Opinions on dogs

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my friend who lives just out of brizzy bought a amstaff from me...she also owned a malimute which did very well in the heat and humidity.....
Just a quick thing I'll add about the huskies, I do believe that they shouldn't be kept in very hot climates like in QLD, BUT if they have a nice cold shady area they will be fine. Although if I lived up there and had a husky, I'd buy one of those kids plastic swimming pools and keep that filled with water all the time so if the dog wanted to, they could splash around in there and keep cooler than they would just in the shade. Just my opinion.
Thats a good idea with the plastic pool, will probably get one of those anyway, regardless of which breed I get, because im sure the dog will still love the water :) thanks for the idea!

Very cute pup Kel :D thanks for the pic!
Yeah we've got one of those big plastic clam shell pool/sand pit things that people normally have in the backyard for their children. Fill it with water and he loves having a splash around :lol:
Haha I think if i went back to my very first idea to get a golden retriever, i think id have to fill the thing up regularly, and the dog would probably live in it lol. least theres no water restrictions up there!
We have one of those paddling pools for our Lab and her favourite game is to put her head right in it (underwater) then dig at it madly until all the water is emptied out. Then she looks at us with water dripping off her eyelashes as if to say "Where did all that water go?" :lol::lol::lol:
We have a paddling pool for the danes as well its called our dam, now its full of water again the daily run includes a swim in the dam, Im glad im not having to make your decision so many dogs wanting homes and so few homes for them.
Good luck with your search.
Go the golden retriever... love 'em to bits :)

Can't go past kelpies myself. But only if you are up for a long run or an hour of tennis ball chasing every day. Great guard dogs, plenty of barking and not much biting (depends on the individual and the training of course). And loyal to a fault. (I've got one sleeping on my feet as I type) They are great with kids, but usually always defer to one person in particular.


  • YELKA6.jpg
    85.9 KB · Views: 15
awwww he is CUTE!!! *le sigh*

i am still killing myself by continually going back to RSPCA website and be all sad that i cannot have Nelly. :cry: how cute is she (PHOTO)
I agree with Christo

I love Kelpies

I was begining to slaken off in my exercise routine so after about 3 months of hunting found myself a purebred kelpie, got him for free also:D as the breeders were having trouble selling the litter,
he's coming up on a year next week,
he's been the best dog I've ever owned, extremely loyal and placid, never nipped, just likes his holes, but you'll get that with any dog.

V Thats him "Pud" as a pup of about 3 months or so V


  • pup11week210407_00.jpg
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Pud is a beauty! Yep, exercise is the benefit. My girl (Yelka) forced me to run pretty much every day (she was a nut otherwise) and I am about 15 kgs lighter than I was when I bought her. I probably owe her about 10-15 years of extra life (touch wood).

Yelka only bit me once - she was a pup and tried to jump a wire fence, ending up hanging by the back leg and howling like a banshee. When I grabbed her leg to free her she latched on and bit (because of the pain I guess), then when she was free she skulked over and licked my hand for ages. Poor little thing was so remorseful. The upside is she never tries to jump even the smallest fence these days, she'll never be one of those dogs that keeps getting out of the yard.
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awwww he is CUTE!!! *le sigh*

i am still killing myself by continually going back to RSPCA website and be all sad that i cannot have Nelly. :cry: how cute is she (PHOTO)

Cheer up, I'm sure someone gave her a good home. How could anyone go past that face?
Thats another reason why I want a big dog, actually.. take it out for a run/ride every night, take it to the beach and have a run etc. MAKE me run lol
Thats another reason why I want a big dog, actually.. take it out for a run/ride every night, take it to the beach and have a run etc. MAKE me run lol

Yeah, I am too lazy to exercise for my own sake, but I'll get out and run for my dog. Spoiled little sod.
It's a good idea to get them used to walking first, get their commands set in, and even when you decide to change to runs have a command for that, otherwise you'll have a dog that when you try to walk wants to run and will drag you along.

then you get my most hated of comments by other walkers "Who's walking who?" I get that like once a week, The don't get that the reason Pud is pulling me is because he wants to say hello to them, any other time he walks by my side
It's a good idea to get them used to walking first, get their commands set in, and even when you decide to change to runs have a command for that, otherwise you'll have a dog that when you try to walk wants to run and will drag you along.

then you get my most hated of comments by other walkers "Who's walking who?" I get that like once a week, The don't get that the reason Pud is pulling me is because he wants to say hello to them, any other time he walks by my side

Yeah, I have learned that the hard way. Yelka has only one gear when walking. And yep, I get that comment all the time. Get's funnier each time I hear it.:rolleyes:
Im the same :) well, I want to exercise, know i should.. but just not that motivation at the mo. with a dog that wants to run, ill take it for a run :) but ill do as you guys suggested and walk first, get the pup trained well in obedience and use a command for "run"
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