Gay marraige, Yay or Nay?

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Gay Marraige, Yay or Nay?

  • Yay

    Votes: 106 58.9%
  • Nay

    Votes: 74 41.1%

  • Total voters
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Ink, gay marraiges are not recognised by the government whether they are religious or civil etc. In a way you could only see the governments stance as that the religious bodies are right, and gay couples should not be supported in the same way straight couples are.

They are in SA.
where did i say that?

You said you don't see why gay people need to get married.

Um... maybe because they want to?

So on that logic, maybe all marriages should be banned? No-one really needs to get married, right?

And while we're at it, let's ban the ownership of herps in Australia, we don't need to own herps ;)
I am very surprised to see so many "Nay" votes. Are we living in the dark ages? This reminds me of people actually debating whether aboriginals should be able to vote.

Same thing as

Women in the workforce

Women voting

Women getting paid less than Men

People may say this is ridiculous, but at the same rate Gay and Lesbian people are discriminated against, despite how light we make this world :)

Oh well, I have support
Okay, here's a question for the gays - Why do you want to get married?
Yea it is interesting Jonno, I think the problem is alot of people still beleive its a choice, and that one day u decide to experiment arround and get hooked on it like a drug (I assume provided by satin). For those who dont know it is NOT A CHOICE. Being gay is somthing u are either born with or develope in your extremely early years.
I was interested in this topic, with the upcoming vote..... This is the response I got from Labor - Liberal yet to hear from although I sent the email 2 months ago so no high hopes!!

Dear Matthew,

Thank you for your email message regarding Labor’s policy for gay and lesbian Australians.

The Labor party is committed to equality for gay men, lesbians and same sex couples and, if elected, will remove provisions which discriminate on the basis of sexuality.

That means ending discrimination in the areas of taxation, superannuation, social security benefits, the Medicare Safety Net, immigration, veteran’s entitlements and all other areas (aside from the Marriage Act). All practical, day-to-day discrimination faced by the gay and lesbian communities will be removed from our laws.

At the party's National Conference in May, Labor formally committed to a nationally consistent system of state-based relationship recognition. The scheme will cover a range of non-marital relationships including same-sex relationships, de facto heterosexual relationships and certain carer relationships.

These schemes would simply act as a means by which any de facto couple could register their relationship for the purposes of recognition by government.

Such schemes are not civil unions or gay marriage. There is no ceremony involved, and they would not come under the marriage power in the Constitution, nor affect the definition of marriage in the Marriage Act 1961 as "a voluntary union entered into by a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, for life".

Only a Federal Labor Government can deliver on law reform that allows gay and lesbian individuals to be treated with the same justice and dignity that they not only are entitled to, but that is already afforded to every other member of the community.

Yours Sincerely,

David Bradbury
Okay, here's a question for the gays - Why do you want to get married?


Do you ever want to get married???

You will get equal rights (assuming you are straight yourself) for the rest of your life......

Been in this world myself for 24 years - nothing equal about it!!!

You said you don't see why gay people need to get married.

Um... maybe because they want to?

So on that logic, maybe all marriages should be banned? No-one really needs to get married, right?

And while we're at it, let's ban the ownership of herps in Australia, we don't need to own herps ;)

i said i dont see why anyone has to get married.... not ban all marriages.....

and as for being gay, i do not have anything against it at all, i have several relatives and friends that are gay and its fine, each to their own...

however its a choice people make, and when they make that choice they know it comes with 'no legal gay marriage in australia"

so whats there to whinge about?

and dont get up me about "its not a choice" everything in life is a choice
I'm all for gay marriage.
Why shouldn't they be able to marry?
Its a personal choice, and like someone already said (sorry, forgot who it was lol) its better to marry the person they love, rather than marry the opposite sex, have some kids, freak out then go nuts.. Lol
I had a massive debate over this topic with a friend a couple of weeks ago haha it ended up with him (the non supporter) going 'oh.... well, yeah I guess you're right..' :D:lol:
So yeah anyway, I think its ridiculous for people to be against gay marriage (no offence). Its not hurting anyone, they are happy, they usually stay outta your way, so theres no reason to try and stop them.
Hopefully I'm making sense :|
Tell me about it mate. I'm not gay (I swear!) but I watched a mate come to the realisation that he was when we were in high school. The hell he went through with his family and mates was pretty intense, and reinforced the fact that being gay definitely is not a choice.
I'm all for gay couples being given the same rights as straight couples, but Marriage is a religious thing and in the eyes of most (if not all) religions, same sex partners are wrong.

paring off for life was around LONG before religion was, so bugger them.

there's NO good reason not to allow it.
I'm surprised at you kelly.. and your leading questions thus far

and dont get up me about "its not a choice" everything in life is a choice

really? you chose to be a man then? :p

sorry, it's NOT a choice what sex you are attracted too...
I support gay marraiges......but only if both chicks are hot.
THe reigion argument doesn't really work considering marriage ceremonies have been around since a long time before modern religion even existed. I believe it was the ancient egyptians who concieved of the wedding ring. Furthermore, the argument is not whether or not people need to get married but rather if they would like to or not. I think it would be nice to see everyone with the same rights to choose as anybody else. Stating that any particular group of people doesn't need to get married is like saying that indigenous Australians don't NEED to vote, its simply discriminatory to deny a person the choice.

Do you ever want to get married???

You will get equal rights (assuming you are straight yourself) for the rest of your life......

Been in this world myself for 24 years - nothing equal about it!!!


No, I don't want to get married.
I believe that marriage is a religious institution and I am not religious.

I mean sure, I'll probably have a huge wedding and stuff, but only so I can wear the big white dress.
Kelly i really think until gay people are given the same rights as others they will never be taken seriosuly as a normal facit of our society. Also marraige shows that a relationship is serious, not somthing that can be abused. Beleive it or not i dont want to just sleep arround with random men i would like the oportunity to settle down and have everyone know where in it till the end.
however its a choice people make, and when they make that choice they know it comes with 'no legal gay marriage in australia"

Ummmmmmmmmmmm... being gay is a choice people make? :shock: :|
I Just don't get it!!

How can anyone think they have the right to tell someone what they can and can't do when it comes to two consenting adults??

"why would a gay couple want to marry?"

Because like any straight couple they too have feelings of love and companionship,

who are you, the naysayers, to tell someone else what they should and shouldn't be doing in their own lives??

mmmm I thought we wre civilized?????:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:
i agree firedragon. the fact that marraige is definatly across all major religions and ALL the religions state the otheres are wrong. Why does the law give special rights to those with faulty beleifs.

Religion was created by man (humans are faulty) and religion dominated in the early days and created alot of laws, it had a big influence on how kings and queens and others ruled. The king, queen, ruler never really had true control, they were really just a face to the people, the advisors behind the sceins manipulated everything to have what they wanted. How do we really know the gods disaprove of homosexuality when there has only been the word of man and no proof of what god really likes or dislikes. Some of the greatest artists, musicians and actors were and are gay so if it was so bad why would god give them such awsome talent.
I'm sorry MoreliaMatt, but everything in life is not a choice.

Did you choose to be born male? Didn't think so.
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