big big problem

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Mate, i live in a strata run complex down here, and they only really have power if you are a tenant, Because you are an owner, i dont think they can legally do anything, unless it specifically states reptiles. Saz knows what she is talking about and if the laws are the same in QLD as they are in NSW, i reckon you will be ok. Keep this thread posted with updates. Thanks
Actually I haven't, I'm very lucky as we rent and our rental agency loves us, despite the reptiles LMAO!!

Don't forget to let them know that YOU are the victim in the situation, they are discriminating against you, when in actual fact your animals cannot cause any damage to the building, grounds or habitants, unlike cats and dogs.

Grrrrrr....flipping snake haters. Gets my blood boiling, I get sick of hearing "Give me a shovel and I'll sort it out for you". I'm slowly converting everyone I know. Some take longer than others.
yeah definately if only they would take the time to come and see that they arent horrible monsters like most people think they are intelligent beautiful animals but they have this immage in there head an they are rich they couldnt care less about somones feelings etc
i saw in this doco that more ppl are going to be scared of snakes more than sharks and spidrs. i dont get it?? sharks can tear a man in half but all a snake can do is try to bite IF you go too close. IMO its always the persons fault in most cases with vens. and even so, only a small percentage of the worlds snakes are even vens!! i hate the "shovel" thing aswell. ppl laugh about it, its just soo wrong. its ppl fault.
well in legal terms that is what is known as a loop hole. Tell them that if they like you will gladly assist them by holding their ass cheeks apart while they go jam the heads up them lol
I agree with Saz,definitely take an independant party with you just as a witness to what is said and it also gives you a bit moreconfidence with someone there with you.They will throw alot of legal stuff at you to bluff you so just stick to your guns,tell them they are harmless,you are licenced,like someone said before offer an extra lock on your herp door,take the body corp to play with your snakes,basic comprimise,but don't get rid of any of your snakes,shoe them that you tried to get a peaceful solution and if they keep pushing,tell them you will seek legal advice before going any further. If you go off at them(even though they probably deserve it) it will make the situation worse. people need to learn that snakes aren't evil,Whinging old ladies are.........
That is just my opinion.Good luck
thanks frankc im guna hit him with everything i can dont u worry about that but honestly from what ive been told al ready its not lookin to grat anyways im off for tonight u all have been great help thank you so much and i will start up a new thread as soon as the outcome is resolved
I can't believe you'd be willing to sell your reptiles off and submit to the enemy so easilly! If it states that '' you may keep only one domestic animal'' in those exact words you can argue that you don't keep any domestic animals and you'd like to see where it says you are not allowed undomesticated animals. Why somebody would buy a house that people can legally enter without your permission i don't know! I'd certainly be changing the locks and letting them know you will prosecute them if they touch your property. I'd also be selling your part in that fascist little commune you've entered rather than selling my reptiles. Toughen up buddy! Oh yeah and good luck hope it goes well for you.
You can just say...This is my house and if she doesnt like them she can piss off.
as well as taking a friend take a tape recorder or equivilant and record the whole thing. just make sure you ask permission to record all conversation. it may be handy for future reference. cheers.:)

whinging old b.
maybe you could tell them that they are not pets and you are doing a phd in herptology or just tell them to go and get well and truly.
but seriously i think a passive approach would be best.
knock on her door when she opens throw ya biggest snake on her
she will probably have a heart attck then pick it up and go home.
if she dont have a heart attack tell her to change her mind or you will throw the rest of them on her.

or find some one to keep them 4 you while you move.
Some rubber snakes could be quite funny if well placed ;) IMO the black ones work best.
lol i scared my dad wit a fake spider once i stuck it to the wall wit blutak he almost had a heart attack! (not reli) but i almost did killing myself laughing at his face when i pulled it off the wall. but then i got banned from fake "scary" animals lol. (you should c his face now that im getting a real snake in june muhahaha :twisted: ) you could do the same idea wit rubber snakes :D that would b funni good idea cris lol
i've been there myself few years ago. i used to leave in a unit. we had 2 cats, 1 dog and few birds, fish tanks and more.
its was our place which we've bought. body corporate did send us a letter saying that we have animals that we are not allowed to keep and they must be removed wtihin two weeks or else.
very similar to your situation after a complaint from a pensioner in our block of units.
i went out the next day and saw my solicitor, money well spend. after getting all the right answers from my solicitor i only made one phone call to body corporate and had no more troubles at all and got to keep everything we had till we moved 5 years later.

as far as i remember if its in a fishtanks or similar it has nothing to do with body corporate at all and they have nothing to say if you are allowed or not to keep them.
laws might be different in other states though.

i can't see how they can remove anything from your place without a court order. all it is is a scare tactics and many people fall for it.

my advise would be to go and get a legal advise as i did. you'll know where you stand and what to tell them or your solicitor could join you in that meating with body corporate.
belive me money well spend.

goodluck it will all work out at the end.
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the old lady will prob be dead soon so i dont see why it matters lol
Develop a pathological fear of old hags (Hagophobia), perhaps they will have to put her down....
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