Shop Broken Into Last Night Exotic Birds Stolen

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I don't know them but I've shared the link to the video on Facebook. With footage as clear as that someone ought to recognise them.

If they get caught and face a Magistrates Court I want to know where and when. :evil::evil::evil:

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adding this CCTV footage to another site im a member of that has VIC members with any luck someone might know something at the very least it will be passed around, you just never know

man i cant get over how brazen they were and how no one driving by noticed anything

the bloody door almost had them bluffed
Makes ya feel helpless whaching that video should. Chuck a big alarm system on so just flashes lights :D people will stop then

Dident really look after the bird did they chucked it in :( hope you get them
Thanks everyone. Please share the footage to anywhere you think it might be seen. Someone has to know these morons!
i felt sick when i watched the video and saw the cage falling over poor terrified parrots, as an owner of 2 companion exotic parrots and an ecky it was upsetting to watch . They must be caught that trailor is so distinctive plus they didnt really make any attempt to cover up their faces .
Copy and paste the webpage address (URL) of the YouTube video into your status update. Facebook will automatically recognise it as a link. You can then add a comment of your own in your status update.
That video is so is so strange the way they waited and waited I wonder if the moving the car up and down was because they were waiting for someone else and making room for their car and trailer as well ?......notice one cage went into the trailer we could see and the other went in the oposite direction? I just cant see that cage fitting in a car ? Just a thought

I cant work out what they are waiting for and the guy in full view of the camera keeps looking behind him like he is waiting for someone but I cant see a car go past slowly look like they are puling up in front.

the jacket the second guy is wearing who took the till is a road worker jacket.... In fact I am sure right at the beginning he has one of those orange road worker bollards in his hands ......

so the police should be looking at all the road workers who live in the local area as a start. People generally dont travel far to commit will be someone in the local area......for sure

they make me sick

I hope karma comes back to them shouldnt be allowed tog et away with something like thing to take the till.....but to take the birds and the way they took them.....absolute SCUM
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I still can't believe they left the olive, do you keep other albinos or expensive snakes in the shop???

id rather deal with a cranky olive then a cranky macaw any day
I cant see the pic

Have they been able to get any fingerprints ?

I still can't believe they left the olive, do you keep other albinos or expensive snakes in the shop???

id rather deal with a cranky olive then a cranky macaw any day

I dont think Paul will be keeping anything nice in the shop ever again......
the whole thing is just devestating.......
I dont think Paul will be keeping anything nice in the shop ever again......
the whole thing is just devestating.......[/QUOTE]

I know what I would be keeping in the shop. A couple of hungry Rotties or similar.

If this was America pretty much anything goes.
the jacket the second guy is wearing who took the till is a road worker jacket.... In fact I am sure right at the beginning he has one of those orange road worker bollards in his hands ......

so the police should be looking at all the road workers who live in the local area as a start. People generally dont travel far to commit will be someone in the local area......for sure
id hate to say , but bollards and workers vests are easy to get [ for bollards see any road works] and the vests can be brought from any saftey shop . as for the ute it looks like a ba-bf xr6 - or xr6t colour looks like ergo. either way the xr6 badge has been taken off the bottom side skirt .
Just hope the birds are safe and well, after being treated like that
Hope the bird/s gives them an earfull! and everyone else...
By the looks of them - stupid idiot thieve's - Bet they're stupid enough to come back in and ask what to feed them...
come on someone, somewhere has got to notice a bird or bird/s like that!..
A lot of neighbours would complain about the squawking or at least notice a new big bird addition...
No, I think they look too pooncy to even think about taking a snake...
It's a Karmic world we live in - they're in for a rude shock - hope they get caught and locked up for a long time...
they have to be amateurs as that camera has perfect positioning...
but they still had to know the shop well enough to know where the cash box-til was?...
Like the idea of the flashing lights out the front of the shop but would probably need to get the added grills to... too sad
Any news, Amazing Amazon?

From a practical perspective, what a lot of effort for birds worth about $9000. Steal the car, break into the shop, take two birds that they will need to look after and somehow unload, birds that will probably try to peck their eyes out - why?

Two fools.
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