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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2006
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how much money would a good size holding enclosure or container for a coastal hatchie?????????????????????????????????????plz i really need yur help!!
screw u man!!!
i said i was sorry like a billio times to like a billion people so i aint gonna let anyone make me feel bad about it!!!
Well for a hatchie coastal I would go with a small storage box with lid (& air-holes) or even do what we did with 'Zar (our 11 month old Diamond x Carpet) for a while, keep him in a 40cm x 20cm x 10cm (Width, Depth & Height) tuppawear container with a lid on, air holes (lots of those) and a heat mat under 1/4th on the container. All you need in there with him is a little hide (light-globe box is ideal), a small water dish (a lid perhaps?) & some paper-towel/newspaper on the bottom. All up cost of the second suggested method would be about $30 + whatever the heat-mat (&/or thermostat) costs.

Hope that helps somewhat.

prebuilt or pre-ordered cages could cost some $$$ there are good aussie herp site that sell and stock em. But with A little wood knowledge there not hard to whip up. Just make sure you have a qualified person to do the electrics. They say the size should be comparitive to the snake. My 8-10ft male is in a 6x2x2 cage which he enjoys just rember coastal will grow large so some time down the track so will the cage.

P.S you upset a few people so take the critism on the chin, once people see you are genuine they might offer up some quality advise. You'll be right.......
a lot of people keep them in 'tupperware' type tubs in a larger enclosure.... my juvie went straight into a 4X2X2 enclosure and he seems quite happy ( i didnt like idea of keeping him in a little tub... if it was me i'd rather space ) but if you ask the person you buy the snake from they would have the best advice as they know it and what it has been kept in in past =) im a newbie to this but i hope it helps...
I was just thinking too Tebz, you might find (like we did) that the container you get the snake shipped to you in will do for the short term (so you don't need to pay for both the snake & full-sized enclosure all at once). Obviously you would have to talk to the seller/breeder about what sort of container they ship the python in (assuming you even get it shipped) & see what they say (in other words I am only speaking from my experiance so don't take my word as gospel truth). The container we got 'Zar shipped in (inside second carboard postal box) was totally suitable for 'Zar for a good long while according to the breeder (that was the container I mentioned in my earlier reply).

ANyway best of luck. :)
i only have a few things to say on this matter
click-clack hide water bowl fooring
thats it if u value this snakie then this is what u do if u search for posts about lost hatchies 99% will because ppl went to the big enclosure first (not a good idear i know it sounds silly and u want a big enclosure as did i but i am glad i went the click clack first... thats my 2 cents worth
Yeah Mr-Magic. Hatchies are notorious for gettingout of big enclosures (even between the sliding glass doors on some of them) & when they are that tiny I would imagine they would be a royal pain to find again!
Just a word of warning if your using those 20ltr and above plastic tubes from woolies etc be aware they don't give the best seals around the top of the cage or lid. Once that problem is addressed their good.
No use paying good $$$ to find it's not there an hour later then going through the tear the house apart to mystrisally it'sfound it a month later on a curtain rod somewhere you didn't think to look. (it's happened once or twice:) )
Click clacks are good depending on the size.
And putting air hole in plastic tubes - don't use a drill, a soldering iron does it in half the time and gives you a better hole with no cracking. A friend put me onto it and it works a treat. Drills are only for wood now:)
i would assume so... i think that they the clear ones with blue shutty thinggums.. .like from safeway.. sorry about being vague... hope you understand what i'm on about...
Yommy - How would one go about fixing the potential "bad-seals" on the plastic tubs? (purely hypothetical of course)

I thought maybe some of that stick-on foam door seal stuff (comes in rolls like sticky tape? Know what I am on about?) on the top edge of the tub so that there is something to stop the lid being a bit loose? Would that work do you think or not so much?

thats a great idea.. i was thinkin about that for my enclosure for between the gap in the sliding glass cause fluffy cant fit out but sometimes he tries and i worry he'll get stuck one day...
I can kill two birds with one stone here because i've fixed both problems before:

1st the plastic tubes. Only really an issue with smaller pythons. Anything over 4ft not an issue. I've used the foam padding type, but then sealed over the top of it with cloth tape (heavy duty stuff) The only thing you need to be careful with is making sure it's 100% sealed and that the is NO way the snake come into contact with any part of the sticky side of the tape at all. Tape and snakes don't mix It;s the only problem that can be encountered doing it this way but you get a good 100% seal with little to no movement with the lid.

For the gap between glass sliders i have used a bead of silicone but it can look crappy if you don't get it right. But what i've found because all my cages are sliders, if you get clear thick plastic tubing (most hardware store stock it) cut it off at the hieght between the top and bottom runner. Then cut one line down the entire length and place it on the back piece of glass with cut end facing back toward the other piece !> it seals a treat. Great for my stimmies and childreni, large snakes it's not an issue. It's a good interum solution that doesn't really effects visuals and can be removed with no marks as the snake gets larger and no longer needs it.
to put it into perspective... i worked a bit when i was 17.. got kicked out of home.. bought enclosure when i got my tax back.. got license a few months later (this is 2004) then feb this year i got my first python gifted to me for valentines' day.. it took me years to get fluffy... just wait patiently and save whatever you can.
start a paper run or mow lawns thats how i raised the money when i was your age. Start small, keep keen and one day your hobby could support itself and you could have your dream snake/ snakes. I've been passionate for reptiles for so many years and my goal is to get woma's but i have gained heaps of experience and knowledge along the way with other species. Mine are woma's, someone elses are GTP's and others are albinos. Keeping the dream alive is what it's all about, be it a coastal or a top of the line whatever. You never stop learning with these fella's. It's late i'm getting philasophical, time for bed.......
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