do you believe?

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I saw a glass rise two feet above our ouija board one night when we were doing a seance.

Now that was freaky- and seen by 8 other people, some of which didn't believe in ghosts.

Don't know how y'all would explain that one.
acid? mushies? nah to be honest you got me stumped :lol:
I believe in ghosts, and have done seances, some work?? some don't.

Matt, just because you don't believe doesn't mean everyone else is wrong for believing in them, each to their own opinion. They arn't stupid or irational, just have different life experience.

Go onto iTunes and look up ghosts in the podcast section, they are internet radio shows, I get about 20 of them! Very interesting stuff on there. PM me if you would like more info, instructions etc......
i didn't believe...., until i saw one and this was verified by my dad. I often have those "know something before it happens" moments. I think maybe some people are more in tune with these things than others. If we all knew it to be true, what would be the fun in that, there would be no facination with the topic.
i do belive, having seen them, been touched on the shoulder, spun around, and had an Ouija board moving of its own accord, i think i have to belive or there are some seriously weird things going on that noone can explain
Re: RE: do you believe?

mertle said:
Matt, just because you don't believe doesn't mean everyone else is wrong for believing in them

Yes it does it means everyone else is wrong and weird for believing them :twisted: lol
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Anyone here read Carl Sagan's Demon haunted world, science as a candle in the dark?

I have heard many stories and did believe but this book will make you think a lot more sceptically about a lot of things like for example some claim that there are so many stories that it must be true, well did you know that aproximately 5% of the world's population is schitzophrenic to some extent? Thats about 300 000 000 schitophrenics in the world, do you still believe all the stories?

I now only believe that there is a small possibility it may still be true, I keep an open but very sceptical mind.
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Can I ask those that do believe in ghosts a couple of questions:

What do you think they are?
Where do you think they come from?
RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

they are wandering in a type of limbo that slips in and out of our dimention, and can be released to the "light" when they are ready.... some are people who don't know they are dead, some are people who have died and believed before hand that they would haunt..... with the incredible power of the human mind is it any wonder what happens to us after we die is what we expect????
it is true that energy cannot be distroyed, and our consiousness is electricall energy that is released when our 'shell' gives out.
science is now trying to explain things like other dimentions and ghosts.... many have been captured on film, audio and electograph.
as a Hpps i have dealt with many hauntings, some are delusions of paranoid minds, but many are real manifestations from the "other side"
i have had to perform exorcisims on peoples houses that have been heavily haunted, and let me tell you, they are real, as real as you and i,,,, but like air, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.
When I was young my granny told me that if you believe in ghosts you'll see them, if you donā€™t then you wonā€™t! ...Havenā€™t seen one yet! :wink:
Re: RE: do you believe?

pythoness said:
Oh Matt so sad, so cynical, do a ghost tour of boggo rd jail, it will make you a believer very quickly. :p

Why am i sad?

Would taking a break from reality make me happy?

Re: RE: do you believe?

MattQld83 said:
pythoness said:
Oh Matt so sad, so cynical, do a ghost tour of boggo rd jail, it will make you a believer very quickly. :p

Why am i sad?

Would taking a break from reality make me happy?


Hahahaha................... UR ALL MENTAL..................

/me Hands out the straight jackets :twisted:
Re: RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

Rennie said:
5% of the world's population is schitzophrenic to some extent? Thats about 300 000 000 schitophrenics in the world, do you still believe all the stories?

Are you sure, my scripter teacher told me people with mental illness were possesed ny the devil. :roll:

Re: RE: do you believe?

tan said:
I often have those "know something before it happens" moments. I think maybe some people are more in tune with these things than others..

OMG! that is so true, its like....this morning when i woke up i thought ....."im going to go to the bathroom and have a wash and then get dressed"..........and you know what...?...i did !,,, then i thought........"im going to go into the kitchen and make a cup of tea with 2 slices of toast".....and you know what?!......i had cornflakes instead !.........just goes to show it doesnt work every time ! :roll:
I guess it doesn't really matter what you believe, when you have seen something it wouldn't matter if every other person on the planet didn't believe.
I was driving along one night with my wife in the car and at the same moment we looked at each other and said 'did you see that ? ' On the side of the road was a 'woman' that appeared to be made of mist but was still very obviously a womans shape.
We used to live in a farmhouse built in 1712 and although I never saw anything my mother and brother both saw the resident inhabitant.
Like I said I am happy for anyone not to believe but you can't deny to yourself what you have seen.
Re: RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

SnakeWrangler said:
Can I ask those that do believe in ghosts a couple of questions:

What do you think they are?
Where do you think they come from?
Does anyone want to have a go at these?

I would also add, how can there be a living thing that can't be seen of felt and cannot be proven to exist?
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: do you believe?

I have no idea where they come from.
Who says they are a living thing ? I think the whole point is that they AREN'T living things. :)
i also believe and have had many experiences that only serve to further cement my beliefs. My 3 year old son has also been seeing the same lady in our house since he was born. i believe she is looking out for him and keeps him safe...

too many things have happened for me to be able to say that it is not true. a lot of my friends and family have also had experiences.
If I believed in Ghost's it would probably stop me from wandering around the bush by my self in the middle of the night, so I'm glad I don't.
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