what do you bring to aps?

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ive decided.....
i bring my super-amazing-radcore-awesomeness :D
I brought levity and intelligence, ethics and standards with a strong BS detector. I brought devilry and a bag of gremlins. I brought sanity and order with wit and a rapier flair. I brought debate and torch of truth. I brought troubles for some and trouble for myself. I brought dignity in a paper bag. I brought humility and humbuggery. I brought a touch of class and an edge to moderation. I brought a bottle opener and a corkscrew. I brought it on myself.

DAMN , looks like we are lucky to have you . LOL
NA UH!!!! im the super-amazing-radcore awesome one!!!!!
and u cant take that away from me!!!


we all know that i am uber-awesome-r.. which is ten MILLION-ZILLION times the awesome you think you are...:lol:
u can be uber awesome....but u are definitely not good enough to hold the title of RADCORE!!!! (radical and hardcore incase u didint know...lol)...i am the radcorest or all the radcore....and the only radcore person on this site...
and hunni....radcore beats uber awesome any day! ;)
thats what you think...:D

but what you don't know is no matter how awesome you think you are, no matter what title you present yourself with, i am still going to be ten million-zillion times awesomer then you8)
u wish hunni...no one is more awesome, amazing, radcore or super than me! so HA!!!
Sarah, love of my life, my reason for living, you are just so awesome and radcore!!!!
Sarah, love of my life, my reason for living, you are just so awesome and radcore!!!!

Lol, you forgot modest! Sarah is oh-so-modest about just how radcore she really is! You really must learn to speak up hun, lmao!
lol kak <3
i know...i really am a modest person...lmao jks :p
see i am pure awesome ^_^


naahhhhhh we both bring awesomeness to the forum.. yours may be radcore, but myne is PURE hehhehehehe ok im done now..

Nat ;) x
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