Underage Drinking.

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  • For

    Votes: 50 32.3%
  • Against

    Votes: 105 67.7%

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i dont think theres anyone at my old school (in nz) that doesnt drink over the age of 16, but most of their parents let them so they know when to stop and theres never been any trouble where theyv needed to be hospitalised or anything.
my paretns let me drink little bits when i was younger slowly increasing the amount i was aloud, so i know my limit, where some kids who arent aloud, try it and dont know when to stop and end up in hospital, so i think its best starting slowly with family like me.
it was xmas and i was 13 when they let me have one premix.
i drink cause is fun to muck around and stuff, not to be "cool" or whatever dragon keeper thinks id prefer to have a few drinks and hang out with friends then sit around righting depressing poems about how bad my life is and cut bu hey thats me only live once
and whats this crap about invcreasing the prices of pre-mixes?
it wont stop a thing, kids dont need to pay bills or anything so i doubt it will make a difference
and if it does theyl just buy spirits and mix it themseves
My view ...

Hmmm ....
1. I persoanlly didnt drink till after 18 BUT ... I now as an adult and father ... dont see the harm in say 16+ having say A christmas drink (notice i say A as in 1 ) or on special occasion ... not just to go out with the mates etc ...
2. The rediculas (hmm spelling sucks) thing is that at 16 you can have sex ... meaning that at 16 you can have a baby (if your female of course) thereby causing alsorts of future issues (as in job prospects, Social life as a teen and yound adult) BUT you cant drink till you 18 ???? what the ??? some laws just dont make sense ...

I dont know exactly the effect it might have but if the age for dinking was say 16 it would (drinking underage) would loose some of its "status" as in underage drinking is some cases is a peer status thing...
anyways thats my 2 cents worth ..
I don't really drink, I might have about 3 drinks a year.. I just don't see how people can enjoy it.
The few times I've been anywhere near drunk I really didn't enjoy.. and that's enough to put me off drinking altogether. I've got much better things to spend my money on.

I can't help but wonder though, how many people would actually choose to take up drinking on a regular basis if it wasn't such a socially accepted/expected thing to do here.
depends on individual person and the circumstances really. some people are idiots some arent.
if their were a good biological reason against drinking at different ages, then why isn't this standardized globally?
if alcohol weren't such a social taboo here, would it be so alluring?
if Dragonkeeper has been suspended, does that mean we get to run amock in his threads?

there are good biological reasons why you shouldn't have children with your 12year old cousin, but those laws aren't standardised globally, and it's also a taboo here and not alluring...........so where does your logic come from??????
i drink cause is fun to muck around and stuff, not to be "cool" or whatever dragon keeper thinks id prefer to have a few drinks and hang out with friends then sit around righting depressing poems about how bad my life is and cut bu hey thats me only live once

Hmm.... did I say that?
i think its up to the person?
its thier life and thier responsability?
but i dont believe people drink to get drunk they drink to have fun!
isnt that what gettting drunk is all about?
its the *******w!ts who drink nd drive or who drink cause they want to be cool and not because their comfortable with it, that give it a bad name?
and i also cant stand it when every one has a winge saying its all teens that are melodramatic and cant take care of themselves? ok some kids make mistakes.. and they learn from it but the ones who cant make mistakes for them selves end up in the rat house?? because they have break downs when they have moved into the real world,
and all this coming from a just 17 year old girl?
they cant say girls are all trashy when there drunk their having a good time but if a boy gets drunk nd sleeps with all the girls at the party its considered "cool" ***?
i dont understand?
this world we live in is bullst!t...
For. Not too young though, i'd say 15 is alright, for parties. But we need to be eased into it, when my sister started drinking, at about age 15-16 she was fine, when her friend turned 18 they all went out (half of them haddn't drunken before). The half that had drank previously were fine, where as the other half were throwing up and acting stupid and being dangerous. I think people just need to be eased into things.
and whats this crap about invcreasing the prices of pre-mixes?
it wont stop a thing, kids dont need to pay bills or anything so i doubt it will make a difference
and if it does theyl just buy spirits and mix it themseves

this is the thing that annoys me... increasing taxes on premixes is not going to solve anything. Kids (generally) cant afford to buy cartons anyway, they just buy the bottle and mix their own, putting more alcohol in it than there is in a premix. The only thing it has done is made it harder for the overage people to buy their premixes. My hubby went to buy a carton of rum the other day cause we like to enjoy a drink after work but the stupid things are $80 now!! Ouch. The whole tax raising thing is not the answer, its just another excuse for the government to get more money off of us.
I think taxing premixes more is a good idea, it encourages kids to drink straight spirits, buy a carton or goon :lol:
Im 13 i have a drink sometimes but not often. But i know heaps of people in my year that go parting on fridays and get drunk.
lol .... its a massive thing with all teenagers 13 and up, you can't really stop it they just have to make the choices themselves. Id be more worried about pot than alchohol.
15 yr olds make dumb enough decisions without alcohol. Get a few drinks in them and they dont know right from wrong i think thats the main issue.

With the smoking issue, i know that most middle aged smokers dont even want to smoke, they are addicted and have been from a young age when they just did it because it was considered cool and there was advertising everywhere.
upping the price of premixes will not solve a thing even if they up them to $100 a carton kids are just going to put their money together or they are going to steal them it could actually create crime ie:people stealing the products and selling them to other kids at their school,skateparks etc half price. the drug,emo and gang problems are more of a worry these days.
i agree that it really depends on the individual and their circumstances, and the environment which they are brought up. some parents do not allow their children even a drop of alcohol until they are 18, this could; to some individuals, create an element of curiosity and a need to rebel or to see what all the fuss is about or when they do finally turn 18 and go out to a club to have their first drinks they could find them selves in a large amount of trouble.

i know for me drinking at the ages of 16 and 17 i was able to find out what it felt like if i drank to much this allowed me to set a limit and know what i can handle and still be in control. also with the amount of drugs that are around in the clubs, i think is is so important for a teenager (if they are going to go out and drink)to know feeling which are right and normal effects of alcohol and those which could be wrong or the effect of a drink spiking.

but again it really does depend on the individual. :)
think about the drinks which under age people drink, if they cant afford mixed drinks they will turn to cheap wine and passion pop. many don't care about what they drink as long as they get drunk
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