gutter please people, cats are friends/pets, not food.

Yes absolutley. If it was an economically viable ie. cheaper than rats and mice for my collection, and it was legal (which it isn't because they are all protected species) I would. But it is not so i don't.
I don't know if this has already been said, but if the rspca sold the cats 'they put to sleep" as snake food ,then maybe it would encourage those people to desex their animal rather then letting it have kitttens and then dumping them somewhere. Jmo.

That would be good if it would work but it never could, we dont know if the cats were diseased before and they would have to change the method of killing them, the chemicals they inject would affect the snake wouldnt it? (wait do they inject or gas them?)
cat taste alot like rabbit. skin the cat and gut it.... then boil it till it is tender then bbq it and baste it with smokey bbq sauce.... mmmm yummmy.
cat taste alot like rabbit. skin the cat and gut it.... then boil it till it is tender then bbq it and baste it with smokey bbq sauce.... mmmm yummmy.
You are right, as a matter of fact, once the head , tail and feet are removed from the skinned carcase the two bodies are almost identical.
A good way to tell is the rabbit has a round rib, where as the cat has a flat rib.
Either way, both yum yum yummy.
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