Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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thanks for replies, all really nice.
Already got rid of all gardens near house( 30m rock wall 40 big gevilies, rose garden, bottle brush and have turned the whole native scene that i created over 4 years into 1000m of grass , grass is always short
but i have 200m of 6ft high lilly pilly hedge with millions of frogs, plus i breed silkie chickens so have rats and mice on and off at times.

so whatever i do im always going to have snakes, kids no not to go near snakes but we are always outside and always in the chicken pen/ horse paddocks so i will always come across these.
I have never been able to get a snake catcher when i need one, always weekends, and once too late.

So am only left with present solution and method that i have had to deal with about 28 odd snakes over past 5 years, last summer was rediculous with 11 snakes of which 5 reb bellies, 4 brown and 2 green (thought they were brown)

I still have my green friend who regularly spends an afternoon in my letterbox and another in the hedge near the shed which have been regulars for the past year. So im not into "the only good snake is a dead snake thing" but I will not take any risks with family after losing a dog and having 2 very close calls myself last year.

So i ask the question again, is there anyone local to carbrook that would be interested in a phone call on the off chance to collect a bucket containing a green, brown or black new best friend.

I use a 10ft long telescopic tree lopper so im not brave or stupid but have caught these and released prior to losing my dog.

You will always have snake issues while there are heaps of frogs rodents and habitat for them, as i said relocating and killing wont make too much differance, because they will keep moving in for the food and shelter. It might be worth doing a course on moving venomous snakes, it would be much cheaper than spending a $1000 or so every year on call outs. Learning how to properly ID them would be well worth while too. Jonno from ERD should be able to help or at least direct you towards someone who can, he also does snake relocation courses.
I'm special :) I'm licenced from Gympie to Toowoomba to the Tweed.
I am licenced to do Gympie regional area too .does that make me special? :lol::lol:....if only you couldve helped me out with a froggy problem ....but I heard your scared of evil laughing froggies;)
so your saying your not prepared to get a licensed snake catcher but you risk harming yourself and the snakes by using a barbaric instrument ? I said RING YOUR COUNCIL ..RING YOUR LOCAL POLICE...GOOGLE ON THE INTERNET you will find a snake catcher that has a LEGAL PERMIT FROM THE EPA that can help you in that situation :|...what people have to understand is ,if everyone took that attitude I have to do what I need to do by my kids, and take it upon themselves illegally to remove ,kill or capture snakes,why have laws in the first place ?? why not let people that want them as pets go out and catch what they want ,,why not just ignore exotic rules and get ya hands on those corns that alot seem to want ...why not become a poacher and make big bucks ...take the law into your own hands why not .......who cares that snakes are protected and its illegal ..I AM PROTECTING MY a snake catcher i have to keep within the law,how hypocritical of me to go along with the lame excuses that are constantly popping up on the forum ,justifying why people do illegal activities where snakes are concerned....SO I WONT GO ALONG WITH THE REST .....wake up and act like a responsible adult and respectable human being and do the RIGHT thing by the snakes more vigillant when outside ,if you see a snake in your yard take your kids inside,and watch where it heads off to ,make your kids aware of snakes and if they are of an age that they are to young keep them inside to play untill the snake has gone..its not going to hide and wait in ambush untill your children surface again,its going on its own business and sometimes it interacts with what your doing ...they are not out to get you or your pets on purpose,the amount of snake bites in our country per year is small considering how many snakes there are in our country...
I have one question- Why do you randomly yell in all your posts?
( No ofence or anything of the like ment!)
I have one question- Why do you randomly yell in all your posts?
because there the things that are constantly being said and not read properly .if we are able to have neon lighting it would be under that but as we dont i use caps ...its works you seen it ...
I am licenced to do Gympie regional area too .does that make me special? :lol::lol:....if only you couldve helped me out with a froggy problem ....but I heard your scared of evil laughing froggies;)

I might be scared of evil laughing frogs but at least I can ID Taipans :)
I thought call outs were free from the council? Shows how much I know!

I don't understand how carbrooksilkies can spend four years creating an awesome native landscape garden then tear it down when some native wildlife comes to live in it... If you didn't want snakes you should concrete the whole area, get rid of your frogs and your chickens (and therefore rats).. If you are unwilling to do that then you've got to accept they are ust a part of life.

Call the numbers redbelly and Jonno gave you, or do your own ven-handling course. Or just leave them be. The more you remove them the more others will come in.
so your saying your not prepared to get a licensed snake catcher but you risk harming yourself and the snakes by using a barbaric instrument ? I said RING YOUR COUNCIL ..RING YOUR LOCAL POLICE...GOOGLE ON THE INTERNET you will find a snake catcher that has a LEGAL PERMIT FROM THE EPA that can help you in that situation :|...what people have to understand is ,if everyone took that attitude I have to do what I need to do by my kids, and take it upon themselves illegally to remove ,kill or capture snakes,why have laws in the first place ?? why not let people that want them as pets go out and catch what they want ,,why not just ignore exotic rules and get ya hands on those corns that alot seem to want ...why not become a poacher and make big bucks ...take the law into your own hands why not .......who cares that snakes are protected and its illegal ..I AM PROTECTING MY a snake catcher i have to keep within the law,how hypocritical of me to go along with the lame excuses that are constantly popping up on the forum ,justifying why people do illegal activities where snakes are concerned....SO I WONT GO ALONG WITH THE REST .....wake up and act like a responsible adult and respectable human being and do the RIGHT thing by the snakes more vigillant when outside ,if you see a snake in your yard take your kids inside,and watch where it heads off to ,make your kids aware of snakes and if they are of an age that they are to young keep them inside to play untill the snake has gone..its not going to hide and wait in ambush untill your children surface again,its going on its own business and sometimes it interacts with what your doing ...they are not out to get you or your pets on purpose,the amount of snake bites in our country per year is small considering how many snakes there are in our country...

Don't hold back redbellybite, tell us how you really feel :shock:
Redbellybite, Craig here of carbrooksilkies, sorry i should have said I am a bloke, a reasonable responsible and respectable human being and was asking for other solutions. Really appreciate you showing your patience and assistance to a newbie who was trying to ask a reasonable question to find a solution to a problem. Be it a perceived or actual problem in your mind.
I have gained the solution to my problem is that there is no solution.
By the way i only came onto the site and asked the question as i do actively look after and arrange rescue of koala's, possums, birds ect and i go out of my way to look after wildlife. My actions may seem unreasonable, however 11 venomous in a year is too many and i was trying to find a solution.
Not sure of the viability of this, nor even if it works, but friends I know from a farmland area who has horses say they plant geraniums around the property, that apparently acts as a deterrent.

Now, I have either got all of you rolling on the floor holding your aching ribs laughing uncontrollably, or perhaps thinking there may be something in it, like I said, its not something I have done, but what a friend does and says works!!! Thats in SA, and I don't know if it stands for all types of snake, or just the browns. I guess it can't hurt to think about it and try it out, the only thing that can happen is that nothing will change, or, the plants will hold a good percentage of them at bay!!!!!!

Either way, I wish you good luck
Redbellybite, Craig here of carbrooksilkies, sorry i should have said I am a bloke, a reasonable responsible and respectable human being and was asking for other solutions. Really appreciate you showing your patience and assistance to a newbie who was trying to ask a reasonable question to find a solution to a problem. Be it a perceived or actual problem in your mind.
I have gained the solution to my problem is that there is no solution.
By the way i only came onto the site and asked the question as i do actively look after and arrange rescue of koala's, possums, birds ect and i go out of my way to look after wildlife. My actions may seem unreasonable, however 11 venomous in a year is too many and i was trying to find a solution.
and in my first post i did say where to get your solutions from ...but alot are more interested in catching the snakes themselves and then making excuses for it ...if people where out there catching and relocating Koalas by themselves because they thought they knew better or couldnt be bothered to read or find out who actually has permits to do so ,all hell would break loose are a wildlife rescuer why would you allow or even use a tree lopper to catch snakes for in the first place should know with your wildlife contacts who does reptiles this even to me in my opinion is worse now that you made me aware of your wildlife involvement...and i know i was harsh but the message obviously isnt getting across any other cotton wool way ......I did post a snake catchers number and you were also givin another number so now you shouldnt have any more catching by a tree lopper or worry about being stuck with a snake in your yard ....
Again, thanks for that, i like them but not enough to want to pay 100-150 time each time one is in the house or back patio.

And dont get me wrong i really appreciated your solutions they were really new and innovative ideas that i had not even considered yet.
Again, thanks for that, i like them but not enough to want to pay 100-150 time each time one is in the house or back patio.

And dont get me wrong i really appreciated your solutions they were really new and innovative ideas that i had not even considered yet.
you are breaking the law and you call yourself a wildlife carer ,you sir ,are more worried about your hip pocket, then what should be done ..they charge very little for what they do, and you sir ,should appreciate that ,also you sir ,should learn to either cop up the cash and do the right thing or leave the snakes alone ...
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Now please don't blast me as I am not sure the harm this may cause reptiles as I haven't done any research into this as I only found this out last night.

A friend of mine sprinkles sulfur powder around the house to help repel snakes, and so far they have not seen any snakes around their house. It isn't water soluble however and can wash away during big rains or be absorbed into the soil eventually. But it may be something to look into.
Also have a google of snake repellers there may be something that will suit you. However I am not sure how efficient they are as I have no need or use for such things.

Another thing which I learnt about last night is that it may be handy to have injectable vitamin C to deal with snake bites with animals. A mates horse was bitten on the mouth by a tiger snake as they are generally rife on properties over here, anyway they gave 2 doses on either side of the neck of the horse and did body work, the vet took about an hour to get to the horse and only gave the animal a half dose of anti venom. The horse pretty much lost abit of hair in the mouth and neck area but which is all growing again without any problem. This can be used with dogs as well to ASSIST in snake bites. I am not saying it is a cure but will ASSIST in recovery. You will have to do research into this, as I said I only found about this last night.

Good luck with everything! :)
Ever thought he can't afford an extra $1500 a year to remove snakes, and not everyone who gets bitten by snakes sees them before hand. Just wondering, if all the carers are so concerned about snakes then why the call out fee, understandable if its your job but $150, I'd move it myself too before i payed that much.
You gotta do what it takes to protect your family.
Dont let anyone else tell you any different.
So sorry about the dog, that would of almost kill'd me.

I agree do you you have to to protect your family.
i also dont agree with the "best snake is a dead snake" but i would prefer a dead snake to anything i love being bitten or killed by one..

Sorry about the dog :( R.I.P
Ever thought he can't afford an extra $1500 a year to remove snakes, and not everyone who gets bitten by snakes sees them before hand. Just wondering, if all the carers are so concerned about snakes then why the call out fee, understandable if its your job but $150, I'd move it myself too before i payed that much.

Because it's only fair. We are on call 24/7, we have the appropriate experience, equipment and knowledge. We are dealing with potentially deadly animals, we have advertising costs, mobile phones, fuel, cars, business names, tax, insurance, accountants and bills to pay. It is a business and businesses charge money.
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