Myth or is the government trying to hide somthing

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Common sense can go a long way here.

If the US had big cats here they all would of been killed when they left, not relesed into the bush despite popular belief.

Im sure most people dont know just how big feral cats can grow these days. I have seen some monster feral cats, but the bottom line is they are feral cats and nothing more.
Yowiehunters, sounds like a wealth of factual information to be had - :|
It must be true, seen it on the internets me did.
Still haven't seen anything here, or anywhere else other than anecdotal evidence. There are a few photos around where a feral cat is hung up about six feet closer to the camera than anything else in frame, but that's just trick photography that a sixth grader could do (even though the herald-sun will run it as a story :rolleyes: )

Has anyone got anything other than "my mother's brother saw one when he was in grade three on a camping trip"?

P.S. anyone mention the big tassie devil in Mole Creek yet? Or the big Earthworm on the way to Phillip Island?
Yowiehunters, sounds like a wealth of factual information to be had - :|
It must be true, seen it on the internets me did.

Tim the "Yowie Man". Now there's someone who gets interviewed far too often on television. If he is an "expert", god help us.
hey don't ditch the yowies guy's untill you actually go out searching for them and actually encounter one for yourself. Then tell people if there real or not.

I've had 2 enclounters and my mate feels very strongly about his sightings and encounters that there are heeps of people that are yowie hunters and fans.

I went out to glass house mountains in beewah 6 years ago to see if we could enclounter one, we where waiting and waiting and there was nothing, no mimicing us, no banging on tree's nothing the hunting dogs where fine nothing was happening. around 4am all a sudden there was a very loud and unwanted screaming growl coming from the bushes in front of us, it scared the crap out of us and the dogs. normally a hunting dog would run straight into the bushes instead they wimpered and tails between there legs. the smell was herrendis smells alot like someone rolling in there own pee and poo.

now you can say all you like that it's all fake and there's no such thing. but how do you know?!! till you've experianced it for yourself.

Australis - you can be as sarcastic as much as you want, whats the different to watching something on the telly?

Christo - I believe that Tim has exsperianced more then what you will ever do, seeing he get's out there to find the trueth instead on sitting on here and picking about what's true and whats not.
hey don't ditch the yowies guy's untill you actually go out searching for them and actually encounter one for yourself. Then tell people if there real or not.

I've had 2 enclounters and my mate feels very strongly about his sightings and encounters that there are heeps of people that are yowie hunters and fans.

I went out to glass house mountains in beewah 6 years ago to see if we could enclounter one, we where waiting and waiting and there was nothing, no mimicing us, no banging on tree's nothing the hunting dogs where fine nothing was happening. around 4am all a sudden there was a very loud and unwanted screaming growl coming from the bushes in front of us, it scared the crap out of us and the dogs. normally a hunting dog would run straight into the bushes instead they wimpered and tails between there legs. the smell was herrendis smells alot like someone rolling in there own pee and poo.

now you can say all you like that it's all fake and there's no such thing. but how do you know?!! till you've experianced it for yourself.

Australis - you can be as sarcastic as much as you want, whats the different to watching something on the telly?

Christo - I believe that Tim has exsperianced more then what you will ever do, seeing he get's out there to find the trueth instead on sitting on here and picking about what's true and whats not.
Well someones going to ask, may as well be me.
Where are the pictures?
Still haven't seen anything here, or anywhere else other than anecdotal evidence. There are a few photos around where a feral cat is hung up about six feet closer to the camera than anything else in frame, but that's just trick photography that a sixth grader could do (even though the herald-sun will run it as a story :rolleyes: )

The tail was taken and was 2' long, as mentioned it was found to be a large feral cat. You are right that the photos are done fisherman style, but it is still a very big cat.
Never heard of these big cats before, interesting though.

I've seen the slightly-big pineapple that was in Gympie. lol.
I have seen what you might call a "big cat" but it was about 100kms north of swan hill on the murray river.(NSW side)
It was black and like the other sightings I only saw it for 4-5 seconds then it disappeared into the bush.
It is hard to say exactly how big it was but it was WAY bigger than the largest domestic cat I have ever seen, but I dont think it was as big as an adult panther.
I just assumed it was a really ,really big feral cat.
I just think with generations of breading , survival of the fittest , mostly large nutrient rich prey(kangaroos etc) that the fearal cats in some areas have had to evolve or addapt to survive and that is what people are now seeing.
Lol oneday my nabour toldme a story how he saw somthing like this. Lol I just thought he was lying, but he very well could of been telling the truth lol.
The yowie site is quite interesting, compare the types of "sightings" reported for cats with those of things that probably dont exist. I think there is plenty of evidence of largish cats, but there isnt much to suggest that they arnt just big ferals.

I may have seen a large cat myself, although im a bit sceptical myself, as i saw a black dog the same size about 5 k's away a day or 2 later. I think it is quite likely some of the sightings are just dogs, you dont really expect to see a black dog the same size as a very big cat and you usually wouldnt get a good look at either of them.
There Is Massive Cats In Australia

:shock: hi There :shock:
there is big cats roaming around Australia as when i went camping one year down at wisemans ferry when we herd a noise around midnight. as we didn't think anything about it we went back to sleep. the next morning we woke to find a large puddle of animals urine on our tent. this is when we questioned things of what it could have been. having no idea we asked the people who let us stay on the river and they said there has been sightings of a large black cat. later that arvo we got a phone call when retuning home saying they saw this large cat down where we were camped sniffing where we had our tent and old food in the bin. apparently this cat was a panther. scary to know that there was a big cat near our camping ground.

we still have the proof that there was a large animal as there appears to be animal urine down our tent

scary :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::
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