APS will close the door for while.

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Once again the few will affect the good of the many.

People are to quick to cut down others that are doing a public service for free yes FREE. Sure the mods do it for the love of it sure it is a hobby for them but if they don't do who will. I am very greatful to people that who host/run sites like this because it gives me a plase to learn and discuss my hobby.


Keep up the good work
Seriously though, as if anything ever goes off topic! Only the anal retentive could get upset about something like that hehe (A name springs to mind, right on the tip of the tongue though :lol:)

It's a public forum, about people with a common interest meeting and discussing issues about reptiles. If you want to get really serious and without all the fun, gossip and human intervention - BUY A BOOK! I don't need this site to raise my snakes! :wink: People need to be more friendly and get off their high chairs! :wink:

johnbowemonie said:
Just the way i like em Moose!!!!!!!! U married?????????????????

Ask no questions & get no lies Simone :lol: :lol:

johnbowemonie said:
Stiffler, in case you weren't aware sexpo was on last weekend in Sydney. Feathers and wax ( i refer to a past thread ) and all sorts of ummmmmmmmmmm interesting things.

Oh Ummm no, I'm not married :? What is Married??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think it's a shame to have to close any site, because of the behaviour within the forum, but if the mods need a break than so be it I guess. Between all the rep keepers on this site, the wealth of knowledge is amazing and makes for great reading and most seem willing to help anyone out which is a great value 'in this day and age'. Also I think the idea about only allowing a certain amount of posts per person, depending on one's behaviour is a great idea. Anyway I think this is a great site to check out, contribute too, buy/sell reptiles, so even though I havn't said this before good job guys!!
pmsl, even this thread can't stay on topic, and turns sex-related :lol:

Just the way i like em Moose!!!!!!!! U married?????????????????

There you go girls, when this comes bAck online, watch your husbands!!!!!! :wink:
A name springs to mind, right on the tip of the tongue though

Who would that be?? (Oops, that would be another thread started... keep it quiet) ;) :)

I agree with ya Moosey on that post. :)

You Don't Have To Follow St.Kilda To Appreciate Robert Harvey

As Rove would say... WHAT THE???? :) :)
Geez, getting a little drastic aren't we Jan. :roll: Shutting down the place for a week because a couple of ppl spoke their minds. :evil: I like this site due to its feedom of speech :lol: , I don't agree with personal attacks :evil: , but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If everyone respected each others opinions this place would be even that much better, whether you agree with them or not. I don't agree with The Rock not using thermostats, but that is what works for him and has done for yrs. Who am I to tell him he is doing it wrong cause I don't agree with it. I keep maccies in tubs and I know there are ppl out there who disagree with that as well, but who are they to tell me what I should and shouldn't do.

I guess what I am trying to say is, if you shut down this site for a week becasue a few ppl got a little out of line, then you may as well shut it down permanently as it will go on forever. You will always get ppl that don't like uniformity and want to do what they want, you will always get someone that doesn't like someone else because they have a double standard....etc etc etc. But that is life, if you are going to get the ****es everytime someone has a problem with someone else and then threaten to pack up your toys and go home because everyone isn't playing fairly, to your rules, then you may as well shut down the site.

I personally would like you to keep it open, I have been a member here for almost 2 yrs now and have a met a lot of great ppl, some of whom I see quite regularly and others I would like to see more often. I think you just need to let the site go on and be what it is, you have a warning system in place for those who don't abide by the rules so use them if you have to. If the ppl who are leading you to this decision are causing problems so bad that you want to shut it down for the week, then ban them, if they are not braking any rules then let them be, but there is no reason to close down this site for a week. :wink:
Diamond python the point isnt that people dont have a life who come here, its stuff like that which has peeed everyone off lately, the point is people love it here learning about herps and contributing to the community and making mates who have a common interest.

If it closes for a week will it b the end of the world.. of course not, but we would just rather it stay open and get the idiots who start rubbish kicked off.

Legal action, come on that guy is kidding, what for calling him names, get over it mate!

My name is pugs and im an APS addict.. (Thanks Ouzo! LOL)
Pugs, mate, when people come on here pleading to keep the site up saying that they won't cope without APS, then I think it is being a little ridiculous, but hey, thats just my opinion. I, too, enjoy coming on this site and reading posts and having a bit of a chit chat but it is not the end of the world, your right there. I wasn't picking on anyone in particular. I just think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion. It started when a certain member bagging another member for giving away free snakes, then mods get bagged over it and now you are telling the guy who threatened legal action to get over it, and all he wanted to do was give away free snakes. What did that member do. I think that trouble makers should be given the boot, or more warnings at the very least (not saying you pugs), and hopefully this site can run reasonably normal again (if thats possible ;) ). I personally think that the attacks by Inny and Farmdog were way out of line and should be dealt with by mods accordingly. JMO once again :) Come on all, get over your gripes, have it out with eachother in chat for all I care, but please keep it from the main threads on this site. That is all I will say on this matter. :) :)
Wow!! 90 posts in less than 12 hours :) You sure do know how to put up a popular topic Slatey :) Probably a good thing you are doing mate the only problem is that now I'll have to try and remember the missus name as with no APS for a week I'll have to talk to her I suppose :)
OK guys and gals see you all in a week, I hope!
I'll have to try and remember the missus name as with no APS for a week I'll have to talk to her I suppose

I think it starts with M??? Could be wrong ;) :)

OK guys and gals see you all in a week, I hope!

Looks like a couple of us Western Suburbs people will have to have a get together at your house Phil. What do you think Zoe?? :) :)
is there going to be a countdown?
Looks like a couple of us Western Suburbs people will have to have a get together at your house Phil. What do you think Zoe??
and one westie i have west in my name :D that way i'll get to meet to DP
This is my 5 cents worth...
Thank You for a great site...
I agree if it has to happen then so be it..
I for one enjoy this site for all the info and like minded chat...

Two Ideas:
1. Set a reasonable subscription price to use the site-Therefore truly interested people will pay to learn and chat...

2. Watch the threads and if ANYONE bitches....WIPE 'EM STRAIGHT OFF!!!
Take them straight off the members list- no muckin around...

Then when they go to log in they will have a nasty little suprise....

Once again I say "Thank You" for a truly great site :D
and one westie i have west in my name that way i'll get to meet to DP

Good point. Your invited too :) But you may have to pay a toll to come over the Westgate bridge. I will PM you my bank details. :)
Look at the great things that are happening - the generousity, the sharing of knowledge and all the great stuff that comes from this online community - surely that out ways the indescretions of a few drunks and paranoid anarchists?

I'm with stencorp, I haven't been an APS member for long, unfortunately I didn't find it earlier :( . I enjoy getting on and reading the daily threads, laughing at the studid idiosynchroses and then on the serious side ~ requiring the valuable herp info that we all originally joined to receive.

I have continued to learn a fair amount of herp information, cleaned out the cob webs of what I had already knew and got me back into the Herp Societies and World I so longingly missed. And to think I finally got my "better half" to accept my (in her words) peculiar lil hobby.

I will sadly miss this "Contact to the Herping World" & the people I have met - mentors & current students, and I hope the generosity in the herp world continues.

To the moderators - You do what you have to do. After all you are the ones with the finger on the button. It is your moral decision as to push it or not. I don't know any of you and now may never get that opportunity, but thank you for you input. I thought of you as other members not ....administrators..... (to work related).

Please think about it before you pack up your bat n ball n go go home.

God Bless and hope to see you handle flashing online soon.

will it be going to that loser club of yours

HELL NO!! It goes to me, but feel free to make an extra contribution and I shall pass it on to the boys. GO THE MIGHTY ROOOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll have to try and remember the missus name as with no APS for a week I'll have to talk to her I suppose

I think it starts with M??? Could be wrong

You are right DP, it is Mrs Afrofishthingy.....LOL
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