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Maximum fine for a breach of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act is $110,000 and 5 years in jail. You might also have broken other Federal and State laws. Due to the Reverse Onus of Proof, in court you will need to prove you didn't smuggle the exotics in.

what a joke, dont beleave every thing you read in the paper no one has or has even come close
to geting a fine that big and out of every one that has been cought not one has done time for keeping exotics.and this bit about you need to prove you did not smuggle them in is a joke 2 as they need to prove you smuggled them in all you have to say is you got them of a bloke at the pub and unless they prove other wise your safe.
.and this bit about you need to prove you did not smuggle them in is a joke 2 as they need to prove you smuggled them in all you have to say is you got them of a bloke at the pub and unless they prove other wise your safe.

They may not be able to charge you with smuggling them (I am not sure on the legality or onus for that specific offence) - however you would be quickly convicted of "Knowingly deal with suspected proceeds of crime" or "Goods in personal custody suspected of being stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained"...(in NSW anyway)...

...and in these circumstances YOU must prove that they are not illegal...impossible if you are a licenced herp keeper...
yeah them wolves are heaps cool but i would say they might be dangerous i dono really never seen one. If anyone has an overseas venomous reptile must really be crazy because they could potentially kill alot of people unlike the ones i would like to have like a leopard gecko and a slamander they are not really a deadly animal are they lol.

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]re: P's in Sydney selling for 100$ - They may have been redhooks, not RBP there are alot of people who think they have P's when in fact they have silver dollars, you can't get pacus here for less than 250 let alone a P, 5 years ago they were selling for atleast 200 - 500 per unit, with a catch of you had to buy in lots of 10.

RTboa, iguanas, vipers, cham, monkeys, sugar gliders(non-exotic).. they have all popped up from time to time, even you fellow Sydney dwellers, if you look around for the right things, you do stumble across freshies.

someone posted a pic of a "salamander" that one you posted is illegal, and the ones you morph out of axolotls are crap, they are not meant to be morphed, they don't live as long...

monkeys suck, they are totally vicious pets, look around at the damage they can do to people.. There is no way you can get a vet to check over a monkey here you will reported so fast to the auths.

about 15 years ago there was a lady who use to breed squirrels too, haven't seen them around for yonks!

my .02c

yeah i heard that the morphed axolotls were crap and the dont live verry long thats why a propper salamander would be cool.
what a joke, dont beleave every thing you read in the paper no one has or has even come close
to geting a fine that big and out of every one that has been cought not one has done time for keeping exotics.and this bit about you need to prove you did not smuggle them in is a joke 2 as they need to prove you smuggled them in all you have to say is you got them of a bloke at the pub and unless they prove other wise your safe.

Ive heard a few stories of people who have been caught with exotics. One bloke is a guy who i know who was caught with rattle snakes, ever speices. He no longer has his lic, but his wife does :lol: Another story i heard was of a guy who had his controlers lic and advance lic with lots of rep kept on book. He was raided when police found out he was stealing electricty. They followed the wire to the shed where he was stealing the power to grow a crop and heat all sorts of vipers, rattlers and cobras. Story goes police made a mistake, he kept all his on lic reps and even kept his controlers lic. Dont know how true these stories are
G'day m.punga,

Both the stories are based on the truth, but are also totally incorrect. Some of the information is available on the internet from credibly sources (i.e court proceedings).

With regards to cobra's, I only worked with them for two years so I am no expert, however one of the blokes I worked with was amazing, as was Tim Nias. We had some very quiet ones but there are techniques you can use to get them to hood, and you can learn their habits and reactions which can allow you to do some very silly things with them. Very predictable animals that get very boring. I learnt the basics and could normally get them to do what I wanted if I needed to.

There are lots of rumours of people keeping cobras illegally, and obviously some of them are true.


They may not be able to charge you with smuggling them (I am not sure on the legality or onus for that specific offence) - however you would be quickly convicted of "Knowingly deal with suspected proceeds of crime" or "Goods in personal custody suspected of being stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained"...(in NSW anyway)...

...and in these circumstances YOU must prove that they are not illegal...impossible if you are a licenced herp keeper...

unless they have proof of you smuggling them in or breeding them they can not charge you with it they can only charge you with keeping a controld pest in victoria.

and what do you mean by ,you must prove that they are not illegal ???
because unless you have an EXOTICS licence in vic they are illegal.
Ive heard a few stories of people who have been caught with exotics. One bloke is a guy who i know who was caught with rattle snakes, ever speices. He no longer has his lic, but his wife does :lol: Another story i heard was of a guy who had his controlers lic and advance lic with lots of rep kept on book. He was raided when police found out he was stealing electricty. They followed the wire to the shed where he was stealing the power to grow a crop and heat all sorts of vipers, rattlers and cobras. Story goes police made a mistake, he kept all his on lic reps and even kept his controlers lic. Dont know how true these stories are

i know at least 10 pepole in vic that have bean cought with exotics and have not lost any of there other licenced reps as it comes under a different law in vic.and the same with a mate in qld 2.
i met this family at this party, they had a pet monkey and it was part of the family, it was wearing proper cloths ( a muscle top and some shorts ) and beleive it or not it was drinking beer!
I WANT A WOLF!! Overseas, you can keep wolf hybrids without a hassle and they're gorgeous!!

Just get a Husky, next best thing! :D

This is Kataan...

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well the parahna bit...... thats funny there id pet store around the corner who sells parahnas for 100 each fish.........

Couldn't find much text on the laws but this is something i found

Currently there are no recorded cases of piranha being found in natural waterways
within Australia. However there have been accounts of piranhas entering Australia for
the aquarium trade . These events have been associated with the illegal smuggling of
the fish at the Australian border, which has resulted in the confiscation of the animals
by AQIS and Australian Customs (pers comm.). Taronga Zoo housed and kept
Piranha in 1980, which were obtained through confiscated specimens by Australian
Customs (pers. comm.).
Given the evidence of smuggling of these species it is very likely that a number of
specimens are to be found in illegal private collections within Australia. Anecdotal
evidence would also suggest that this is the case.
Maximum fine for a breach of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act is $110,000 and 5 years in jail. You might also have broken other Federal and State laws. Due to the Reverse Onus of Proof, in court you will need to prove you didn't smuggle the exotics in.

what a joke, dont beleave every thing you read in the paper no one has or has even come close
to geting a fine that big and out of every one that has been cought not one has done time for keeping exotics.and this bit about you need to prove you did not smuggle them in is a joke 2 as they need to prove you smuggled them in all you have to say is you got them of a bloke at the pub and unless they prove other wise your safe.

First of all, I didn't read it in the paper, I read it in the legislation. That is the maximum penalty. The judges don't have to issue the maximum, they can sentence whatever fine they want.

Three years ago they changed the legislation to include the Reverse Onus of Proof. Because of this, they legally had to have an amnesty (which they did). If you are picked up with exotics, you must proof you didn't smuggle it in. The idea of including this clause is that the only way you can get out the smuggling charge is to name the person you got the exotic from (the 'some guy in a pub' excuse won't work).

coxy said:
Taronga Zoo housed and kept
Piranha in 1980, which were obtained through confiscated specimens by Australian
Customs (pers. comm.).

I can verify that too. There were 17 fish. And AQIS still intercept the periodic shipments.


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i am amzed that they can manage to get them through i wouldnt have thought they would survive being sent through mail and i didnt think they would be worth enough to bebought in by a boat but like everything if someone wants something there is always a way to get it i surpose.

they are bieng breed here mate no need to be sent by mail or anything they are not even smuggled in nay more they are all breed right here :)
A girl i know the other day told me she knows someone with a rattlesnake, are these people stupid ?? what if they got bit by an illegal ven?? There would be no anti-ven available to them

rattlesnake bit is easyly treated all u have to do is dive to a hospital where they hold a deathadder anti-ven just the bit of a rattle snake is much worst cos those guys fangs are long and i i mean long :)
Thats handy to know
I'll remember that next time i come across a rattle snake:)
As Tarek said the vast majority of exotic reptiles are bred right here, and have been for decades. I have personally seen in peoples collections things such as Retics, Burmese, Balls, Corns, King snakes , half a dozen species of Cobras, Rattlers and Vipers, Sand boas etc. I cant remember them all. All multi generational captive bred right here. I've also been told of a bloke breeding yellow and green anacondas in western Sydney. It's a different scene, there's a hell of a lot of people keeping reptiles out there without licence's.
some one was saying before "but its only a gecko, what harm can it do", what about asian house gecko's in QLD and the dammage they have done to native species of reps. yes they are only a gecko but they are the only type of geckos i have ever seen around my place.
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