Big black cats ( panther) Australia

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I'm with Jack on this.Adding to what he has wrote improvements with cameras,not to mention just about everyone has a camera these days, has not led to any clear photographs of said animals,same as UFOs,loch ness monsters,yetis etc

Well that's just rubbish! There are more yeti's out there than panthers. But obviously only one Loch ness monster.
You're way too on the ball for a 13 year old shouldn't you be in bed?
BUT if they were a they then they could, ha ha
well, i was just talking to a very close friend about this same subject. Her and her hubby just looked at me stupidly and then eachother. 4 days ago they were driving between Morwell and Driffield (in Vic) and they say that they saw a huge black.. beast.. Not a feral cat, not a dog or roo.. I've done some research and we actually have quite alot of sightings near Yarram (vic) which is about40 km from where l live.. who knows..
simply put its likely to be nothing more then a feral main coon considering domestic main coon males get to 20kg and redily available in australia in thepet trade
I parked my scooter outside the dairy... Nek minit... Got eaten by a panther...

come on now you ride a scooter how can we take you serious lol ;) you've seen to many hippos

simply put its likely to be nothing more then a feral main coon considering domestic main coon males get to 20kg and redily available in australia in thepet trade

whats a main coon? lol

You're way too on the ball for a 13 year old shouldn't you be in bed?
BUT if they were a they then they could, ha ha

if they were a they that means the there's three.
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Back around 1996-2003 I was invloved in a secret project to breed and release black panthers in various locations in Australia.
We also had to then either trap or shoot and remove the panthers once they had been "sighted" enough times (generally around 10-20 sightings).
The non-disclosure agreement I signed expired recently so I am now able to talk about it.
I'm pretty sure it was a ploy by the Liberal government, but I'm not sure what their aims were.
Back around 1996-2003 I was invloved in a secret project to breed and release black panthers in various locations in Australia.
We also had to then either trap or shoot and remove the panthers once they had been "sighted" enough times (generally around 10-20 sightings).
The non-disclosure agreement I signed expired recently so I am now able to talk about it.
I'm pretty sure it was a ploy by the Liberal government, but I'm not sure what their aims were.

do you also ride a scooter and wear a tin foil hat? I breed purple spotted monkeys you want one?
Back around 1996-2003 I was invloved in a secret project to breed and release black panthers in various locations in Australia.
We also had to then either trap or shoot and remove the panthers once they had been "sighted" enough times (generally around 10-20 sightings).
The non-disclosure agreement I signed expired recently so I am now able to talk about it.
I'm pretty sure it was a ploy by the Liberal government, but I'm not sure what their aims were.

I heard about that. We were the guys re-introducing Megalania priscus in the Blue Mountains. I'm suprised we did'nt run into you guys. I think one of our lizards got one of your cats... sorry
Aussie-Pride is this the photo you keep bringing up?


For something that was supposedly taken in 2005, it is an extremely poor excuse of a photograph mate and does not look very real to me at all. Not to mention how far away Kurt is standing and how close to the camera that 'corpse' is... Pretty sure this is referred to as 'photo manipulation'.

People keep bringing up sightings of panther's, yeti's, big foot etc. as they like to believe in something. Panther's have been apparently sighted since the early '60s, yet not ONE clear/in focus image has ever surfaced?? Cool...

To the people who keep bringing up news articles as references... You are quick to laugh at the media when they talk about their everyday rubbish, but stand behind them and believe all their dribble when they bring up a subject that you have some belief in..?

Hunters always have a great camera handy to take nice/in focus photographs of big game they have shot, yet when ever they get a shot of something that is supposedly out there, they either don't have a camera handy OR it looks like it was taken with a toaster. How convenient...

Anyway, good luck on your quest AP (and who ever is joining him), be sure to have your toaster handy to get another infamous photo of the elusive black panther.
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I'm going to make the point here and now that I don't believe one way or another; it's one of those things where I'll enjoy a good yarn yet reserve judgement until there's indisputable evidence one way or the other. However, take into consideration cases such as the Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys; first documented in 2010 and not photographed until this year. Beforehand there were most likey only bush-tales about these animals and, lets face it, given their appearance they would have been difficult to believe.
Yes, they live in the wilds of Northern Burma and that's some pretty dense vegetation to hide in (understatement), but Aussie boasts some pretty intimidating bushlands as well.
The way I look at it is this; I haven't personally combed every inch of this country, nobody has. I can't look under every rock and into every bit of scrub or up into every tree at once either, so if somebody's got a good tale to tell of the panther which stole their pig or the thylacine glimpsed on the edge of the light from a campfire I'll put my feet up and listen without judgement. It's not to say I believe it, but at the same time who doesn't like a good yarn?
I do the same mate, every time i go on a snake call I take my campfire and poof(to put my feet up on, you clowns), and listen in rapture to the stories. Diamonds at least 15 ft and as thick as a mans leg AT THE WAIST!... Eastern browns with heads 3 inches WIDE!

I walk out of there with a 4 ft diamond and a swampie. But oh the stories I have to tell!!!
Oh is that what it is? I just figured calling all the cheeky, lateral thinkers clowns would suffice.:lol:
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