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Do we really need to be introducing this kind of stuff into Hugsta's thread seeing as you have already posted it in another thread ?
Do we really need to be introducing this kind of stuff into Hugsta's thread seeing as you have already posted it in another thread ?

Sorry Boa , it was put here because it has peeded me off , having some arrogant person bagging some-one out that did not deserve it . Someone that less then 3 weeks ago was stressed because his jungle was not feeding , someone that wanted to cross B/W's with B/G's .
If you can work out how to delete it from the other thread , let me know ?
Cheers Jim
Yeah no problem, I can certainly understand your frustration but it's a shame to detract from Daz's beautiful animals and I am not placing the blame on you for doing that.
Can you still edit an older post ? If so it could just be deleted, it would still be there but with no content ?
They are very impressive looking snakes Hugsta. Sorry to get this thread back on track
Hugsta , i would have to agree with most on this site , those animals are amazing .
Surely buy now if Shane has breed so many over the years , would there not be some photo's of adults snakes floating around for us all to look at ? Just to be able to see the aged parents , might help work out if they are true to form Cape Trib's or the larger Cape Yorks ? .
I have never heard of the smaller form ( cape trib's , palmerstones , mission's ) having clutches of 20 - 30 .
Surely it would be benificial to yourself to know the locality of the snakes , so when you are selling them , the buyers would not be getting mixed up and be producing unknown stuff 2 - 3 generations on .
Again , congrats on some stunning looking animals , it will be great to see your line of carpets in a few years .
Cheers Jim
I agree, I would love to see a few photo's of the parents of these snakes and I do agree that ALL Jungles lose their looks as they age but it does give an idea of what is expected from the hatchlings or juveniles.
Hey Daz, yes they are nice looking (for a snake!). You dont have any available with legs do you?
Hugsta , i would have to agree with most on this site , those animals are amazing .
Surely buy now if Shane has breed so many over the years , would there not be some photo's of adults snakes floating around for us all to look at ? Just to be able to see the aged parents , might help work out if they are true to form Cape Trib's or the larger Cape Yorks ? .
I have never heard of the smaller form ( cape trib's , palmerstones , mission's ) having clutches of 20 - 30 .
Surely it would be benificial to yourself to know the locality of the snakes , so when you are selling them , the buyers would not be getting mixed up and be producing unknown stuff 2 - 3 generations on .
Again , congrats on some stunning looking animals , it will be great to see your line of carpets in a few years .
Cheers Jim

Exactly rockman, which is why I am trying to define a locality. I would like to see them sold as what they are so people don't accidently cross them with something else. If they choose to, well that is their decision.

Yes, I can't wait to see what they produce when bred back together. I am sure a few generations of line breeding will poduce some stunning animals. I will try and get some pics of the adults if I can, not sure when though.

You would think some one would have surfaced with these lines by now, but who knows where they have all ended up and it may be a while before anyone else is producing from them.
Definitely would be interesting to see the adults as i'd say you'll get an answer on locality or bloodline pretty easily.There again lies a massive difference between true black and whites and others that are not.You'll find the majority of black and whites that are stunners stay stunners and although as has been said they do lose quality in colour as adults as you do with pretty much all black and golds the true bw's tend to not smudge or black out keeping great black and the white can change from bright white to ivory and silver tones still very different to say adult black and golds and adult Cape Yorks should be easily noticed as adults.It's common knowledge even all or most jungles start out black and silver but then change dramatically however having seen many of these true bw's colour up from hatchies through to breeding age etc it seems the majority of a clutch outcome seems quite consistant even without line breeding.Of course degrees of how bright the white is and how solid the black is will vary they are still overall black and white.The difference i've noticed with these cape york/tribs i've noticed is quite some variance from only the few i've seen and none that are of any decent age to judge as they may look great now and in another 6 months but do they all go white with black and hold that colour?The miniature capes at 6 1/2 foot i'm not too sure about,i'm sure many have the line of Cape Yorks that have been around for a long time now that grow into really big thick set animals with huge heads but although they look massive none i've seen have been bigger than 6 1/2 -7 foot from that line and there's a heap of those around.I owned a couple that looked just like one of the pics idicus put up asking if anyone knew which were tribs or yorks which i doubt anyone could've guessed.That line itself have been sold as Yorks for years but are actually crossbreeds...."shock horror" LOLI'm sure many know the bloodline i mean and i've seen some stunners from that line that looked very very similar to black and whites but weren't and appeared somewhat similar to hugstas or Shanes line except for the real cracker of hugstas.Seems like a few people have this line judging from posts and the main breeder himself so surely someone has adult photos.I guarantee you'll get more locality info from even one pic of a pair of adults that are of a mature age.Surely Shane has some adult pics.Most jungles do lose colour as adults but you do still get incredibly coloured adult black and gold adults and i mean proper adults not just first time breeders but they're far and few between rare as rocking horse turds which is what is one of the main musts for me in a top notch jungle is which is what it ends up like as an adult not how it looks at 6-18 mths when they're at their best.

I'll try and put up some pics showing animals from young ages and same clutches to the age they are now and breeding as well as some up to 8 year old adults, all crackers too but you will still get mature aged adults that are stunning just not quite as stunning white when at their best but they stay nice and clean too.Also the adults should have silver eyes.I might get indicus to send me a few pics as i'd hate to take him away from dedicating his time to his detractors and it will show the consistency of true quality bw's and how they can progress from young to old.They are without a doubt the most stunning carpet to see in the flesh compared to pretty much anything else i've seen and they're not black and off white,cream,tan etc,they're black and white with the very very odd one showing yellow.

Not wanting to side track again but looks like jagman's had a sudden change of name and like he said his good mate Mr Webb is so very experienced,he just plays dumb PMSFL Fact is he wouldn't know a quality black and white if it bit him on the nose and neither would jaglady.If you already got a better pair than Tremain has why all the bother in the first place jagman,or is that Mr [deleted].It's not cool pm'ing people abusing them and when it gets put up you realise what gooseberrys some people can be:lol:
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God that was boring......but luv the last bit....hahahaha :lol:
Just kidding Browns; you raise a few very valid points mate.
I'm in the process of getting hold of some older animal pic's
from Shane's line....will take a few days; thats the problem with living in NQ.
Blinding thread. kept me amused for what seems like hours. As for all the verbal wrestling, grow up boys, for most "ITS ONLY A HOBBY"
where would one get something like that are you close to breeding at all
Look forward to seeing those pics Tremain. I have seen Shanes adults, but never bothered taking pics of them. I should have, but didn't realise how far this thread would go....LOL If they are Cape York Carpets and they are a an uncommon colour form , they may well be axanthic animals. Seems to be the way to go by giving animals specific names so maybe they should be Axanthic Cape Yorks........

Wow, I literally gasped when I saw those... just so you know, I've got them alternating as my desktop image :D.

Gorgeous snakes! Way out of my league though... For now :p
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