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I'm racist.
Very fast over the 100 and not to bad over the 200m.
I should add if I only had a brick to kill a cat I would only use it if i knew the cat would not escape hurt. As i said the cruelest thing would be to leave it alone.

What makes a cat jump 6 foot in the air?
What makes it come down?
lead :lol:
In the continuing saga of our neighbours cat that kicked off this thread not much has happend but things have changed.

We are still waiting to hear if the poor possum but presume it has been put down.

From the noises on the other side of the fence it seem that the cat is now confined to indoors which is the only sensible outcome if the cat owners do not want the cat to meet the same end as the poor possum. The ranger never got to speak to them as far as we know but what ever he wrote on the card he left at the door must have got there attention. This animal has a pretty wild temprament so I am guessing it is only a matter of time until it sneaks out the door and goes hunting birds and possums again.

We still have our cat trap baited and set so it will be off to the pound if it finds itself in there!

As an aside the name of the cat is the same as a frequent poster to this forum. I won't mention it because this thread does not need any more fodder to be taken off at a tangent. We must have heard the name called 10,000 times in the last couple of months. (Our back doors face each other at the side of the house.)

As another aside if we wished to look after injured wild life we could get a "carers licence". In Victoria apparently this is straight forward and can be done in about 5 days.

Again I will report back if and when there are further developments... provided the thread does not get canned. I am very pleased that it has maintained itself in a fairly sensible shape.
Why would anyone call a cat Boa ? :lol:

herptrader said:
As an aside the name of the cat is the same as a frequent poster to this forum. I won't mention it because this thread does not need any more fodder to be taken off at a tangent. We must have heard the name called 10,000 times in the last couple of months. (Our back doors face each other at the side of the house.)
I suppose if you skun it properly you could wear the hide as a fur boa?

boa said:
Why would anyone call a cat Boa ? :lol:

herptrader said:
As an aside the name of the cat is the same as a frequent poster to this forum. I won't mention it because this thread does not need any more fodder to be taken off at a tangent. We must have heard the name called 10,000 times in the last couple of months. (Our back doors face each other at the side of the house.)
re Cat

Why anyone would want to call there pussy browneye or afrocat beats the hell out of me :?
I know of a certain breeder down south with a very fetching ginger tom hat. :lol:

herptrader said:
I suppose if you skun it properly you could wear the hide as a fur boa?
re Cat

Oh no :( are we talking about a black pussy by any chance trader :p
This particular cat was just always meant to be a hat, lovely colour.
Couldn't he have made the cat into a mat instead of a hat? Then he could've passed it off as a tiger pelt.....(miniature of course)
I have a picture here for any of you who still think it is OK not to kill cats that are roaming free :(

This poor little ringtail was smaller than a full size rat :(

Seeing a dead animal doesnt usually bother me but seeing what a horrible thing had happened to this guy really got to me :x

Please foward this picture to any cat owners you may know.
Yes that is disturbing and yes I agree something needs to be done. There seems to be too many irresponsible cat owners out there that let their cats roam around and undoubtedly have a huge impact on local populations of other animals.
My problem with your post is that with your "Please foward this picture to any cat owners you may know." comment you seem to be tarring all cat owners with the same brush. I own a cat who NEVER goes outside partly because she has pink pigmentation and partly because of the effect she may have on local populations of native fauna.
If I was to use your logic I could just as easily post a horrific picture of roadkill and tell people to post it to everyone they know who owns a car.I mean let's face it some people purposely go out of their way to run things over so surely that means everyone does ... right??
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