very annoyed

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yeah i wont be untill the money is in but yeah i have a feeling ill be pushing my luck getting the shipping and licence money back like what i said before ill just take it on the chin its alot better than paying 1000 for very ordinary jungles

thanks andrew
no luck as of yet guys he said he will refund me no problems but no money in bank yet so ill call him wednesday to chase him god this has been a bad couple of weeks for me haha oh well it could be worse

thanks andrew
dude you got conned they're standard jungles. i got lucky when i bought my jungle off of there i actually made them bring the snakes to my place personally so i could inspect them. i got ripped off a little but it was my first snake so i didn't know better.
have u thought of contacting the site where he advertises these snakes and let them know? maybe they will pull his ad and not let him do it again

never know unless you ask

maybe mention that if the money isn't in the bank by Thursday you will be seeking some legal advice, might kick him where it doesn't hurt and move him along
maybe mention that if the money isn't in the bank by Thursday you will be seeking some legal advice, might kick him where it doesn't hurt and move him along
Maybe just simple beating and kicking may do? I hear QLD is nice this time of year mate.
I plan on paying a member of this site a visit shortly for a money sent mo animals received situation

2 for 1 andrew ???? :lol:
From a compositing point of view when it comes to images being changed to B&W...

Personally, I would take a very good close look at the images. There are ways to tell if an image has been altered from colour to black and white.

1. Chromatic Aberation (this is the kind of green/pinky shift in colour on edges of high contrast) If there is no appearance of this, then it has been altered.

2. Global Illumination is where colour from one source adds colour to another surface. Eg. If you put an egg onto a green table, there will be a cast of green from the table onto the egg's surface, making the egg appear greenish where it is affected. If the image is black and white, you will see no colour bleeding. Given that this photo appears to have been shot on a white sofa, then only point 1 can be checked at this point.

3. If you have the ability to do so, if you check the colour make up of the image itself, greys will always show in RGB as eg, 150 150 150 (+/- a couple of points due to colour management profiling). If there was colour in the shot, even a grey would appear as 146 157 150 (this would represent the casts of colour from light sources or other surfaces).

4. Most homes have fluorescent lights, and without colour correction, will always give the image a green tinge.

Only a professional can compensate for all these anomolies.

I understand that not all people can know this or check this, but atleast by knowing, you have a better chance of not being scammed.

If you are concerned about a post and are not sure, drop me a PM and I will check it out for you :)
thanks for the tips guys still no money ill be calling him again this week and put the hard word on him
as for the site judy has been helping me out as much as she can i without jeopardizing my money by annoying the seller
and yeah i would love a trip up to qld rite about now but from previous experiences violence never resolves anything its just a quick fix if thatts what your implying haha
and as for photo shop i should of shown my missus earlier as she is a graphic designer and she said you can tell the pic is a little sus haha stupid me
oh well ill one day ill get the black and whites im after

thanks andrew
i informed him that the export licence runs out on the 30th so if that expires the S_ _T will hit the fan

Hope it all works out, he is most likely waiting to re-sell them and get you to send directly to the new buyer and he will also have the money then from the sale.
no luck guys the scum bag is not going to give me my money back hope he gets whats coming for him
anyhow i still have 2 very nice jungles but arnt what i want so ill put them up for sale after chrissy
thanks everyone for you support every one has been great
thanks to judy from herp trader for helping me out to try sort it out

Thats disgusting, i really feel sorry for you buddy :(

Maybe that seller can be banned from herptrader?
Sorry to hear that mate, unfortunately I can't write what I think of people who do this kind of thing.
yeah its a shame oh well could be worse
judy warned him so i think she will probably ban him now but ill leave that up to her he has used the site before and never had problems with him

Hey Andrew,

With a current thread running on A hole breeders It triggered me to think of your bad experience.....It's been a month since your last update...How's things going with your bum deal??
He has them forsale on the forum with a encloser setup
Think he has no luck with the *** of a seller that sold the jungles to him
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