Gay marraige, Yay or Nay?

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Gay Marraige, Yay or Nay?

  • Yay

    Votes: 106 58.9%
  • Nay

    Votes: 74 41.1%

  • Total voters
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And in gay parents, the kids are the ones that usually see past it and don't care.

Its parents of the kids that are normally the worse culprits, they've already learned the homophobia, kids can grow out of it.
unfortunately a lot of people that should never be allowed to pass on their genes pop offspring out like a tennis ball machine. Go figure.

lmao :lol: soooo true :lol::lol::lol:

A kid will flourish in a safe loving family environment regardless of what sex their parents are. Think of how many straight people neglect and abuse their kids. I know which I'd prefer to have as a parent.
I dont think kids with gay parents would cop that much these days, things are slowly changing for the better.
Like others have said, if its not that, its something else like fat hairyness or volvo drivers :lol:

I vote yay to gay marriage & parenting
Lol wow, i went to diner and the thread has really grown. I beleive the gay marraige vs gay parenting argument as completly seperate. I am not certain that bringing up a child in a gay relationship is the right thing to do but i have definatly never heard any real evidence to suggest it is wrong. I know of atleast 3 people who have grown up with complete lesbian parents (ie they never knew their father who was just a donator). People will say that its different with lesbian parents becaus generally they are more accepted by society which is probably true. However i hope this changes in the near future.

Lol I only told people on the forum as of yesterday but really i dont care for people I dont even know who discriminate against gays so if people have a problem they can do whatever (Which to be honest I have never been prejudised against to the face). Im not completly out of the closet, my family still dont know, uni friends dont know, most people from my school know.

ps-im up for an APS gay night :wink: lol
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I find it hard to believe we're in 2007 and this attitude is still out there. For those who voted nay because they don't see the point in marriage, would you let your anti-marriage beliefs affect gay people that want to get married? Just because YOU don't see the point? As numerous other have said would you ban ALL marriages? if you answered NO to that, then you should certainly not think gay people should be deprived of a right you let your normal mates have. The sooner the government makes it legal the sooner that attitude can be countered properly. Grrrrrrrrrrr....

And as for snake loving gay men... well come on... it is kinda phallic ;) (i get teased all the time cause i'm a straight chick with 9 phallic symbols in cages!)
I voted Nay Because I really don't see the Point in getting Married at all
I'm all for it, Why should it only be the straights that have too
Thinking about it now i wish i put "I dont see the point of marraige" as an option as it appears to be scewing the results in the homophobics favour even though this is probably not an ideal you actually hold.
it would be nice to see gay ppl have the same rights as straight ppl, its not fair too that a gay couple can be together for 10 years and not have the same rights as a straight couple who have been together for 10 years. eg defacto.
theres still a long way to go for gay couples, i hope its in my lifetime that its just accepted and not spoken about...just lables....that would be cool.
I'm by no means homophobic, but I can see why some people don't believe in Gay Marriage.

Marriage, going back as far as civilized society has existed, is a traditionally religious event*. It's the union of a man and woman under the eyes of god. How can something be sanctioned such as Gay Marriage, when the foundations of the core principal are an extension of a homophobic belief system?

Sure, it's safe to say a lot of Anglo Saxon couples don't actively believe marriage is a religious event anymore, but a lot of other civilizations still see it as a holy event.

My point is, while gay people have every right to live their lives the way they choose, is it justifiable that they do not have the right to be bound under the eyes of god?

THAT SAID, the anti homosexual stuff in the bible was all old testament, from memory - and who really reads the old one anyway??

God, assuming he exists, would love all his Children regardless of the lives they lead. Or at least, he should.

We're so quick to assume we're so evolved, tolerant and enlightened - yet bigotry, xenophobia and ignorance plagues a good portion of the human race.

Who are you to cast judgment on others for how they live their lives. those of you who don't believe that Gay people have the same rights as you?

* whoops typo >_<
Everyone playing the religous card - many things in everyday society stem from some form of religion, but most have absolutely nothing to do with it any more. Easter is about chocolate, Christmas is about presents and marriage is about two people who want to spend their lives together. Personally, I think marriage is ridiculous, but I don't see why gay people shouldn't be able to make the same stupid mistakes as straight people...and God has nothing to do with it!
Please keep indepth religion talk out of it, its a long dark windy road.

People have rights to their opinioins as far as i'm concerned, i think nothing different if people are homophobic.

It's there problem not mine.
re Yay

Helps if you marry a woman LOL its a fundamental pillar of society and you really understand it when youve been married and have a family,i like to have kids running around.
I think its more about the rights that marrage gives, not the cermony.
I know a few gay couples that have married but it doesnt mean anything to the law,,if one of them dies it doesnt go straight to the partner unless stated in the will...things like that.
Also that will can be contested by the family as they are legally the next of kin.
Typical straight male attitude. 'I don't mind if he's gay, as long as he doesn't come on to me'.

And I'm yay for gay marriage, I get what Kelly is saying, but marriage isn't so much of a religious thing anymore. At least not in Australia. Marriage gives financial rights to couples, and I believe anyone should get that regardless of sexual orientation.

Firstly, I've been hit on more than once and dealt with it very well thank you. We have a gay mate who is constantly making us uncomfortable for a laugh, but its OK because we pay him out for being gay. So I'm not homophobic if that's what you meant.

And I agree that marriage is no longer religious. Plus who said because religion said it's wrong that is fact? Religion is right about very few things.. and nothing that can be proved!
even if it IS stated in the will, the family can EASILY contest it and win.
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