what do you bring to aps?

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you all know it...

Nat ;) x
I bring "dumb questions", a laugh & help if I can. I am here to learn from others mistakes so as to avoid them myself & to steal ideas from the more creative members, lol. And last but not least, I come here to enjoy the great people (apart from a few who shall remain nameless!) who also come. I have met some beaut people & shared some laughs & knowledge. Cheers to each & every one of you..( and you know who you are, XX)
Mattsnake]To learn and read some great debates and to throw in my two cents worth when I think its needed. To laugh at the people who look for an argument in every thread and most of all.... to see what reptile-man4life has posted next

Ditto! :D
Exactly what is it you think you give to aps/members...
Apparently I give some members the ****ts

What do you believe your contribution to this site is?
Telling everyone how nice their pics are

Are you just here to be social & fill the hours in your day?

To learn perhaps? Or try show of your superiority
To learn from those far more superior than myself

I am joking
I don't think I really bring anything that hasn't already been provided. I just bring more of it.
Kind of like when everyone brings meat to a BBQ and no one brings the salad.
I bring you Jesus ............nah not really , but I do sell powdered Taipan urate
to bikies sometimes so I can buy more herps from other APS members :)
to occasionally learn something i am struggling on, and to fill the hours of my day on chat.
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