Xmas Present Dilema - please help... :)

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hahaha @ forensik.
My other half and I had only been together for about 2 months when christmas came he got me a car stereo and a plasma Ball. He asked me what I wanted I told him and thats what I got. Easy, just ask her. Least then she can't be dissappointed.
And a nine year old a sling shot. Take it back to old school just teach him the responsibilty of owning one.
Get her a booking for a massage/pedicure? Nails and hair perhaps? With 2 kids she probably puts herself down the order and doesnt spoil herself with such "luxuries". I speak from experience!!!;)

I agree, i was a single mum for a while and when i started dating, my now husband, for my birthday he bought me a voucher for a one hour massage and it was the best present ever for someone that never took the time out to spend anything on themselves or have the hour spare to do anything for herself.

Make sure you offer to watch the kids for the time she is at the massage and do something special with them in that time too like take them to a park or to lunch or something that way they would have also had a great time and everyone would have had a fantastic day.

Good luck and i pat any man on the back that is willing to take on someone elses' kids, my husand took on two kids from my previous marriage and treats them as his own now and although its hard work he also sees the rewards.

Merry Christmas !!

Mrs I

Oh if you cant afford the real deal, ask her to get the kids looked after for an hour or so and do it yourself ... even better !!!!

Mrs I

Go for a walk around your local westfield there are plent y of these new Chinese Massage places opening up, get her a gift certificate for a full body massage (Probably looking at around 50-80) or something or a local beauticians for a facial + massage.
Those Chinese Massage places are the bomb.. I go to one pretty regularly for a full body massage for about $50 that goes for a little over an hour..no happy endings though.. lmao (joking joking)
Ask her friends for ideas. The massage/pedicure/manicure etc etc seems the way to go. Also a silky dressing gown or silky PJ's is a nice gift (esp if you get to see her in them- lol).
How about a remote control hovercraft for the 9 year old? I think they're only about $50. Boy or girl?. For the GF, you can't go wrong with shoes (who doesn't love shoes??).
Yeh shoes are always good, she may need to pick them though.
spoil the kids on xmas, then organise a babysitter and suprise her with a romantic dinner on boxingday, somewhere the two of you have to get dressed up and has candles and flowers on the table etc :)

then give her the massage afterwards, followed by a bubble bath with rose petals and more candles

im a hopless romantic at heart!

ps, im leaving this open for my hubby to see, hope it works ;)
What I did with a new partner(new) was to make up a book of coupons.
Holder is entitled to breakfast in bed
2. Holder is entitled to massage
You do all the honours, cheap and sweet, maybe with a box of chocolates.
Now i know wat my misses wants - a new car cd player, but bc i h8 her so much and just wish to god someone would put a bullet in my brain to end this relationship i think il just go with the first part of slip_phreaks plan
"Go for a walk around your local westfield there are plent y of these"
HAHA! I am suprised at the responses here - Bredli thanks - but I'm not that rich... :p

Forensick... I have a female hatchey... will that do? See you here on Christmas Day? You have to pay for the flights tho... But then yet again, i'm a dab hand in the kitchen if I do say so myself... I'd cope ok... but it leaves less time for the romancing...

The book idea.... This voucher is redeemed for 1 x slimy cuddle (this will just end up expensive if I also go with MrBredli's idea).


All kidding... there's some great ideas - but for some reason you think the kids are boys - sorry, my bad, they're two girls 6 and 9 - plus my daughter who's 7!!

And why is p ool edited to ***l? is there a bad **** there?

Any more reasonable suggestions?

Incidentally - the po ol on boxing day isn't an issue - I am lucky - my GF has a p ool at her house - rather a nice *** l might I add!
sorry... already have a female.....

will cook for a striped male coastal or a male bhp
id go for po0l toys, the ones where all of them can play, like those boogie boards that have water pistols in them etc, or the underwater communicators.

if they all get the same theres no fights, 'mines better etc'
Chris - you're young, let me offer you some advice... when dating a woman make sure it is clearly after christmas and probably better still long after valentines day. Ask when her birthday is and make sure it doesn't fall within around 6 months of you beginning dating - it's trouble I tell ya!

I think the best bet is to date some in march so long their birthday is in October - preferably late October...
Haha great minds think alike, im kinda delaying getting serious with this girl for that reason, well for xmas anyway v-day is easy .It's not the money, i pay for dinner, its just the stress, mates, relos and mates kids are hard enough to buy for
Oh the things I have turned to herpers for advice on :) never put me wrong so far!

Tell her you want to go an a break. Then get back with her after xmas.

This'll save you money and then you've got until xmas 08 to work out if you need to get her something.


Maybe start with a 'treasure hunt' kind of thing (like 'The Amazing Race)? Like, at the front door leave a note with a clue/poem leading her to the next note somewhere in the house and so on, until she reaches the final note with a box of chocolates and an invitation to dinner.

Then at the table scatter rose petals around (aphid free of course!) with a centre piece of chocolate dipped strawberries and a couple of candles for mood lighting. Pop open some champagne and use forensick's idea of a private chef to organise the food so you don't bury yourself in too much work and can watch her enjoy her present :)

Afterwards, maybe a candle lit spa/bath and followed by a gentle massage with some nice scented oil.

PS. might be an idea to have a babysitter organised for the kids on the night! ;)
Awww Shane what a romantic you are. They ya go Slimmy, has sweet and lovely is that, and yes definitely get rid of the kids, organise something as a whole, another night.

Candlelit spa.....mmmmm......and cockails...
shhhhh! don't tell anyone! :lol: but a little effort goes a long way ;)
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