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Active Member
Dec 6, 2008
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Geelong, Vic
I have two coastal carpet pythons (both nearly two years old) bout to move them to a bigger enclosue, perfect to handle eating very well very healthy. Even my missus is used to them (took a year haha). I am ready to extend the collection and just after some advice on wat to get, I really like the blackheaded python, diamond python and jungle python. So yeh any input would be great
well at the end of the day if you are capable of looking after those species just pick what you like the look of the most. remember diamonds need UV. id go a jungle thats just my preference.
wow no wonder you cannot decide .... all 3 are beautiful snakes IMO ... however i have always like the look of the diamond... mmm ...
well at the end of the day if you are capable of looking after those species just pick what you like the look of the most. remember diamonds need UV. id go a jungle thats just my preference.

Who said diamonds need UV..................
Have you got any ?, bred any ?
hmm i have had bhps in the past, but am extremly hooked on jungles. every time they shed the colour just keeps on amazing me.
not all jungles are snappy buggers, my male is nasty, but my female is very cage protective, but once out she is quite a good handler, and she is 2 yrs now.
but, decided on what u really really like the most. and then that is what u should get.
cheers everyone for the input. I love the colorings of the jungle but there is just something about the bhps that attract me. local shop has a full grown one and they pull it out for me everytime i go in haha maybe i will get both as i will have 2 spare enclosures soon, but dont want to get ahead of myself, they are right that its a snowball effect when you get a snake!!!
I have a hard time picking what my favorite snake is, I like 'em all, but i think the most impressive is the bhp.
His name is Pharoah and it suits him down to the ground.He is big and as strong as an ox but doesnt even flinch one bit on that initial contact that some snakes react to.
He did give me warning hissus for the first few months I had him but it was all hot air.
If I put a horse in with him he would try to eat it, so feeding is not a problem, although getting a bhp hatchy to start feeding can be a mission.
I religously wash my hands in between handling any of my snakes or there food, but this is important with a bhp since they dine on snakes so traces of your carpets or whatever could trigger an accidental bite that wont be easily forgoten by all accounts. touchwood.
Doesnt matter what you get next anyway, you know as well as all of us that you will end up with all of them eventually, just in what order....

all 3 that you like are easy to look after. the diamond dosent need as high temp. some people will say you must have uv for a diamond, but theres no proof that it will get diamond python syndrome if it dosent have it. ive read about wild caught diamonds kept in outside avairys that have ended up with it. ive got all 3, and the diamond would be the easiest to handle. but i do like my blackheads and the colour of the jungles. go all out and get them all
price doesnt bother. In a few years when i can say im on my way to bein a pro i wanna get some green tree pythons so yeh price doesnt bother me. and MONKEYBOY has a good point will have em all eventually haha
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