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Intergrade: offspring of two different subspecies i.e. Diamond Pythons and Coastal Carpet Pythons (Note: definition is the subject of much debate)

Hybrid: Offspring of two different species (Note: definition subject of much discussion)

Offered by APS's own terminology index. So Buck, with your infinite wisdom, please give aps the final and *true* definition, if you'd be so kind?

Function: intransitive verb
: to merge gradually one with another through a continuous series of intermediate forms
Function: noun
: A transitional stage, form, or type.

Function: noun
: The offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock, especially the offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties, species, or races.

So it would appear that both Intergrade and Hybrid can be used to describe what is being argued about here. Whether this event occurs naturally or in captivity it is not defined by either of these words.

There is no valid reason to cross breed our native animals.
These are not domestic cats, dogs - they are our native wildlife - respect them for that.
There is no valid reason to cross breed our native animals.
These are not domestic cats, dogs - they are our native wildlife - respect them for that.

Sounds like a great idea.

that's precisely right ad our native wildlife, yet we still see fit to as i've said before keep them in glass/timber enclosures that may or may not be to small for them for our own personal gain/enjoyment. Go Figure
pmsl........... good point krissy, once they get taken from the wild or are bred in captivity they no longer are wildlife, they are pets,

one point buck, it's not illegal to cross breed in qld, it's illegal to knowingly breed hybrids, if you look into it you will find out that all morelia can be recorded under the one species in your record book in qld, so you can LEGALLY cross breed them,

but thats only my opinion on the rules, others have theirs,

but this has been done to death, in the end everybody will do as they want, and just another point, it isn't illegal to own a hybrid in qld, just like we can own an albino but can't breed morphs.............

before certain members want to start attacking me again, please keep any personal attacks to yourself, this is a open forum and i'm intitled to my opinion and i have answered a question, fee free to have your say, just don't make it personal........................

Not having a go, but you will find that people will tell you this has been done to death,
so I suggest using the search funtion on this site to help locate these topics and I am sure
if you type Hybrid, Integrade there will be a myriad of topics and peoples opions.
And as some people say "get the pocorn sit back and enjoy"

Have fun
There is no valid reason to cross breed our native animals.
These are not domestic cats, dogs - they are our native wildlife - respect them for that.

eventually there will be no pure bred dogs....only custom made
eventually there will be no pure bred cats....only custom made
eventually there will be no pure bred what evers cause everyone wants a custom something

they are even doing it with human babies....genetic selection.....

so.....what else can ya do?

we should not penalize an animal for being a cross breed....its not its fault
well the fact that snakes cant tell the difference from its breed to the same breed in a female snakes same with cats and dogs bird and everything else if a female is in season then any male will breed with her no matter how or where or when so ppl saying all this crap about its wrong to do in captivity just think how you think all the breeds came about in the first place.....!!!!! And how we all have these awesome fantastic snakes in care now and how you get xbreeds.....simple fact is that out in the wild snakes are mating with other snakes etc etc
ROFL Aussie Python Lover, that is a good point, I am just so glad as humans we can tell the difference between our species (well with the exception of some wierdo's of course) but that's a topic for a whole different place.
didn't anyone see that south park where the people of the future looked like all cultures combined and with a language to match!

We inter breed....why cant the animals?

(dont bite me head off)
I can settle this-- this is what happens when you cross breed!!! this is a JungleXDiamond ;)

I'm one of the polluted people Nick was talking about lol I think people should be able to breed what they want. Randy
Cant say I did Bry but just for the record eeeeeeeeeeew on the interbreeding, but yes cross breeding with animals unfortunately is a common thing. I say if they are gonna do it that they're gonna do it
I can settle this-- this is what happens when you cross breed!!! this is a JungleXDiamond ;)

I'm one of the polluted people Nick was talking about lol I think people should be able to breed what they want. Randy
Good one ravensgait LOL
That looks like one of those Gippsland earthworms.
Cant say I did Bry but just for the record eeeeeeeeeeew on the interbreeding, but yes cross breeding with animals unfortunately is a common thing. I say if they are gonna do it that they're gonna do it

lol i ment inter-racial breeding :p
I think some of the offspring produced look fantastic and have their place in collections - providing they don't escape into the wild - then the problem of producing such an animal might then become a little more transparent. It's not correct to say we should "follow suit" and do as the States are doing, far from it, but it'll eventually follow on here as most "trends" seem to. As a reptile breeding hobby nation we are decades behind what is going on in the States (as I've seen on the Reptile-Mania DVD) - that DVD is a real eye-opener!

I am also not aware of any legalities concerning x-breeding in Victoria and have seen it happening in various collections.

I have always been of the belief that, no matter what anyone tells me, there will always be the purists. You will always find someone trying their utmost to keep pure form breeds flourishing and I am one of those who loves the pure forms. Look at dog & cat breeders - often the dearest ones are the purebreds. Crossbreeding is a trend that we're going to have to get used to.
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