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I haven't read through the whole thread so forgive me if I am repeating myself.

Pit bulls can be dangerous because the have the means to be. If line bred to fight or for agression then they can be aggressive. If bought and raised to be aggressive they can be aggressive. If both then chances are you potentially have a killer dog. But if you raise them right they have the potenial to be loyal loving dogs. I was reading an online new paper article on the killing in melbourne they had a timeline of dog attacks, they would list the date what happened and either listed pit bull as the attacker or nothing. there was a few that had nothing, so they only named the breed of the dog in the attack if it was a pitty - ridiculous right? Anyway it makes me sick the mentality of people saying they should all be put down etc. In NSW to walk your pitty you need a muzzle and a special fluro orange harness/coat thing to warn people your walking a dangerous dog, what a joke
American Pitbull Terriers ARE actually a pure breed. Even though many disagree that the Amstaff and the Pitbull are two seperate breeds, if you read enough about the history of both breeds you will see that the Amstaff actually came from the Pitbull.. The Amstaff descends from the fighting pits of England and America, he was created as a seperate breed from the Pit Bull back in 1972 by breeding many generations of non fighting stock, and to be a better adaptation to being a family companion.

Even here in Australia, they are still considered a pure bred dog, even though they are not recognised (due to law) by the ANKC.

So many are quick to jump and blame one breed or another for being aggressive, but have you actually owned one and trained it properly from a young pup? Socialised it properly with both people and other dogs/animals??

I have been showing dogs for almost 20 years. I started when I was very young with a German Shepherd. I was 9 when I started her in obedience at 12 weeks old. Over my years of training and showing the breed, I have trained with over 20 German shepherds of my own. To this day, I have come across pups that are people shy, dont want to have anything to do with people, dogs, kids... As a private dog trainer, they usually dont contact me for help until the pup gets too big for them to manage, big enough to knock over a toddler or pull things off the line, about 6-9 months. Its not up to ME to train the dog, its up to me to teach THEM how to train their dog. And I can always tell the ones who follow through with their training at home, over the ones who leave it in the backyard and bring it back to me next session expecting a magic fix. Dogs dont learn bad behaviors themselves. If you buy a puppy of ANY BREED and leave it in the backyard, feed it and water it, then wonder why it is barking, digging holes, pulling washing off the line and jumping on the kids, then you shouldnt own a dog. A dog is a PACK animal, they need leadership, guidance and constant companionship. So if you buy a puppy raise it with your family, teach it how you want it to behave from the time you bring it home, let it be with you and your family, give it adequate exercise, play time, you will have a life long family companion.

The dogs that get a bad name through media for attacks, are usually ones you see kept chained up in the backyard. They probably have had a negative life since the day they were obtained by their so called 'owner'.. It only takes one negative experience, and a dog NEVER forgets, even if he was belted as an 8wk old pup, you can heal his scars, but you cannot erase his long term memory. So the dog may well be in a good home, but may have been raised in a poor, unstable environment. Then it only takes one slightly negative experience as the dog gets older and wiser, and he will act quicker than you can think to save his own *** so to speak.

Many (NOT ALL) of the small children we see being attacked by dogs in the media are left with the animals, with minimal or no supervision. This is just plain stupidity. As well as GSD's I also own and show Pomeranians and Italian Greyhounds. My partner owns and shows Boxers and Beagles. My best friend has Norwegian Elkhounds. You have to KNOW your breed of choice inside and out. As much as I trust ALL of the mentioned breeds with children of all ages. I still would not leave a small child unattended with either of them. Main reason being, a small child/toddler would not understand a dogs body language, they would not know if they were hurting the dog (pulling ears, biting), child bites dogs ear, dog reacts, even if it doesnt snap or bite back, a large dog swinging its head around could easily injure or at least scare a child, child starts screaming and dog reacts even more so.

I do Pets As Therapy at Westmead childrens Hospital, and some local nursing homes, with all 3 of my breeds...

We have kennels part way up our property, and we have chickens who fly over their fence and roam the grass pens with the shepherds. Herding breed you see, bred to keep animals together, not kill them.

When i was running my own grooming business, my favorite client was a Pitty, and her owner also had a chihuahua and a toy poodle, who she played with and slept inside with.

Last week there was a Pit in the back of a ute parked next to my car, that lunged and snapped at me as I walked by, it startled me as I wasnt expecting it, and said *holy ******* the owner was in his car, and said mind ya own business lady, thats what pitts are bred for'......... Stupid twit.

Anyhow, its stupid owners NOT bad dogs.

coastalboy, its people like YOU who keep these poor dogs from having a chance at life.
I had an asian couple scream abuse at me yesterday for having my staffy 'out on the street'.......i was taking him for his walk, on a lead, whats the problem.......he is the BIGGEST sook, he wouldnt hurt a fly.......although maybe he is capable of licking someone to death........:lol: Anyway, as for pitties, my mate came home from work a few months ago to find a notice that his dog, a pitbull, had been taken & although he phoned them only a few hrs after the fact, she had already been destroyed........just because of her breed. I cried like a baby, Rahni was the most loving dog i have ever known, she would carry my kids around on her back if i had of let her, she literally thought all kids were 'her babies', i trusted her without any doubt! I believe ALL dogs, regardless of breed are capable of biting or attacking, it is sad that certain breeds get labelled though for being the 'worst'. I also own a maltese x shi tzu, & he is a cranky little sod when he wants to be, he has bitten in the past, & is NEVER left alone with my children or anyone else's for this very reason, although when he is aloud to play with the kids, he does have a great time. While Brocky, the staffy could do alot more damage to my children, it is the little fluff ball i worry about most!
Thats bull#### if they where specifically bred for hunting why do they make such poor hunting dogs talk to any pig hunter who uses dogs there are exceptions of course. My brothers passion is apbt and he has some of the nicest lines you will find anywhere ime no expert but ive seen what they are capable of and having a apbt is like having a loaded shotgun. They can bann them or whatever but people will always still have them. They are definetely one of the nicest dogs on the planet
I find it funny that we have so many pitbull experts here yet not a single one seems to know why they were initially bred, They weren't bred at all for fighting....They were bred specifically for pigging!!
Staffies aren't pitbulls "Snakeluvver".

I have been around numerous pitbulls and my educated opinion is that they should remain 100% illegal to breed or own in Australia, Don't believe what pitbull owners try to tell you, the dogs have a genetic disposition for aggression and were line bred for that exact reason. A lot of owners believe they have "trained" their pitbull and got them worked out....this is not the case.

It also angers me to see these macho morons try to list them as "American staffordshires" staffies are awesome dogs and shouldn't be put in the same class as pitbulls.
It annoys me that the dog's breed is only ever mentioned in dog attack cases when the dog is a pitbull or another so-called dangerous. It's not the fault of the dogs. People who own dogs need to have the space, and the time, to devote to providing for all their needs, which definitely includes training and making sure they get enough exercise. It becomes even more important with big, active dogs. IMO anything less is basically animal abuse. The sort of idiots who get pitbulls to show off are the same sort of idiots who get snakes just for the cool factor. They don't put anywhere near enough thought into how they are actually going to provide for and deal with a potentially dangerous animal.
My neighbours have a staffie, who has escaped once or twice. He gallops into my front yard with his idiotic staffie grin and attacks me. By trying to lick my face off and drown me in dog spit. He's probably the happiest dog I've ever met.

I think a lot of the problems come from how unregulated dog owners are. Many dogs come from poor origins (puppy mills or backyard breeders) who don't socialize puppies properly and will give puppies to any person who has the cash to pay for them. I like JasonL's idea. Dogs should be registered. They should be desexed unless owned by a registered breeder. They should all be microchipped. Properly fenced in yards should be a requirement. And cats should be the same. Maybe if it was harder for people to get animals so many wouldn't be abandoned to rescues and shelters where they get put down, all because some idiot couldn't care for them.
one thing with pits are they seem to snap and kill where as other breeds usually just maul (rottys and the like) why is it pits go to the extent of killing i do not know but deaths always seem to be the end from alot of pits attacks

our son lost one last year to being put down for just showing aggression and he now has a new one that is a pup

i think if new law starts by jailing owners whos dog attacks or kills with zero tolerance maybe things will change till then people just dont give a crap
How much more proof do you need a 4 year old child has been slaughtered, do you people have children, dogs kill and fight a lot of the time because they enjoy it, dog owners should know this. It matters not what the child did to the dog, a dog should snap or walk away, it killed the child and how many others have come close.
Pit bulls, to my understanding, are THREE breeds:
Staffordshire bull terriers (staffies)
American pit bull terriers
American staffordshire terriers

Despite being a relatively uncommon breed in Australia, pitbulls make a disproportionate amount of fatal attacks. Despite your individual experiences to the contrary, pitbulls kill people. Something needs to be done that targets these more aggresive dog breeds and manages this problem. If no system to monitor ownership can be easily introduced then I think banning them is acceptable practice.
I agree that there seems to be a disproportional number of attacks from dogs called pit bulls. But i wonder if banning them has actually helped to reduce this number.

Like with anything, laws only stop the honest people. Banning the breed wont nessecarily stop the breed from being produced but it will make the breeding totally unregulated. That is where problems will arise.
With the compulsory registration of dogs it would be difficult to keep a pit bull out of sight. Neighbors would notice a pit bull in the next door yard and report it and walking pit bulls in the streets, parks and on the back of utes (the macho status) would mean less accidents.
But with so many pit type dogs Michael it couldn't and wont be enforceable. If someone gets reported for owning a pitty all they have to say is that it's a staffy. Then what are the authorities going to do?
They can and will take DNA samples as their are genetics that identify these breeds from others
I thought the pure breed is easily recognizable and so are staffies. Owners of the cross breeds would be required to produce papers. I think the authorities would find ways to get on the top of it.
I personally do not see the point of keeping these breeds of dog.
Im not having a go at anyone, but I am genuinely curious as to why you own them?

But anyway, I certainly believe special licensing is the answer.
I think that all dogs like Pitbulls, Rotweilers, Dobermans etc. need to be on a special license so that only
experienced dog keepers (with 5 years + experience or something similar) can keep them.

Just my humble opinion :D
all dogs like Pitbulls, Rotweilers, Dobermans etc. need to be on a special license so that only
experienced dog keepers (with 5 years + experience or something similar) can keep them.

Methinks: Owners intelligence is more important before length of time a person as been keeping any animal
They can and will take DNA samples as their are genetics that identify these breeds from others

Considering that dogs are all the one species, how will DNA testing prove that one dog breed is different from another?

I thought the pure breed is easily recognizable and so are staffies. Owners of the cross breeds would be required to produce papers. I think the authorities would find ways to get on the top of it.

I've never heard of cross breeds of this type available with papers lol. I like to think i can pick them apart, but in reality i don't think there is anyone who could pick a purebred pit from an amstaff. About the only way i can pick them is from the fact that most 'pitties' aren't purebred and they look just a lil' different.
It's interesting to note that german shepherds and dobermans were historically regarded as the best guard dogs, yet the number of attacks on humans by these breeds were few and far between. That leads to a conclusion that pit bulls and rotweilers have something in them ..... the little screw in their brains that becomes loose sometimes.
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