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Mar 29, 2007
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Hey all,

Don’t mind me, I’m just browsing ATM

Im Matt, 25 from Perth. Someone sparked my interest in pythons recently in a discussion so I’ve decided to do some research and eventually might take the leap into caring for a python at some stage.
I keep and breed several species of African cichlids at the moment, have a dog, a cat, 4 kids and a loving fiancé.. so by all means a little extra work won’t hurt.
Looking at the stimsoni ATM…to many choices…and it all depends on availability and licensing etc.. One thing I have noticed is it looks like it's going to be hard to find any sort of Python for a reasonable price in WA. Plus with the apparent importing laws so strict over hear it might be tougher then it looks.
Any thoughts and comments for an entry level beginner (in WA) are welcome :)

Well, G'day and seeyas out there.

Welcome... mate get out while you can.... watch your bank account fizzle away... you wont stop at one believe me I'm up to number 11 lol..... but its all worth it.

My advice for a first python would be a Bredli or a Murray Darling, both beautiful snakes and easy to keep (i dont have a stimmie so i cant comment).... I'm sure there'll be someone on here from WA that can help you out...

Cheers mate
Welcome mate, cant help u with licence type advice over there in wacky WA.
my first was a Bredli which has been very easy and trouble free, since u cant get one the next closest would be a south west carpet. Many people will also tell u that stimsons are good too (i have never kept one). as long as u can house one suitably, i recomend getting what u like the best.
good luck:D
I agree with swingonthespiral, I started off thinking just one. I think what my mind was thinking was one per month. I also agree with the Bredli and MD being first timers and even if you are not first timer, I still recomend the bredli, what an awesome snake. But my favorite by far is my olives, I have 3 and would not give them up for the world, Not really a beginners snake, but more times then none they are a gentle giant.

What Stimson are you looking into, I am really fond of the Georgetowns and the MacDonnells, their colour and patterns are top of their class.
being in perth your not allowed bredli, MD's, coastals etc only pythons you can have r stimmies, south-west carpets, womas and black heads, and your not allowed to import from other states
None inparticular mate, still in the researching stage and will be for a while.
Whats the difference?
I found some in Perth, but not entirely sure of the origin yet.
(Hope thats ok to post? If not let me know and i'll remove)

Still need to organise an enclosure(Might build one over time), license, heating, lighting etc etc..

LOL, I am well aware of that adiction.. I'm like that with my fish, just donated about 40 to a school for an agricultural class. I've managed to cut down to two tanks now though!!

Thanks for the welcome, now that i've got full access I can view peoples cages and get some ideas..
Welcome there are some great people on here that could answer all your questions.
So feel free to ask - we wont kill you - (where did I put that knife)
So if you are not allowed to import in to WA, does that limit the variety of Stimsons, such as not being able to get the SA variety, or the Highlands (MacDonnells)? I was unaware of this cruel and harsh punishment that WA put on the herp community
yup, you can only get wa stimmies, wa womas and wa blackheads
There ya go, fork out the money and go for the Woma.........what an awesome species, a total bluffer in trying to act mean, but at the end cowards down and is tame as cotton...well that is my experience with them
are the wheatbelt stimmis from WA? if so i would get one of them. they look great
Hi Matt,

In new to this forum...but have been doing a heap of research and since we are in the same state the info might help. You can keep a stimson need to apply for a category 3 license from calm ....I have visited a couple of reptile parks and there are sites you can visit... one is the west aussie reptiles...the other is pilbarra reptiles...and another that has stimsons for sale is reptile trader in rockingham.... to my knowledge these snakes are cheaper than the carpet python.... and the prices I have seen are around the $400.00 mark..... although one guy did tell me around $300.00. It appears that reptiles are more expensive here..but I was told that is because we have only had licenses for the last 4 years..and it takes a while for the quantity of these pets to it does they become cheaper...

I hope some of this helps...

A Newby:lol:
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