Big black cats ( panther) Australia

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No doubt some of these are just idiots looking for their 15 minutes, I have to agree there, however generalizing and putting every sighting into that category is silly.. This is the first time I have "publicly" told my story, and only because
It was asked for by someone with a similar story.. You are of course entitled to your skepticism, but no one can ever prove without a doubt that something doesn't exist, just because there isn't yet rock solid evidence that it does. While some people are fame seeking crackpots, others truly have seen and experienced what they say they have.
Mate, I'm talking about sightings in recent times, not 15+ years ago. Even iPod's have decent enough cameras these days.

Like I said, there's always a camera handy when some big game is caught, but when it comes to spotting something elusive (or as I like to call it, non-existant), there's not a camera in sight.

And yes, if people have been seeing these 'panthers' since the 60s, and I am yet to see ONE decent photo, to me, that means they don't exist...

50+ years to get and still not 1 decent image - the only one that keeps getting referred to is the one of Kurt and a headless corpse.

Sorry, but it's going to take a bit more than that to get me to believe mate.

do you beleive in oxygen because as far as i can tell its an inert invisible odourless gas so you shouldnt be able to see it but i reckon you still believe it exists, Just because you havent seen something doesnt mean it doesnt exist. How many africans do you reckon see them in the wild and they have sh t loads more than we would, eventually someone will get a photo past the government coverups and then you will all see the light and when the farmers start sueing the government for lost livestock (which could be billions) we will know the real reason behind never seeing a good photo. If you did get a good photo imagine what the Gov would pay for it to disappear
when the farmers start sueing the government for lost livestock (which could be billions) we will know the real reason behind never seeing a good photo. If you did get a good photo imagine what the Gov would pay for it to disappear

That much? Gotta get me a couple of panthers....
That much? Gotta get me a couple of panthers....
not lost panthers lost sheep etc from panthers killing and eating. Its hard to say how many sheep a farmer in Vic could have lost, multiply that by the amount of farmers in Aus multiplied by 50 years means alot of compensation and if anyone knows how to get compo its farmers. Flood compo, Drought compo, Fire compo, salt compo and now Panther compo.
Aussie-Pride is this the photo you keep bringing up?

Anyway, good luck on your quest AP (and who ever is joining him), be sure to have your toaster handy to get another infamous photo of the elusive black panther.

lol yeah thats a feral cat shot by kurt in 2005 when he was hunting deer,what do u mean by keeping bringing up? i was pointing out there was a big cat shot ferial or not its still a big cat lol

my quest ( and who evers joining me)?? LOL where am i going? toaster? another photo of a panther, wheres the first one?
No doubt some of these are just idiots looking for their 15 minutes, I have to agree there, however generalizing and putting every sighting into that category is silly.. This is the first time I have "publicly" told my story, and only because
It was asked for by someone with a similar story.. You are of course entitled to your skepticism, but no one can ever prove without a doubt that something doesn't exist, just because there isn't yet rock solid evidence that it does. While some people are fame seeking crackpots, others truly have seen and experienced what they say they have.

I meant no disrespect, sorry if you took it that way. As you say everyone is entitled to their opinion and that was just mine. I wasn't referring to your comment originally either :)
do you beleive in oxygen because as far as i can tell its an inert invisible odourless gas so you shouldnt be able to see it but i reckon you still believe it exists, Just because you havent seen something doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

You don't need to believe in oxygen, you can test for it.

How many africans do you reckon see them in the wild and they have sh t loads more than we would, eventually someone will get a photo past the government coverups and then you will all see the light and when the farmers start sueing the government for lost livestock (which could be billions) we will know the real reason behind never seeing a good photo. If you did get a good photo imagine what the Gov would pay for it to disappear

I lol'd at the population comparison. So far we dont even have evidence of one.
Do people know leopards are mostly nocturnal as well. Why would there be so many day sightings?
lol so we have come to the conclusion that there are large ferials, a hippo in NT, drop bears, hobos with mobiles and people take photos with toasters and apparently I'm going on a quest lol. Goood effort.
Do people know leopards are mostly nocturnal as well. Why would there be so many day sightings?

Because people can see in the daylight! If they are true, they may well be more active at night, but we cant see them as easily. Also animals will be active at any time if they are hungry.
Well they're usually:
What is your name? What is your quest? And, what is your favourite colour?
The last has been known to be amended to "What is the air/speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" But that can be easily got around with the reply "African or European?"
For further clarification see Monty Python's The Holy Grail ;)

*sigh* I feel so old.
Well they're usually:
What is your name? What is your quest? And, what is your favourite colour?
The last has been known to be amended to "What is the air/speed velocity of an unladen swallow?" But that can be easily got around with the reply "African or European?"
For further clarification see Monty Python's The Holy Grail ;)

lol my head hurts. Monty python lol is this the one?
Monty Python-Coconuts - YouTube :shock:
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I can't watch vids on this computer, but I'm guessing it's the argument on how Arthur got coconuts in England? (Classic lmao)
Try searching for "Monty Python - Bridge of Death"
While you're at it look for "Tim the enchanter", "Holy Grail - Black Knight" and "Holy Grail - Fearsome Beast" ... all classic Holy Grail scenes :D
I can't watch vids on this computer, but I'm guessing it's the argument on how Arthur got coconuts in England? (Classic lmao)
Try searching for "Monty Python - Bridge of Death"
While you're at it look for "Tim the enchanter", "Holy Grail - Black Knight" and "Holy Grail - Fearsome Beast" ... all classic Holy Grail scenes :D

hahaha this is a classic! loved the black knight part, I'm going to download the full thing n watch it.
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