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Inspired by the record last night, I propose a Best Photo Comp 8)

Fuscus wrote :-
There are 20 visitors and 88 members online
ANd to think - they are reading this guff, may have to post some pics

Crackers responded with :-


never eat yellow snow

Can anyone else beat this!! :D
Not tonight, give me a couple of weeks when the camera is in my hands finally and I'll be in it :twisted:
thee best pic Ive seen here so far was posted by boa, cant remember which thread it was in but boa must have been hiding in the grass to take it.

good idea! photo comp...........of reptiles, not bikinis :D
here is my entry...wild Spinipes Dorrigo Rainforest
has been tried before, but to much hassle to pick, if up to the mods someone will winge when they lose. Like me :wink:

If you can work out a non-bias, fair system of doing it then IM IN! LOL.

Maybe one entry per person, the top 5 or so go into the final and then everyone gets to vote on it in a poll?
pity that parasitic wasp & spider isnt in focus mamba, do you get alot of them near you ?
I guess it can be a 3 round elimination bout, or if you want to weed out some of the photos which aren't up to scratch, that could be up to the author of the thread and comp.

BTW, that first pic is unreal. How the hell does a redback catch a snake?
MannyM said:
by the way, that first pic is unreal. How the hell does a redback catch a snake?

Me thinks that is a Black Widdow which would place the snakes originating somewhere in central America.

Red Backs have the markings on their backs, black widows on their under belly.

The two species are related and of similar size.
I have seen at Kiama a garden skink get caught in a web and the red back came out and attack the skink. Unfortunately I didn't have a camera. My wife got a stick and saved the skink. The photo comp is a great idea. Would love to see more good pics. ("groan" goes my poor modem) That pic from junglemad gets my vote.
How about a nice close up shot of a goliath spider :wink:

When a tarantula does this pose....its best to back off ! :lol:
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