Am I Being Unfair?

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Good on him and you and your mothing skills, he HAS a job and isnt sitting around experimenting with drugs... Its better to focus on the lighter side sometimes.......

Well...I wouldn't say he's not doing that. I'm pretty sure he's come home stoned on pot a few times and I just hope that he doesn't try anything heavier.
I got along more with my boyfriends parent than my own. And that is simply cos they treated me like a friend, not the boss...
Want me to come around with some battalion boys and slap him around for you old school army style?

I will, im not joking, as a matter of fact, my car is running already!! ;)
Well...I wouldn't say he's not doing that. I'm pretty sure he's come home stoned on pot a few times and I just hope that he doesn't try anything heavier.

Oh ok, haha. Well i think alot of us are guilty for trying it....
Your son is not a kid any more. Stop treating him like one. He works so he should pay something, even if it is a token amount till October. I think you need to sit and talk to him, not at him. Point out that his morning showers wake you up. Could he be quieter? Could you shut your door? Give & take works much better than just talking at someone. Show him the bills so he understands where you are coming from and jot down all the jobs around the house & split them up fairly. Stop paying for his stuff. He earns money, let him do it but show him how to budget. This is a new learning time for him. Help him by showing him how, not telling him to just do it. Let him make his own mistakes. Action & reaction.....consequences.......

Actually, I've changed my mind. I am going to get him to give me a small amount of board each week and I will treat it as repayment for his bike (but I won't tell him If he tries to not pay me, then I will take the computer off him. I'm done letting him get away with things. It's time he started contributing to this household if he wants to be apart of it.
omg teasherman , i use to live in Holsworthy (im an army brat :) many years ago now

and to keep to the thread, im glad Jewly, you have made the right choice!
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Want me to come around with some battalion boys and slap him around for you old school army style?

I will, im not joking, as a matter of fact, my car is running already!! ;)

Ohh yes please!!!! :p

Can I put my order in for a bit of slap and tickle too. I've always had a thing for men in
YOU are the parent NOT him. As previously stated he should be in school if he cant cop it in the real world. If he keeps up that attitude I can see another welfare case us workers will have to support. Just out of curiosity what school did he use to go to? Why did he leave? He needs to relise that life s not fair and he needs to consider others especially the one who raises the army I say ;) LOL
lol I can understand that. My ex (not my son's father) joined the RAAF and I went down to Adelaide to see him graduate. Hadn't seen him for 3 months and I went to so much trouble, putting heaps of small candles all around the hotel room, with chocolates and champayne. I also made sure I bought some nice lingerie to surprise him.

Well, he walked in, tore off the lingerie in record time and then proceeded to fall asleep 10 mins later....I was not a happy
YOU are the parent NOT him. As previously stated he should be in school if he cant cop it in the real world. If he keeps up that attitude I can see another welfare case us workers will have to support. Just out of curiosity what school did he use to go to? Why did he leave? He needs to relise that life s not fair and he needs to consider others especially the one who raises the army I say ;) LOL

He went to Wynnum State High School and while I wasn't happy about him being unemployed for all those months, I did agree to let him leave school because I felt it was just a waste of time and money. He never put in any effort and his grades were getting worse and worse each semester. He hated school and I didn't see the point in making him go on.
Thats just like a raafie too, half assed job, as quick as possible and most likely left the customer un-satisfied!! LMAO ;)
Would rather him go back to sitting on his *** all day then have a job?
in response to the first post...

i work nights... i start work at 4-5 and finish long after midnight.
i am so SICK of briefcases thinking they matter more.

i shower when i get home because i STINK, 9-5er complin...
i am quiet and considerate, music is with headphones, tv is low... and i never turn on hall lights.
but small noises always have 9-5 housemates getting aggrevated.

yet, when they wake up at 6 or 7.... which is the middle of the night for me....
sopming around, turning on music, lights on everywhere, sometimes talking to friends they car pool with, and not quietly....
-i also work weekends, and they will do washing at 9am etc (now if i put a load of washing on when i got home at 2am they would FREAK)
if i ever complain about "regular" peoples noise, it is me being unreasonable...

seriously, i know its different coz you are his mother not house mate...
but do what us night time workers do... buy some ear plugs...

coz if he wakes up at 2am.... he is clearnly trying to sleep when the house is genuinely noisey
Stop whinging. He has a job that may just lead him somewhere......Youd have something to sook about if he was a bludger. Good on him for getting off his backside and working. Yeah charge him board its a good learning experience..
I used to cause this problem when i worked arvos. Solutin he has a shower when he gets home or sometime during the afternoon then goes back to bed.
Get some earplugs. I sleep through smoke alarms wearing those things and don't even notice Im wearing them, it solves the sleep issue and you can get a carton of 200 pairs for like very little money.
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