big big problem

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Offer still stands mate, if you need any help in the future I would be only too happy to help.
I agree with Aslan... most people will react initially with fear when it comes to snakes - but I've been around a long time and know that if you present your case and your animals in a positive way - almost everybody comes around to being more curious and interested than afraid.

This may not be the case with the person who has made the complaint in the first place, but that may not matter if you can swing the other members of your body corporate onto your side. Present an agreeable front, invite them to see your animals and setups (make sure thay are ABSOLUTELY spotless and well presented), and just be firm but pleasant. As soon as you become aggressive, you're on the way to losing the battle, and it gives them another reason to poke sticks at you. YOU need to take conrol of the situation, and retain it. If they actually like you as a person, you're probably more than half way there.

This is a serious and stressful situation with the potential for a very long-term ongoing problem, and there have been a lot of silly and unhelpful comments. You may not feel too much like it atm, but keeping the communication lines pleasant and open will achieve far more than becoming aggressive/defensive.

Are there any othe reasons that may suggest the body corporate has a problem with you living there? - Noise, mess, unruly behaviour? Just asking so you are sure the slate is pretty clean...

Good luck, Jamie.
hey jamie great points absolutely not i have never done anything in the 2 years of being here to give them any reason to not like me apart from me being a young guy with piercings and them all being old thats about it
Slither, this i just my personal feeling, but I would not ever invite any of them in to see/meet the reptiles and see your set up. Just keep in mind the amount of reptile theft that has been occuring. you don't really know these people or the people they may associate with. they don't have a legal leg to stand on. they can not enter your home to remove your animals. I would be indicating to them that if (depending on how the meeting goes) any such further harrassment continues that you will be force to take legal action (including a restraining order against the complainant) under the law you have a right to face your accuser, so they will at some point be required to name the complainant. what you do inside your home is only your business as long as it is not any illegal activity and does not change the physical structure of the complex.
I would also voice record any and all meetings, just make sure you state that this is what you are doing, showing everyone in the room the recording device, you do not need their permission if you do it this way as anyone with an objection is free to leave the meeting.
if you have not admitted to keeping reptiles, it is purely hear say and you are not required to tell them if you do or do not have any.
just my 2 cents worth.
great advice, i dealt with body corps constantly when i was in the apartment industry, legally they have authority to kick you out on whatever grounds they like, providing a majority vote in MOST situations, this is your problem! so be VERY nice, and take your peircings out for the meeting!
how is it legal that they can kick you out on whatever grounds they want, so long as the majority of them vote?

that is so stupid

seeing as he is living around heaps of old people, do you suppose that they could 'vote' him out if he was living with his girlfriend.... because they arent married... and old people arent into that.... is that what you think?

because that is pretty much what this situation is like. the snakes dont affect anybody, they just arent popular.
If i was in your situation and had to get rid of all my snake's because of some old bag complaining and if i did everything in my power to keep them there with with no luck at all, i'd just sell up and move somewhere else because at the end of the day you dont get attached to a house but you do get attached to your pets.

I read somewhere in one of you replies that you said that the body corp have full control of all the grounds, well that may be the case, but if you own the house what control do they have within your four walls???? (ABSOULUTELY NOTHING) because you own that space. Just tell em to go jump.

But i you get to the point where you cant do anything i'd seriously consider moving before i got rid of any of my snakes.
If I was u id go with the being nice strategy, and not get nasty until u know they r going to turn on you. That being said i would still keep all information about the proceedings recorded.
hey guys just thought id tell you all i received the letter yesterday from the body corp we have arranged a meeting in two weeks but they didnt threaten me with any stuff so this may not be as bad as it seems time will tell
Well when you face them all together in the room with the quivering granny clutching her heart and pouring out her ridiculous, uneducated rant, and things are starting to look bad for you, tell them straight out that you have Gerontophobia, the fear of old people and it’s taking its toll on your health – there was nothing mentioned in the body corporate letter prior to you taking up residency about frail old people living in the establishment!! :twisted: It's a shot in the dark, but it's worth a go ;) (Jeez I'm full of great advice!! :D)
hey guys just thought id tell you all i received the letter yesterday from the body corp we have arranged a meeting in two weeks but they didnt threaten me with any stuff so this may not be as bad as it seems time will tell

i hope this all turns out for you.
i think the old ladies fears are born from the unknown, maybe a bit of education, engaging them in conversations and explaining that as much as they dont want your snakes to escape and eat their little dog or cat you dont want it to escape because you like it as much as they like their animals.. also you may need to explain they the snakes are non venomous and of no threat to them.
if there is anything we can do to help out rather than you loosing your collection let us know
hey guys adam who lives only minutes from me has said we will help me and take them until i sort somthing out if it comes to that so i shouldnt have to sell any if i do maybe one or two which im thinkin of sellin anyways a pair of yearling coastals for 400 great markings feeding on adult mice but only want local buyers
Herc - I disagree strongly with a lot of your points, there is absolutely no grounds for an AVO as there is no harassment, the old lady has made a complaint to the body corporate...and has every right to complain about whatever she likes, she hasn't harassed Slither in any way...

...also, recording the voices of the committee members without their express permission is technically legal, however being in possession of a recording is a breach of the Listening Devices Act and is ILLEGAL, as is playing the recording in the presence of anyone but those present during it's recording...(that is the law in NSW anyway)...

...also think that immediately taking the defensive as you seem to be describing is a good way to escalate the matter before it gets anywhere near that level...

...I will also remind everyone that taking the snakes to the meeting (unless held at Slither's residence) will be a breach of licence conditions - breaking the restrictions placed upon you as a reptile keeper is probably a bad way to impress the committee, and making them aware of the restrictions and your willingness to abide by them may be another point to help resolve the situation...
Yeah mate my offer still stands too. Good luck with everything, I hope it all works out well for you and your herps. I have seen them all and I think they are kept in excellent conditions, the enclosures are well and truely big enough as well as secure, you should be proud of them. I will help anyway I can so you can keep them, keep all of us updated mate.
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