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I used to rescue, and rehabilitate all these animals, I know how painful it is.

Bottom line, my FINAL point: I dont think throwing BRICKS at an animal is the answer. Catch it, have it put down, whether its native, feral or an alien from mars.
Oh pmfsl Ouzo :roll: I agree with you, it's one thing to have a problem with feral animals and state your reasons logically and show your justifications (such as Boa or Duga). It's another thing entirely to talk about torturing animals needlessly. If you feel you have to do it, do it humanely. Carrying on about killing them in an inhumane manner just because a person doesn't personally like them just makes people sound bloodthirsty and to be honest, childish. I don't like dogs much, but I don't go around throwing bricks at them. And even when I hear of them mauling people, I know I'd prefer to know that the poor animals were put down humanely.
dugadugabowbow said:
Bex do you squash spiders? I know thats an extreme but i think talking about white man coming here is off the planet considering this thread is about cats killing wildlife.

Funny you say that Steve and Nome - nope, I don't kill ANY spiders.
Luke will vouch for me in this. He is scared of them and I pick them all up on the cobweb broom and relocate them on the trees outside.
I love all animals - even though spiders are insects ;)

And no, my point is VERY relevant. White people bought across cats, foxes, cane toads, rabbits, rats, even those nasty star fish that hitch-hike under our boats. We're to blame full stop.
And since the name of the thread was 'cats don't belong here', I think that saying 'white people don't belong here either' is a pretty good observation ;)
I am white, and I agree with BeknLukes post

I think that saying 'white people don't belong here either' is a pretty good observation

We white people, (well not mine personally) invaded/conquered/whatever you want to call it - this country we now call home....much like all the animals (and illnesses for that matter). I think the 00,000's of years the indigenous people we here beats 200 odd years. I don't believe their post was meant to be racial, just an observation.

I may be wrong and your mileage may vary.
re Cat

Thought herp trader was too considerate and nice about these cats,they should have been whacked before they could break the possys back :)
ok, any reponse to those statements will automatically be construed as racist wont they. Do I lock it now or do you want to go the jugular.
What would be construed as racist ? We as white people are all to blame for what is happening to some degree or another, there's nothing racist about it.
I'm white - so it's definately NOT racist :lol:
Damn it's funny how people interpret things LMAO
They're welcome to go for my white englishxirishxfrenchxgerman jugular :lol:
My point was that we ARE to blame for these things. And I DO have a problem with foxes, rabbits, and kangaroos being killed. Difference is, people aren't on here talking about it all the time. It's always cats. I don't even keep cats and I just think that it's wrong that people can think that it's 'ok' to hurt them or kill them because they have come into their backyard. It's sad for those people really.
Either way, I just thought that I would throw out a different perspective. Looks like it sparked some interest.
I didn't get to see any responses to my post in the old thread - did I miss anything juicy :p
I think Peters point may have been that anyone arguing against the idea that we are to blame for it would be considered racist.
Did that make sense? :?
good on ya, Bex, I'm happy to hear that :)

Ninapeas, the same question....what do you do if you find a spider in your house?

I really get sick of people saying that they love all animals, but in reality, they only love the cutesy ones. When I used to post on this site regularly, there were many mean comments about my spiders, how all they needed was a can of baygon...blah blah. Now, I really really hate cats, I don't like even being in my parent's house around there's, but it helps me to understand that the way I feel about cats, is actually the way most people feel about my spiders. Cats are the only animal I truly hate, I like cane toads more, and the reason is that they kill the wildlife, and they way they tortuously kill it. They are relentless, they can survive a phenonamol amount of circumstances, and the more they kill, the worse they get. They really should be licensed, only people that can keep them indoors can own them, but better still, have them irradicated altogether.

Yet after all the damage cats have done, it's still not acceptable to kill them. I have baited cats on my property before, I'm sure they were pets of someone, but night after night, they were knocking off the sleeping local wild king parrots that roosted in my backyard. They didn't even eat the birds, just seemed to like killing them and ripping them up. Once the cats responsible were gone, I found no more dead things lying around.
i used to live on a island swarming with cats (do cats swarm or herd maby a school of cats ) it was a major problem they would break into the house and defecate everywhere a new aluminium fly screen would only last a few nights the problem was caused by a natural lagoon that would fill up with fish in high tide and leave them traped in low tide this was a seasonal thing during times of no fish the cats would besiege the house like something out of cremlins, you would wake up to the sound of glass smashing in the kitchen and find three or more cats standing their ground looking like they are going to pounch at any minute they wouldn,t simply run away just because your there swearing at them you need to throw something at them ,the way they were delt with is with a length of steal trace loaded with gang hooks baited with fish and secured to a tree or something a bell should be used so you know when you have to go put down the cat and this method could catch a goanna or something so consider that first if your going to do this .if everyone is keeping there cats inside like they say then their cat will be fine .i don,t hear that its not the cats fault crap its just doing what comes naturally(well so am i) or this i don,t even kill spiders crap .if there was a paralis tick,leech,botfly,etc on your face would you leave it there to do what comes naturally did you not take worming tablets when you were a kid do you drive a car and somehow avoid hitting all the bugs.(oh i see something s just have to die, is this logic based on a size scale you need to be this tall to have a right to live ) morbo hates cats they give me gas
its is racist by the mere fact that the arguement is based on race. That is the first point. The second is that to argue that white invasion was not a bad thing will be construed as racist. The concept of race is by its very nature racist.
Nome, good for you. I love spiders by the way. :lol:

As a property owner I consider I have every right to kill a cat if it comes into my yard to kill an animal. I wouldn't of course kill a fruit bat or possum or womabt as they have every right to be here. I have found half eaten remains of various birds, small animals and even pink tongue skinks. It is a waste of time telling the owners as it is never their cat that kills the animals. They come in, they die.
:D - EDIT!! Just to clear things up, this smiley is at Nome, not at the above post ;)
Luke HATES that I give all young spiders asylum here until they're big enough to fend for themselves outside lol.
I just can't bring myself to kill them because we built our house here, you know?? That's just the way that I feel about - Luke doesn't agree :lol:
I too am ALL for cat runs and cats being kept indoors, and people walking their cats on leashes. I think that it's the responsible way to keep them because they DO kill other animals. God - my dogs would have a very sore bum if they ever killed anything and that's my cute fluffy furry puppies-dawgs lol
Sorry if anyone misinterpreted ANY of my postes as racial, again I can assure you that they're not lol. My apologies ;)
Where did the first part of the thread go?? I'm assuming it was deleted eh?

I used to work in outback Cloncurry, Qld where we had these cool little lizards we called Ta Ta lizards (dunno what their real name was), because they 'waved' their feet in the air. They were really friendly little critters. One such wee chap befriended my ex (who isnt an animal person), and not me which made him feel rather chuffed. After a couple of months of regular visits he didnt turn up but a number of cats were seen in the area. As the lizard was too little to breed the sums were easy to figure out. Within 6 months of setting traps Rob had caught (and humanly put down) 60 feral cats and there were plently more seen at night. It is sad all-round. :cry:
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