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it was good of the breeder to give you another one for free.
hope you find it and that the poor little guy is alive after all its the little snake that has had the worst of all this good luck

yes the breeder has been very good to us.
he said AaE will be covering his costs.
and yes , poor little seth :cry: i hope he's ok
Hope all goes well for you Horsenz , i have some animals getting shipped soon and i keep reading these kind of stories :( .
So sorry to hear that, I really hope that little Seth turns up in good spirits

"The Brisbane and Sydney offices of AAE have both told me recently that they would only accept bearded dragons hatchies that were packed into a wooden crate or box. I think that is just a way of getting the weight and therefore the cost up."

That has actually been the ruling for over 6 years but nobody ever complied. I haven't freighted in anything but timber since 2002
how wrong u are...

i'd be saying "you guys just lost my snake & i'll call every half an hour to check if i feel like it" but thats just me, no body else would probably do that!:oops:
Be positive, i'm sure it will show up!!

minty i wood do the exact same thing wif some choice adjectives added for extra effect...
Horsenz, i am so so sorry for you about ur whole ordeal, i can imagine ur just spewing at this total uncaring attitude from AAE on top of their very poor service, as if the prices arent bad enough, now we have to put up wif them losing our herps.. not hardly good enough.. i sure hope ur snake arrives soon for ur sake and his..
It was also extremely good of the seller to replace ur snake, but that isnt his/her responsibilty becos its not their fault.. as well as the fact that u cant replace that exact snake.. no matter how hard u try.. so i can see how u feel and offer my sympathy..
Oh how horrible
Has your snake turned up yet?
nope.... they've checked absolutely everywhere.....
we just spoke to them again and if it has not turned up by Tuesday an investigation will be launched and security tapes will be reviewed.
it's would be terrible shame if an employee did take it (where definitely not saying it has been stolen though)
because it makes AaE look really bad..IMO anyway...otherwise I'm sure they usually offer a decent service ,
they assured me that this has never happened before,i must be cursed!!!
They lost my adult pair of womas I had shipped a while back and made me ring the sender, insinuating he did not in fact send them. They told me there were no snakes booked on that day at all, and when i told him their value and started to get a little upset he stepped up the search and found them in Brisbane, they had been taken off the flight as the army booked out the entire plane and all freight had to be taken off and resent later that nite! Luckily they showed up at 11pm that night but not bad considering there were "No snakes booked on that day!!" according to the guy initially. I know that feeling and i really hope you get him back, but sadly as time stretches on, hope must be dwindling. Best of luck and my fingers are crossed for you.
you freight in timber?

Thats what the legislation requires. I make 50 freight boxes at the start of the year in one hit. You can also use the pencil case boxes from craft supply places like crazy clarks, warehouse, spotlight.
hang in there horsenz, it will sort its self out mate.
Although it seems someone down there has done something dodgy.
Thanks Dan. I couldn't think of what to use as a wooden box but now I'm off to spotlight to have a look.

It would be worth AAE's while to have a few things like that at their depot so we could hire them for the journey rather than continually buying them. Oh well, spotlight it is.

Horsenz, your python will last a long time if it's securely packed and it may still turn up. Luggage goes astray all the time and usually turns up somewhere. Keep your fingers crossed!
Hiring used transport boxes.I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!
No, I meant crates or something that they deem suitable that you them put your container into.

Allegedly the issue is that polystyrene has been crushed by falling things in the hold and hurting reptiles or allowing them to escape. I don't see why they can't just pack our polystyrene eskies, side by side, into something tough, like a crate or a box.

The risk of contamination between animals would be no greater than them being side by side in the general hold area.

But, like I said, I'm off to spotlight.
Dave at Pilbara Pythons has made a frame to suit a foam esky, doesnt weigh much and the AAE staff in Perth said it was perfect.

With any luck he'll elaborate ;)
hang in there horsenz, it will sort its self out mate.
Although it seems someone down there has done something dodgy.
thanks trueblue.hope it turns up will let you know and thanks for all you have done.have the name for the manger there so he will be getting a ear full on tuesday morning,will give you a ring after i have spoken to him and give you his number so you can have your turn:x
Wait till you send mine before you get them off side :D :D

Let us know how you get on Horsenz , and don't let them get away with it either .

Don't worry dickyknee.. They wont be getting away with this. :twisted:
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