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Nov 4, 2006
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I know this must come up alot but I'm fairl new to this:rolleyes::oops:. I am looking at getting my first snake and I'm not sure what is best for me. I like in Brisbane, looking to be able to handle fairly regularly, 1 - 2m long and very people friendly. I also would appreciate any advice people have on enclosures (what size and what should be in them). Thanks to all who respond.

There are a lot of pythons that length but it will depend on your budget.
IMO a Murray Darling carpet python is a perfect starting snake :D
you could buy my carpet python..... $470
Its in the animal attraction classifieds.
if someone like your self wants to buy it. i'd be more than happy to drop the price down.
I like Diamond Pythons for a first snake they're so placid but you can get snappy snakes in all the breeds. I have a female Bredli thats very snappy and a male that's never gone to strike.
It really is all up to you as to which snake you choose as your first snake.

I choose a Stimson Python I've had her since she was 4 weeks old and she's nearly 10 months old now and in that whole time I've never been bitten by her, she is by far the most placid snake :).

Stimson Pythons are simple to look after, and rarely grow over 1m in length.
My current enclosure size, which will last her for her whole life:

Length: 90cm
Depth: 60cm
Height: 70cm

I've attatched a picture of the enclosure:


Also, I've attached a picture of Ziggy ( Stimson Python ) This picture is recent:


The basic requirments for a python, from my experience ( with Stimson Python and Murray Darling Carpet Python)

Heat Source - Depends if you have a click clack then ( Heat Matt or Heat Cord ) If you have an enclosure then a heat source such as a Heat Lamp, Infra Red etc at the moment I'm using a Heat Emitter)
Thermostat - To regulate the temperatures ( Standard is Hot End: 32º and Cool End: 22º - 26º ) To create a good thermal gradient.
Thermometer - just so you can keep an eye on the temperatures.
Water Bowl - Large enough for the snake to soak in for when shedding.
Hides - Make sure you have pleanty of them, in the hot and cool end also in the middle of the enclosure
Branches - Climbing etc.

I also have a Murray Darling Carpet Python:


They generally have the same requirments as the Stimson Python however the MD is more inclinded to climb so a higher enclosure is necessary. From what I've read the MD grows to 7 - 8 foot in length.

When I first got my MD he was really snappy, now he's starting to calm down but you'll still get the occasional bite of him.

Here's a picture taken about 2 weeks after we got him, when he was full blown angry lol:


Hopefully other experienced keepers will be able to give you more advice, as I've only been in this game for 10 months :).

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