Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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To all these people that say snakes are boring compared to dragons or monitors can I just ask are dragons and monitors still more exciting to watch of a night while they are asleep and the snakes are active (assuming they are pythons)?
No but I am also asleep at night so I don't mind that they are boring then.
And as for this thread i was just expressing my opinion. But when that happens on this site alot of people take things the wrong way and lynch mob comes out to have their say
No you weren't expressing your opinion solely. You asked other people if they were finding snakes boring... if your thread title asks a question don't be surprised when people answer it :D;)
Snakes are not boring they are fascinating.

I cant see any logical reason why you would own any if you find them boring, but then again you did make a thread on a snake forum asking if anyone else finds them boring...
I don't find my snakes boring at all. My male Bredli is always active the only time his is not cruising is a couple days after his feed. The children's hatchlings are also out and about during the night and day. I would love to add a female darwin to my collection one day. But some people may just need a break or a change. It would be a shame but I don't think it would be a discission that was taken lightly if a person decided to part with their collection and change to lizards. Expressions of feelings is what makes the world go round.
Pythons are boring...particularly the aboreal species. The only way you are going to get activity out of snakes is to keep diurnal colubrids and elapids which are far more interesting!

Have to disagree.. My Spotted is fantastic, I love getting her out of her enclosure and watching her explore.. Or watching her checking out her tank whenever we give her a new hide/branch/etc..
But I think he's the most amazingly magnificent beautifully graceful, elegant, captivating creature I've ever seen in my life. Everything about him is magical....the way he moves, the way he yawns, the way he eats, the way he searches in his viv, the way he coils, the way he feels, his strength, the way he drinks............EVERYTHING......about him is just wonderful
your husband better watch out! :lol:
Hi Guys and Gals,

Over the last few months ive sort of got the feeling that snakes are just so boring!! Anyone else feel the same? Ive started spending a good few hours in my herp room a day and to be honest watching the snakes is like watching grass grow! I dunno maybe its just me or maybe i need some new snakes!!
I find my monitors, skinks and dragons just have so much more personality. And they are so much more active!


Yes, I agree. Snakes can be painfully boring animals, but I think that is part of their mystique, and what makes them an appealing animal that stands out.

However, since keeping monitors, I have become more aware of just how boring snakes are. The intelligent, alert and active personalities of monitors can turn one off snakes permanently.
i love my jungle as shes colourful, bitey, never goes in any of her hides just hangs out on the branches. but with monitors umm how would thye go being leashed and taken for a walk? xD
monitors can be trained to walk on a leash and snakes may sleep a lot but never boring boring love the way they move,eat shed love every little thing about them
perhaps your in the wrong hobby?

but seriously, my snake isnt boring. iv taught him how to play guitar, do basic arithmetic, and take out the garbage.
That's why I keep lizards (dragon and shingle, had bluey's), they're awesome to watch... but if you want something 'interesting' to watch get a lizard... seriously though, I'd kill for a snake - count yourself lucky! You can always give me one if you don't enjoy them anymore! ;)
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