Savannah cats banned

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No one is losing any rights

Its your basic right that is being taken away.

What basic right is removed? Any Australian that wants a cat can have a cat. We euthanase 50,000 plus unwanted cats a year.

I don't think there is any fundamental human right to own a "Savannah" cat.

It's not a right that a government has taken away from any Australian - no one has one of these cats now.

They didn't even exist until 22 years ago when someone thought it would be a good idea to mate two completely different species. So fundamental rights now arise when someone invents a new product? Sounds like my kids wanting the newest version of Halo.
The right to choose is now gone.

People should have right to choose whether they want a domesticated cat or a savannah cat.

People should have the right to

Choose what pets they want freely

Taking away freedom of choice is taking aways one civil liberties thats a FACT
The right to choose is now gone.

People should have right to choose whether they want a domesticated cat or a savannah cat.

People should have the right to

Choose what pets they want freely

Taking away freedom of choice is taking aways one civil liberties thats a FACT

You clearly have no idea. You don't understand the environmental impact these animals could (and would if they were allowed in) cause, it's not a matter of human rights. Think cane toads, foxes, rabbits.. and, of course, feral cats.
I do understand the environmental impacts.


That does not negate the fact that banning them is taking away freedom of choice and to ban freedom of choice is to take away's one civil liberties.

Surely all of you opposed must acknowledge this fact.
I really dont think we have to much to complain about

"Saudi Arabia's religious police have banned selling pet cats and dogs and walking them in public places in the country's capital Riyadh to preserve public morals, the Al-Hayat newspaper said Thursday."

Now that is taking peoples liberties
Saudi Arabia is a fundamentalist Muslim country so your comparison is not an accurate one.

Perhaps we should compare ourselves to the USA the place where you can buy bearded dragons and other Australian animals over the counter with no licence.
That does not negate the fact that banning them is taking away freedom of choice and to ban freedom of choice is to take away's one civil liberties.

Surely all of you opposed must acknowledge this fact.

Nope. Your percieved injustice would impugn my right to look out the kitchen window and see a native bird in ten years time. Why should your viewpoint be more valuable than mine?
i believe we should have the right to carry firearms in order to take out all felines in this great country.
not sure we have a native cat?.
Well, you can't say no to that inthegrass. That would be taking away your right to shoot cats.

While we're at it, let's campaign for the right to shoot idiots. Surely we should be allowed that right? :lol:
You can also buy Giant Pouched Gambian Rats over the counter in the USA.

Or if you don't want to pay for one, go and catch one in Florida, where they are causing havoc. At least having a local wild population means they aren't pulling them direct from Africa anymore. One of those imported suckers cost the Center for Disease Control millions and millions coming in carrying monkey pox. Over 400 human cases.

Hmmm. I don't think the USA is the ideal jurisdiction to look to for guidance on this issue.

Australia has the highest rate of endemism and the highest rate of mammalian species extinction - it gives us a special responsibility to avoid new invasive species. Something we haven't done too well to date.

Peter Garrett has made the right decision here - and a vast majority of Australians agree with him.
"Saudi Arabia's religious police have banned selling pet cats and dogs and walking them in public places in the country's capital Riyadh to preserve public morals, the Al-Hayat newspaper said Thursday."

That's a bit disingenuous. It's not an environmental issue driving that agenda.
Well, you can't say no to that inthegrass. That would be taking away your right to shoot cats.

While we're at it, let's campaign for the right to shoot idiots. Surely we should be allowed that right? :lol:

on second thoughts maybe you should have the right to shoot idiots. it would reduce population?.
The right to choose is now gone.

People should have right to choose whether they want a domesticated cat or a savannah cat.

People should have the right to

Choose what pets they want freely

Taking away freedom of choice is taking aways one civil liberties thats a FACT

What a load of ignorant rubbish. Civil liberties deal with basic human rights - equality, freedom from racial and sexual discrimination, freedom from torture, the right to democratically choose one's government, the right to protest, the right to live safely. Don't demean the concept of civil liberties and take the use of the word to imply that it applies to the "right" to own a PET!!! :rolleyes:

We can't "choose" to own a tiger. We can't "choose" to keep a monkey as a pet (despite what petlink would have us believe :lol:) Civil liberties are about responsibilities as well as rights. And as the current caretakers of this nation, our responsiblity to the fauna of this land is far more important than your right to own a hybrid, exotic killer which will, in all likelihood, decimate our native populations.

In order to live in a civilised society, we have to live within a certain set of rules. If you don't like the rules, you should have used your protected right to protest and written a letter to the minister to make your view felt. Sounds like you are a sore loser who is desperately trying to come up with an excuse for why a vast majority of the population who had an interest in this case chose to support the ban on these animals.

Get over it.
The right to choose is now gone.

People should have right to choose whether they want a domesticated cat or a savannah cat.

People should have the right to

Choose what pets they want freely

Taking away freedom of choice is taking aways one civil liberties thats a FACT

Hmmmmmm, people have the right to remain silent, pity sometimes they ignore it! :twisted:

Congrats to everyone who signed the petition.
Now if APS has that kind of people power, how about using it to change a few other things, petrol excise for one ;) :lol:
Peter Garrett has made the right decision here - and a vast majority of Australians agree with him.

just because an announcement has been made means nothing, especially from the hon. Peter Garrett. the schedule "Part 1 – Live specimens not requiring an import permit" of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 was updated on 24 June 2008 and as no change in the definition of "domestic cat" has even been proposed, and as "domestic cat" appears on that schedule, it is still absolutely legal to import Savannah Cats into Australia, with no requirement to apply for an import permit under the Act as they currently fall within the definition.

Rarely, will this government back up an announcement with action, let alone a P.Garrett announcement. This sort of announcement is made to appease the protesters, but mark my words, these cats will arrive, and there will be some blaming the previous government for allowing the loop-hole in the definition, which will not be amended in time to stop them being imported.

Don't let up on your protests until it is legislated, an announcement is worthless and useless without the follow through of legislative changes.
i agree with the having a firearm for feline shooting. :D i go near them and i nearly die. dammmn allergies.

good on them banning the savannah cats tho, i used to live near someone who had one that was always killing heaps of birds in the park and they didn't bother to keep it inside or anything. i reckon if dogs have to be registered/kept on leashes/not allowed to bark coz it annoys ya neighbours, then there should be some stoppers put on what a cat can do.
hahahahahahahahahaha gotta laugh at dunno103 on the first page.AN AUTOMATIC JAIL TIME??? pffft hahaha dont make me wet myself.. ive never heard of anyone getting jailed for somthing so little! hahahaha were do people gorw to think like that? people are out there that have stolen cars, abused animals, bashed partners etc and not gone to jail and you hope someone goes to jail for a cat???hahahaha im still lughing.. and then to say "have the animal destroyed" i wish it was that easy for people like you :)
hahahahahahahahahaha gotta laugh at dunno103 on the first page.AN AUTOMATIC JAIL TIME??? pffft hahaha dont make me wet myself.. ive never heard of anyone getting jailed for somthing so little! hahahaha were do people gorw to think like that? people are out there that have stolen cars, abused animals, bashed partners etc and not gone to jail and you hope someone goes to jail for a cat???hahahaha im still lughing.. and then to say "have the animal destroyed" i wish it was that easy for people like you :)

You obviously dont understand the nature of the issue, or you wouldnt be comparing it to trivial crimes like assualt or car theft. Great maturity in wishing someone dead because they have a strong(well justified) view point.
The only thing i agree with that's been posted is the right to own guns. I think we all should have the right to own firearms and as many as we choose.

What gets me astonished with people like most of you who have said oh we need to save the environment, is you are all hypocrites.

I am sure most of you if not all of you use cars and pollute the air each day driving them
I am sure most of you purchase products that are not environmentally friendly
I am sure some of you live on farms that probably cut down dozens of trees and wiped out numerous native fauna.
I am sure most of you have big energy bills contributing to green house gas.

Lets keep this in perspective.

Yes the cats if released would cause damage.

However all of you are damaging the environment in some way.

If people want to purchase one of these cats they should be allowed to.
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