what do you bring to aps?

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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I bring you 4692 of the classiest, sexiest, bestest, most polite, non-criticising, helpful, informative, useful and intelligent posts ever...

This number will increase throughout the year.

And when you're all half as cool as me you might just want to reflect a little on what terrible posts you've all written.
oh, and my willingness to talk any motorbike riders into pulling the tupperware off and fighter it!!!
What do you believe your contribution to this site is? Well I reckon I have helped a lot of newbies get on the right track with their new pets. A lot of regular members are sick of repetitive questions and ignore the new ones coming in asking a question they should have know was answered a week before their arrival. I love talking snakes so will answer them if I can.

Are you just here to be social & fill the hours in your day? Both. I share my interest with others on line more so than with my family. Ppl around me have mixed opinions about my snakes, and only my 7 & 12 yr olds are willing to help me and enjoy them with me. My hubby enjoys them but not as much as me. He is more my technician than anything else. Don't mean that a bad way, I love you Tim. Also these reptile forums are very addictive.

To learn perhaps? Or try show of your superiority. Learn and help others. I show off my photos but never trying to be better than anybody else.
i bring my quick typing finger and knowledge of the delete and backspace keys.
sometimes i bring my beer.
I don't bring as much as I'd like to, knowledge-wise. I know I cause a lot of frustration to some (never any offence intended at any stage though guys!!), and some hilarity to others. I know I get far more from the forum than I give. I find myself trying to advise my son with his snake, and wonder where the heck all this know-how is coming from. I don't think I learn anything, but information I read on here and don't think I learn, I must absorb unknowingly, and it's there when I need it!!!! Thanks to all for your contributions in the past.

I spend quite a bit of time on here because of a condition that prevents me getting out and about much, you are my lifeline, my only contact with the outside world sometimes. It's great to get on here and see that there really ARE others out there in the big wide yonder!
Some great answers guys ;)

And some totally hilarious ones also

The majority of aps members are strange but wonderful creatures..
Yeh we're all awsome in our own strange quirky ways:D:D:D
APS rocks. I'll subscribe one of these days, hey but I brought a calender!
I brought levity and intelligence, ethics and standards with a strong BS detector. I brought devilry and a bag of gremlins. I brought sanity and order with wit and a rapier flair. I brought debate and torch of truth. I brought troubles for some and trouble for myself. I brought dignity in a paper bag. I brought humility and humbuggery. I brought a touch of class and an edge to moderation. I brought a bottle opener and a corkscrew. I brought it on myself.
lol...i dunno wat i bring...i think someone else would be better answering this for me coz im yet to figure it out for myself...:D
Lurk mostly, I ask questions once in a while to give all you experts something to do.
: p
I bring APS brain tumours, and high blood pressure?
i use to bring popcorn, but i recieved an infraction for floading threads with popcorn. thanks grebbo. so now i bring nothing
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