Have you any proof that God exists? Please show me.

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rednut......this is your life. The time for your life........your reasoning is now....or you can wait to you die....

Every time is the right time if people wish to discuss it.

All I meant was that things tend to get taken out of context in forums like this (internet, txt messages, etc) and people can oftern get the wrong idea about other peoples statements. It comes from not being able to see the other person in the conversation face to face, and missing out on the body language as a result.
All I'm trying to say is that this MAY start a rift between a few people for no reason.....MAY....not will. People will just need to remain reasonable (I'd like to see that, LMAO;)) and be considerate, thats all.

I know my reasoning, I know my logic, and I know my morals.
My ONE solid belief, is that as far as Im concernced, people can believe in anything they want, including Yogie Bear, as long as they dont try to push their beliefs on me. My best friend is a devout christain (church twice on sundays, and runs the youth group on fridays). A nicer bloke you will not find. I am a devout non-believer. He has politely invited me to church functions in the past, I have politely declined, we remain best mates. He thinks im a fool for not believing, and vice versa. BUT, it would be very hard to achieve an outcome like this over an emotionless forum.
PROVE ME WRONG, PEOPLE...............:D
I know my reasoning, I know my logic, and I know my morals.
My ONE solid belief, is that as far as Im concernced, people can believe in anything they want, including Yogie Bear, as long as they dont try to push their beliefs on me. My best friend is a devout christain (church twice on sundays, and runs the youth group on fridays). A nicer bloke you will not find. I am a devout non-believer. He has politely invited me to church functions in the past, I have politely declined, we remain best mates. He thinks im a fool for not believing, and vice versa. BUT, it would be very hard to achieve an outcome like this over an emotionless forum.
PROVE ME WRONG, PEOPLE...............:D

Good thoughts and your right....to a degree.
Weather we discuss God, or the price of eggs in China, if people dont control themselves its not the discussion thats at fault but the people themselves.
I personally dont believe in God or any religion.. But i also dont agree with discussions like this, if you dont believe in it then just be happy not believing in it and leave the people that do believe in it happy believing in it. Theres no need to proove right or wrong its not like your going to win anything.
Good thoughts and your right....to a degree.
Weather we discuss God, or the price of eggs in China, if people dont control themselves its not the discussion thats at fault but the people themselves.

Yeah, I know, just this topic has a habit of making people, I don't know....open fire...and other stupid shizat, LOL :D.
I personally dont believe in God or any religion.. But i also dont agree with discussions like this, if you dont believe in it then just be happy not believing in it and leave the people that do believe in it happy believing in it. Theres no need to proove right or wrong its not like your going to win anything.

I think its important to stuff fundamental religous people of all faiths, these people have a large influence on our society today (such as the inaproval of homosexual marraige).
if you dont believe in it then just be happy not believing in it and leave the people that do believe in it happy believing in it. Theres no need to proove right or wrong its not like your going to win anything.

What if your not happy not believing? What if you needed something slightly more solid than "because I said it is so" to believe in?
What if your not happy not believing but needing something slightly more solid than "because I said so" to believe in?

You'll never believe then because you'll never find nothing more =P unless you have some kind of expirence that changes you or something.
I personally dont believe in God or any religion.. But i also dont agree with discussions like this, if you dont believe in it then just be happy not believing in it and leave the people that do believe in it happy believing in it. Theres no need to proove right or wrong its not like your going to win anything.

Khagan I know where your coming from and I used to be their too. However with people like this
(play it) http://www.aussiepythons.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62864
coming along.........the aethiests/agnostics need to speak up if you dont want to be ruled by fundamentalist Christian laws. Its happening now with this War on terror......George Bush has said God told him to take on Iraq and Afghanistan!
Khagan I know where your coming from and I used to be their too. However with people like this
(play it) http://www.aussiepythons.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62864
coming along.........the aethiests/agnostics need to speak up if you dont want to be ruled by fundamentalist Christian laws. Its happening now with this War on terror......George Bush has said God told him to take on Iraq and Afghanistan!

Yeah seems like a group of total nutters raising young kids to be nutters o_O eventually i would prob say there will be 'religous wars' i dont think anyone speaking up would stop this stuff.

George Bush using God as an excuse to justify his actions is sad lol.
the concept of how a supreme being exsists,is maybe something we as humans can not fathom withthe power of the brains we have,
some things we cant understand ,
but maybe where not capable of this.
an example of what i mean is to explain where everything came from,
and how organisma so complex came to being
we cant explain
come on peoples...if hes really out their SHOW ME!

You really want proof, here it is a real unmodified photo of God. I know it is real, if you think this isnt God prove it.

The truth is he/she/it actually was last seen running around outback australia some years back, this caused the myth of the bunyip to come into existance.
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Well, I was saddened to find out that heaven only has room for humans, our pets are soul-less - even though god created them all - sad sad sad!
Yeah seems like a group of total nutters raising young kids to be nutters o_O eventually i would prob say there will be 'religous wars' i dont think anyone speaking up would stop this stuff.

Eventually? Religous wars are happening now. Its so far amongst the extremists and the Christian countries...lets hope all the muslim countries dont go as crazy as the Christain countries, otherwise we will be in major poo.

As to speaking up not helping.........you have the power to control the world; its up to you wether you do it......no one else.
Its ok earthling, we all know bush is a W rhymes with anchor. :)
There is some really interesting stuff on u-tube by richard dawkins, worthwhile watching, just to think about it.
When I said 'As long as people don't push their beliefs on me", the meaning of that was, "when people do push their beliefs on me, its game on", cause I love a good stoush, especially when the only comebacks are "He says it, so it must be so", and
"your on the wrong side of god, and thats a bad place to be" (I've had both of these from people trying to convert me at uni).

Im completetly tolerant of other people who are compeletly tolerant. I dont smoke or drink, but one of the few people I would lay down my life for is a pot smoking ex-heroin junkie. He wouldnt hurt a fly (not getting into a debate about all druggo's being bad people here, OK?) and is one of the most motivated people I know, has also been my biggest supporter in staying away from drugs (backs me up when the peer pressure tossers think they've got a pushover on their hands, not that I need it, LOL). He is tolerant of my habits, Im tolerant of his (would be a different story if he was doing some damage).

On the flip side, Im completely intolerant of other people who are completely intolerant. Religous extremists of all persuasions included.
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my pets are in pet heaven,especially my python murray i miss that little snake
Of course God exists and of course i have evidence, photographic evidence in fact. Here He is, The Man himself..... God...


Well, he's my God anyway.... :lol:
Ok, no one is offering any proof, but i'll go out on a limb and put up my two cents worth.
Belief,trust and faith in yourself is all anyone needs. Confidence and a deep knowledge that the only person, creature or whatever you can count on 100% is yourself.
You must use introspection, and judge yourself honestly.
Try and find the ultimate truth in all things, and challenge yourself to be better. It is a long road and doesn't happen overnight, just keep going one small step at a time.

After a while you do look at life differently and don't get affected so much by the ups and downs.

Don't put any stock in what people tell you, do your own research and find the answers yourself,
Even what I write ;)
the concept of how a supreme being exsists,is maybe something we as humans can not fathom withthe power of the brains we have,
some things we cant understand ,
but maybe where not capable of this.
an example of what i mean is to explain where everything came from,
and how organisma so complex came to being
we cant explain

Aboriginal tribes used to think the white man was a God with his 'powers'........obviously they were fataly mistaken. Just because 'something' can not be explained or has strong powers does not necesarily make it a God.

I feel Darwin has done a better job at explaining where and how things have come into being through evolution then the bible. Supposedly we should believe the bible cause it says its true......even though so much scientific reasoning says its wrong.
im after a belief that I use from sound reasoning, not blind faith. Wouldnt a true god rather that?
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