Evolution question

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Would vegetarians evolve to be intellectually equal

  • Of equal intelligence

    Votes: 7 11.5%
  • Of lesser intelligence

    Votes: 48 78.7%
  • Of greater intelligence

    Votes: 6 9.8%

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I am sorry that you are offended by this, i am just expressing my point of view, the original thought was actually said by my science teacher to my class in a public school, and i thought about it for a while and figured it was a pretty good philosophy to me. I thought a little more and thought that yes, science seems to make sense and has got us this far, but then i thought, this couldd simply be the work of god, or maybe our scientific facts all fit together and seem to work, but many things still dont make sense, and dont fit, so maybe if we rethink all of our scientific knowledge so far and re-experiment we could come up with things that actually do fit or just realise that maybe we wernt meant to fully understand our world. I mean seriously why do we need to understand our world so well, animals know nothing of why things happen, they seem to live fine...

But i am open to make a new opinion if anyone can convince me otherwise.
Oh wait, i just re-read everything in my last 3 posts, nevermind that, im thinking way to hard for a weekend and none of that made much sense....(except that my science teacher once said that)

but needless to say, i dont believe in evolution.

So sorry to you Mr Black, if that offended you. Perhaps we should ignore those 3 posts....
Well as beings with consciousness we were bound to start asking questions about our origins sooner or later and as a result we have both science and religion. Both strive to answer the same question yet both vary greatly in terms of how that question will and should be answered.

I don't care what anyone believes in, but you have to understand that one tries to answer questions about us and our world correctly as far as reason and proof goes, whilst the other is simply telling you the answer.

If you don't see the problem there then that is entirely up to you.
Yes, why? You have something against Christians?

I have nothing against Christians.

I'm just curious. So, we started with Adam and Eve. They bred, then their progeny bred, then their progeny's progeny bred, etc, etc. So we're incredibly inbred, right? Not many genes in the pool.

To add to that, after a while God got mad at us, being sinners and all. But Noah was a good man, so he decided to kill everyone but Noah and his family. So Noah's children bred, then his grandchildren bred, etc. So we're even more inbred. Apart from this being socially unacceptable, with so little genes in the gene pool, how is it that we still exist?

Again, not attacking you, just curious :)
Well, I've got 3 legs, not sure about the rest of ya'all

Socially unacceptable? Damn.....
Well, I've got 3 legs, not sure about the rest of ya'all

Socially unacceptable? Damn.....

Is that where you thought I was going?

And yes, in most parts of the world it's socially unacceptable.
ok, that bit is a little complicated.
Just because Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, doesnt mean that they were the only ones made by god. God could possibly have created many other men and women, the bible only says that they were the first. Also, before sin, inbreeding wasnt a problem, it was only because of sin that things of this sort came around, as well as disease etc. Yes Noah was a good man, but not by gods standards(perfect), he was told to build an ark and to get anyone who wanted to come with him on it to help him, but no one except him and his family believed him about the flood, so only he and his family went on with two of every animal plus extra of small animals such as birds etc. Then Noahs family were so big that inbreeding was hardly a problem and things went on from there. Although, because this wasnt all in the bible many christians have there own ideas on it, this one is just the one i believe.

That is one of the more complicated questions about the bible, but if you are that curious i can ask someone else if you like to find their opinion.
But i think this is getting a bit off the original topic of this discussion, so maybe we should go back to the vegeterian thing...
ok, that bit is a little complicated.
Just because Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, doesnt mean that they were the only ones made by god. God could possibly have created many other men and women, the bible only says that they were the first. Also, before sin, inbreeding wasnt a problem, it was only because of sin that things of this sort came around, as well as disease etc. Yes Noah was a good man, but not by gods standards(perfect), he was told to build an ark and to get anyone who wanted to come with him on it to help him, but no one except him and his family believed him about the flood, so only he and his family went on with two of every animal plus extra of small animals such as birds etc. Then Noahs family were so big that inbreeding was hardly a problem and things went on from there. Although, because this wasnt all in the bible many christians have there own ideas on it, this one is just the one i believe.

That is one of the more complicated questions about the bible, but if you are that curious i can ask someone else if you like to find their opinion.

How big was Noah's family? for a population not to go extinct you need 100 animals in that population. Oh, duh, that's science, must be wrong :lol:

Does it ever seem to you that the interpretation of the bible is a little too convenient? So much isn't in there so people try to justify how much it doesn't make sense. If that makes sense. Does that make sense?
So if a man u had never met came up to you and said "God is going to flood the entire world so we need a boat that will fit every land animal on the planet, will you help me build this boat?" Would you help the man?
No, he may well be a Bill Hicks fan, i am just saying that that comment shows gods sense of humour.

and were you trying to be offensive with that comment?
If the man said that god told them that, i would personally ask god and if he said yes, then yes i would help him build an ark.
god doesnt have a sense on humor, hes make believe, like the easter bunny and eskimo's
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