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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2003
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Hey fellow herpers! Hi I'm new here, I'm 13 on the 31 of may this year and I really want a pet snake. I have been reading and researching Aussie snakes since I was 8.I was wanting to get a Black Headed Python but they're too expesive, so I might go about a Childrens, water, or milksnake. But I'm having a little bit of trouble convincing my parents. I do have an adult bearded dragon, and they see how much I love and look after them and they KNOW how strong my passion is for reptiles and they even know I want to be a Herpetologist. I inform them on little facts about snakes every so often and I know how to identify legless lizards from snakes, and pythons from blind snakes , from colourbirds from elapida from file snakes and of course sea snakes and sea kraits. Yet they still wont let me get one........I was wondering if anyone could think of pursusive reasons from experience I could print out a leave around the house for them to read?

Thanks in advance!!!!!!!

Hi Belinda! I love your enthusiasm - don't give up. But.... don't get too pushy with your folks either!

Where are you located? Maybe one of our members in your area could help out if they have a placid snake or two to introduce to your parents. It's worked for others on this site, although it was with nervous wives, not parents, but the same principle should apply! :wink:

Good luck!
Hi Belinda and welcome,
I'm thirteen too :twisted: :) and also have a bearded dragon aswell as two bluies and a coastal carpet python. I am fortunate that my parents actually don't mind snakes and rather like them. Maybe, try showing them hatchlings, especialy ones that don't bite :twisted:
what i did is, tell your perents that you have found a snake for really cheap, and then get it at your house and they will finally let you keep it. i am 15 years old and thats how i got my first olive.

What I did was, I convinced my parents to come to the reptile section at TWP (which is where i volunteer) :lol: Then I struck up a convo with the reptile keeper there about snakes as pets, while youre there u could maybe get your parents to hold a snake.
Hi Belinda

keep the fire burning and continue the way you have been. If you have a friend with a reliable docile snake maybe you could invite them around to your place with the snake and just maybe your parents may see just how special the scaley ones are. It's easy to say no when they may have little or no experience of snakes first hand. Do you think that they may be scared or uneasy about a snake in the house. Is there an option to keep one outside - I'm not sure where you live.

Keep us informed and good luck.

Graham 8)
I'd explain to your folks that they must be nice to you and give in to your every need because one day they will be old and need somewhere to live and someone to look after them.You could then proceed to tell them its your honour to take care of your olderly parents after they raised you so caring and lovingly if they start treating you right OR you'd send them into one of those old age nursing homes where the patients are terrorised and forced into slave labour to earn the home a quick dollar if they keep denying your passions. Then I'd mention how new case studies shows that the generation of their era all suffer from dementia. lol :lol:
Hi Belinda

It's kind of understandable how your parents feel about snakes, because a few years ago keeping a snake as a pet in one's home would have sent shivers down the spines of most people.

But, these days we have all become more ecologically aware and our knowledge of snakes and reptiles has changed, and you'll find that the number of people who have taken an interest in these fascinating animals has developed hugely.

I'm not sure about Australia, but it is estimated that in the USA, about 7% of all families, which is over 2 million people, keep a minimum of one reptile, mostly snakes.

I've read that the keeping of snakes as pets is one of the fastest growing hobbies in the country. In the USA they actually import several million reptiles each year, mostly for pets.

There is a huge pet store in Sydney which sells ALL pets from fish to birds, dogs, cats and all sorts of creatures, and they have told me that they sell more reptile food than any other food.

I hope that this will help you a bit. The only other thing I can suggest is that you ask for a crocodile or a lion, and then when you come back down the list to the snake it will seem very tame and manageable!!! hehehe

Cheers, Artie
milk snakes r foreighn im 13 too and i am constantly buying reptiles gust get a setup than 1 day bring one home on the weekend im getting a fair few beardies an a stimpsoni.
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