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What is your faith?

  • Catholic

    Votes: 25 9.4%
  • Anglican

    Votes: 9 3.4%
  • Jehovah's Witness

    Votes: 5 1.9%
  • Other Christian

    Votes: 17 6.4%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 9 3.4%
  • Other Eastern

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 28 10.5%
  • Atheist/No religion

    Votes: 158 59.4%
  • snake fanatic

    Votes: 10 3.8%

  • Total voters
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Sorry for taking so long everyone!

Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in hell :).

so, if Missllamathuen dies a Jehovas Witness, as she asked, and it turns out the catholics were indeed right instead, then she would indeed burn in hell, as was stated!!!!!!!!! (cause it was the catholics that were right in this hypothetical scenario
so, if Missllamathuen dies a Jehovas Witness, as she asked, and it turns out the catholics were indeed right instead, then she would indeed burn in hell, as was stated!!!!!!!!! (cause it was the catholics that were right in this hypothetical scenario

Sorry, I misunderstood her question. When she said
would that mean i go to hell according to what is taught by the jahovis people?
I thought she meant that JWs teach a hell doctrine, which the don't.

As for weather a JW would go to hell if Catholicism is the true religion, I guess you'd have to ask a Catholic :lol:
haha u no what
now theres something i like about the jahovis witness religeon now!
i wish i was told that in primary school instead of every 2nd thing i do im going to go to hell for lol!

thanks for explaining that tho guys
religeon confuses me TOO MUCH my head spins out every time i read something about religeon thats why i avoided this topic for the first 10 or so pages lol
oh yea and if there is any catholics or lutherans that can tell me the whole senario of what in there opinion happends if say i was a jahovis or maby a lutheran or a catholic one of the other and i turned out to be wrong

whats the deal in the end?

they all belive in the same god dont they??

so i really dont get how there any different still
oh yea and if there is any catholics or lutherans that can tell me the whole senario of what in there opinion happends if say i was a jahovis or maby a lutheran or a catholic one of the other and i turned out to be wrong

whats the deal in the end?

they all belive in the same god dont they??

so i really dont get how there any different still

I'd be interested to hear about Lutherans. All I know of it is from a Simpsons holloween episode. Something about tiny people in a tub nailing something to the door of a cathedral. :D
PMSL megrim...................... look up Martin Luther ( not the junior of USA fame) ... he was the martyr who was nailed to a cathedral door!!!!!
they all belive in the same god dont they??

so i really dont get how there any different still

The Bible actually foretells this. Some scriptures that illustrate the point are:

1 Timothy 4:1-3 said:
However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings of demons, by the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, marked in their conscience as with a branding iron; forbidding to marry, commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by those who have faith and accurately know the truth.

Acts 20:29-30 said:
I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.

Matthew 24:10-14 said:
Then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and You will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. Then, also, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and mislead many; and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off. But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.

Many religious doctrines have deviated from the Bible so much that it can be hard finding any scriptual backing for them. Witnesses pride themselves on sticking exactly to what the bible teaches, not their own views.

But I'll stop this post now, don't wanna be accused of preaching! ;)
But surely you wouldn't go to hell for beleiving the 'wrong' sect. I mean they all say put your faith in Jesus Christ, repent and you will be saved. ???
PMSL megrim...................... look up Martin Luther ( not the junior of USA fame) ... he was the martyr who was nailed to a cathedral door!!!!!

Oh my :shock:

In the Simpsons a piece of paper was nailed to a door. I had no idea it was so gory.
The Bible actually foretells this. Some scriptures that illustrate the point are:

Many religious doctrines have deviated from the Bible so much that it can be hard finding any scriptual backing for them. Witnesses pride themselves on sticking exactly to what the bible teaches, not their own views.

But I'll stop this post now, don't wanna be accused of preaching! ;)

So the Bible foretold of the Mormons... :lol:
surely the creationists among us question why we would be created with a brain because they sure as hell don't use their own.
I cannot even imagine living YOUR life having all aspects of it dictated by what is written in what amounts to the biggest selling work of fiction ever published.
they all belive in the same god dont they??

so i really dont get how there any different still

There is only one god, and from a Jehovah's witness point of view, there is only one way to worship him. The way he wants us to. Different religions have different views on what the bible is telling us though, and therefore He is worshiped in different ways. We believe only one of these ways is right.
PMSL megrim...................... look up Martin Luther ( not the junior of USA fame) ... he was the martyr who was nailed to a cathedral door!!!!!

HE wasn't nailed to a door, he nailed up a list of issues that he had with the Catholic Church (his 95 Theses - ie selling of indulgences,the wealth of the clergy, the Bible only being in Latin, the concept that peole needed priests to commune with god etc) up on the door of the local Church. He died of old age decades later.
HE wasn't nailed to a door, he nailed up a list of issues that he had with the Catholic Church (his 95 Theses - ie selling of indulgences,the wealth of the clergy, the Bible only being in Latin, the concept that peole needed priests to commune with god etc) up on the door of the local Church.
Oooohhhh, that makes significantly more sense then :) .

On 'wealth of the clergy', I saw the pope make an adress some time ago about the trappings of material wealth, and that it leads to spiritual malnourishment and unhappiness.

Then they showed some of the interior of the chambers where he lives and I though "Gee, the pope must be the unhappiest and most spiritually malnourished man on earth".

Those catholics sure like their gold-leafing.
That's why it's dangerous, because their leaders say it should be so, they blindly believe it!!!!!!! Female circumcision is promoted as a spiritual/religious thing, predominantly in Africa, but because those who still listen, hundreds, or thousands of young girls suffer this cruel mutilation. I could wax lyrical for a long while, but it's enough to know such blind faith happens!
Who blindly believes what? It seems to me that you blindly believe what the media preaches to you.
As for female circumcision it is a cultural thing so has no place in a religious thread. You have real live muslims telling you that they, and all others they know disagree with this "cleric" but you continue to hold on to your unfounded beliefs, if you can do it why can't we. If blind faith bothers you so much please feel free to stop practicing it.
Oooohhhh, that makes significantly more sense then :) .

On 'wealth of the clergy', I saw the pope make an adress some time ago about the trappings of material wealth, and that it leads to spiritual malnourishment and unhappiness.

Then they showed some of the interior of the chambers where he lives and I though "Gee, the pope must be the unhappiest and most spiritually malnourished man on earth".

Those catholics sure like their gold-leafing.

That is one of my major problems with the Catholic Church. They will happily take an Irish mammy's last tenner in the collection plate, or a couple of coins from a poverty-stricken Brazilian family, while their bureaucracy live among the most obscene ostentation you could possibly imagine. It makes me quite sick to think about.

The wealth of the Catholic Church is inconceivable (if you have ever seen the Vatican/Sistine Chapel you will know that they could sell 10% of their artwork and feed the world's hungry - I believe the Catholic Church are the biggest landowners in the world too.)

I also love the fact that Catholic nuns take a vow of chastity, obedience and poverty!!! So the women have to be married to god and live in bare cells, but the blokes in charge get draped in gold and jewels, have people falling at their feet and kissing their hands! This sums up religion for me.
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That is one of my major problems with the Catholic Church. They will happily take an Irish mammy's last tenner in the collection plate, or a couple of coins from a Brazilian family, while their bureaucracy live among the most obscene ostentation you could possibly imagine. It makes me quite sick to think about.

The wealth of the Catholic Church is inconceivable (if you have ever seen the Vatican/Sistine Chapel you will know that they could sell 10% of their artwork and feed the world's hungry - I believe the Catholic Church are the biggest landowners in the world too.)

I also love the fact that Catholic nuns take a vow of chastity, obedience and poverty!!! So the women have to be married to god and live in bare cells, but the blokes in charge get draped in gold and jewels, have people falling at their feet and kissing their hands! This sums up religion for me.

This type of hypocrisy is what turns a lot of people away from religion. Maybe they should read Mark 10:21!

Jesus said to him “One thing is missing about you: Go, sell what things you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come be my follower.”
In the old versions of the bible, it was a serpent that encouraged eden to eat the 'friut, nbot a snake. myself being a christian, i would like someone to point out to me where in the bible it says" do not have snakesas pets, they are evil" because last time i checked, it didnt say it. also, a religion " jedi" whats that about? considering it came from a movie, i dont know how some people take it serisously, athough some of you are joking

I have nothing against athiests, and i am not a dorr knocker, nor a bible basher. i will encourage people to be better people, and if they decide to become a christian, thats there decision. i believe everyones inerpretation of religion is different. That is where the arguments come into play.

Thats all i have to say,



yeh jedi came from a movie and and christionism (???) came from a book what is the difference there there is fictional books aswell as movies.
Originally Posted by Moreliaman
REALLY ??? is that what they believe ???

Yes, but subjection in a loving and caring war. Not cruel or in a 'slave/master' sense.

Damn....ok....ignore that request !!!

Is it true...jesus only rose from the dead at easter so no-one could nick his easter eggs ???;)
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