whats your biggest fear

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Probably spiders, heights, public speaking( started crying in Year 6 cause they chose me to speak infront of the school-i refused and they respected that lol), clowns, drowning, dying of lack of oxygen, being eaten alive, dying in general lol... Im an acute aracnophobic, it all started when i was 7 and a huge huntsman was in my school hat, i didnt know it at the time lol. I backed away from a spider the size of a small matchhead haha.
My biggest 'fear' is what would happen if everything in the universe dissapeared, like what would time be but an eternity of voidness etc.ive spent many nights thinking about this, and couldnt get to sleep for hours.*shudders thinking about it*. Also im scared of my dad dying from lung cancer from smoking, and me not having him there when i need him and everything else. LOL, soo many things scare me.....
Dude clowns are definately scarey!!!!!

I remember i used to be scared of mums old washing machine when i was a kid..... it wasnt on level ground and used to jump all over the place...... I would always run past the laundry LOL
Babies with the pooping and the crying and the drooling and the staring :shock:

Oh and that shop Supre :shock:

And the Underpants Gnomes!!!!

don;t fear the gnomes they're freedon fighters for your nether regions! just go with it it's breezy
Nothing much worries me anymore, been through all the crap that i was scared of and i'm still alive.
Just my kids well being that frightens me now
erm......dying (spelling),public speaking.....
Not too much of a fear but whenever I'm working near something sharp which is often I normally think it'd really suck to accidentally cut my throat on it..
Not too much of a fear but whenever I'm working near something sharp which is often I normally think it'd really suck to accidentally cut my throat on it..
:shock: err.....yea that also .....
and when i whas real young i realy hated flushing the toilet used to press the button and run

:lol::lol::lol: Thats really funny!

The OCEAN! Moths, and performing in public (I do it a fair bit, and crap myself every time, perspiring prefusely??? Don't know why I can't get over it!).
Petrified of cows, theyre so so freaky.

And heights, can't even stand on a chair.
Wasps, Don't really know why maybe because you can't control them, they can fly anywhere up down left and right, ill let a huntsman walk all over me, but i wont let a wasp fly near me.
Also this is my weird one, loosing my sense of direction, i have a good sense of direction, always know which way im going, where i am, even in the middle of the bush,mates call me the human street directory, but if im at an underground train station im freaked out because i have lost which way is which.
Burning to death (that one's well founded) and public speaking (that ones just me being a stupid pansy).
hmm i guess the only thing that really FREAKS me out is the thought of being left at sea with sharks. I love sharks, I'm absolutely fascinated by them.... as long as i'm not on my own in their world.

horesenz said:
but most of all GRASSHOPPERS!!!!!!!!!! :oops::oops:

so strange how the human mind works. I wouldn't have thought that a burly tough looking bloke like you would be afraid of something like grasshoppers lol. (not having a go just an observation lol)
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