Snake Tatts? [and picture help!]

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I also find the ones that women get on the small of there backs weird. What is it, a mantle piece.
I look at those as a trail to adventure!!! I used to like them and still do but nearly every chicky with a tatt has one there,i guess it's a fashion thing which can also have it's own meaning....
If anyone wants to see some unreal tattoos, check out and go to Paul Booth's gallery. I'm not much for his satanist shtick, but he's one of the best around. Check it and prepare to be amazed.
yeah, Booth is a legend in the tattoo game.
Its all to do with personal taste and MRK is equally as bad as those he derides. He also cannot see past the superficiality of other people.
.... :roll: Utter mumbo jumbo super Pete lol
the gecks look nice jimmy, though i think u could of gone better then that dragon IMO.
Greebo said:

Nar Moose, just go the "W" on each bumcheeck

Angel doesn't get it........*?*

I'll spell it out again for you Angel.

W o W

Get it now?

AAHHHHHHH!!! Now i feel stoooopid. lmao

Mr K, LMAO stands for laffin my ar$e off

As for what happens when you get older, well, i hope to never regret anything i have ever done, and nothing so far seems to cross that, my tats all mean something to me that i want to remember, so that when im old, i still remember my quest for freedom of expression and the feelings that led me to each design, it's like a photograph that can never be lost.

Thanks for that angel, i have been sitting here for days trying to figure it
hehehe i have been doing the same for years but still have no real's out there ,just haven't found it yet :?:
well, here is the first stage done....I wont lie.........I was nearly :cry: by the 9th and last hour. you should see the bruising now!! :evil:
You had all that done at once....i would want some good medication if i got something that big in one go,9 hours...stuff that :shock:
5hrs 1st session, - 45 min break - 4 1/4 second. hehe, man it was absolute agony i tell ya!! i was so tender just from the outline. i really wanted to turn around and smack him for makin me go for so long but he kept tellin me "only another 20 mins"........for about 2-3 hrs (last sesh). I am meant to be gettin the next sesh tmoz but i head into surgery on Tues and dont wanna risk the golden staff so i'll wait a month or two to finish off.
here is a pic of one of mine.
dam it didnt turn out right alwell
:oops: Greg, you got a bit of a hammering...
Mr K, that looks way painful, how did you sit there that long? I do not have one (I am too scared) but I sat with my fiance while he had a skull and cross bones done on his neck and it was bleeding everywhere and the guy was going for bone, it was awful. There is also a lot of scar tissue and these guys were supposedly highly recommended. :roll:
mrk ur a nutter when i was getting mine only took 2 hours ish and i had a break every 10 minutes lol ur back is such a painfull place to get it on i noticed alcohol helps alot tho just an idear for next time lol
Yeah, nothing unusual about that Poss. I gave up in the end. I knew they wouldn't get the joke. It went over like a lead balloon.
Are you having a go at us slow ppl are you Greg.... :wink:
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