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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2007
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look behind you...
Disappointment .....We have been soooo excited today, as we were picking up our new bredli tonight from AaE at Brisbane airport...
Well after driving all the way out to the airport , paying for tolls and waiting around for 45 mins we were told that they've lost our snake :shock:.. And the only thing they can think of is that they accidentally left it on the plane and is on it's way to Sydney!!!! They told us if it did go to Sydney they will be flying it back up in the morning and putting it in a taxi to our house ( hopefully at their expense)
So i just had to vent because I'm really really really (insert explicit language) off...:x
I can understand why so many peeps complain about this service now!!
OMG! That is all you need......at least snakies are pretty hardy in small places....so she/he should be alright! How slack...you would think they would take priority when there are animals in their cargo!!!!
you should get your money back and some more i think i would push that because if they were baby beardys or something less hardy they wouldnt make it.

Apart from the fact that they have "miss placed" our snake ( seth- male bredli) the guy at AaE that was dealing with it all was extremely rude to me :( and couldn't have cared less about their stuff up, not even an apology was given...:x I hope they don't charge me for the taxi in the morning... ( I live about 40 mins from the airport) Otherwise there will be a big stink up!
It seems they have the general populations view on snakes at that place. Most of them seem to think goannas are cool but.

The unfortunate thing is that they are the only carrier for reptiles in Australia. We should voice our dismay at the lack of caring etc but we have to be carefull that they don't take Virgin's leaf and stop all together.
The unfortunate thing is that they are the only carrier for reptiles in Australia. We should voice our dismay at the lack of caring etc but we have to be carefull that they don't take Virgin's leaf and stop all together.

That will not happen they are a perishables freight company and straight from the National Managers Mouth (David Neylon) Reptiles are one of easyist freight items, They come packaged, do not bark, whine, screech, will not defrost go off in a short time etc. , They are well aware that there seems to be a problem particularly at the Brisbane Depot and not just with reptiles, and are taking it very seriously. If you have a problem with the sticker licker behind the counter ask to speak to the supervisor, If no joy is obtained there, all state managers are on deck at the various depots, You are the customer paying for a premium service, and your custom is required, we are not just individuals, they service every state in Australia for hobbyist through too zoos etc.
well they have still not found it.and they dont give a stuff just say it will turn up somewhere
i would be pissed off as well but it is not the company but the one employee that made a mistake how many times do you make a mistake at work no one is perfect
hope you get it alright
I realize no one is perfect, and yes everyone makes mistakes, but IMO miss placing an animal is a huge mistake... Since last night we have dealt with 5 different employees who all have a different story, but the most disappointing thing is we still have not received an apology.
Don't worry once I have my little snake safe and sound at home I will get over it !
Someone will probably receive the consignment expecting documents or something.. only to open it and find an awesome surprise!

Seriously though AAE articles are all trackable, I would be on the phone to them on the hour every hour and don't just speak to the phone operators. Demand to speak with the supervisor and make sure you keep tab of names of people you speak to and what they tell you. Don't let them say "we can't find it"... demand that the snake it a GTP and worth $15,000 and they will be forking out the money if it turns up deceased.

They do have escalation processes (I work for AP and speak with AAE to track our articles they lose) and for passports etc they will have people out at every possible depot it could be at searching for the item. They should DEFINITELY be doing this for your snake. There is no excuse for them losing your snake. Make them tell you how/why they could have lost it and get them to tell you exactly what they are going to do about it.

AAE are [profanity].
I agree with shamous, being I just went through this crap last week, and now it seems to have happened again. I am still all for going to get pilots license and starting a specialized service just for animals
I had the same happen some time ago, the snake was left on the plane and went down to Sydney and had to wait for the return trip. I was told I would have to come back to the airport at 10 oclock that night. In retrospect I should have demanded they deliver it to my address but anything for an easy life and at least I knew I would get it by collecting it myself.
I hope it turns up soon.
they still cannot find it it was not on the plane when it got to sydney they do know it was put on at townsville but do not have any idea what has happined to it or where it is.
I had the same happen some time ago, the snake was left on the plane and went down to Sydney and had to wait for the return trip. I was told I would have to come back to the airport at 10 oclock that night. In retrospect I should have demanded they deliver it to my address but anything for an easy life and at least I knew I would get it by collecting it myself.
I hope it turns up soon.

I had a similar thing happen with some geckos I had sent to Sydney from Melbourne. They were left on the plane and we had to wait for the return trip. The only problem in my case was it was our wedding anniversary. Needless to say my wife wasn't very impressed but we managed to have a nice seafood dinner at Brighton Le Sans while we were waiting.
well it still goes on they say this has never happined befor and they have looked everywhere around there base at brisbane gone thru the plane called all the other airports the plane has been to and still cannot find the snake,not that they relly seem to care,i have now told them that i will be reporting it stolen to the fedral police,that seems to have got them worried now
so they still cant find it???

this is the reason that if i buy interstate i would rather do a road trip to pick it up myself!!

seems like this happens WAY to often!
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