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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2005
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Abbreviation Details
Terrestial Ground Dwelling
Arboreal Tree Dwelling
Intergrade Referes to merging of one species into another i.e. Diamond
Pythons merging with Coastal Carpets in Northern NSW
Hybrid Cross breed of two species. Most Commonly Coastal Carpet
and Diamond Python
ARP Australian Reptile Park
Hypo Short for Hypomelanistic where a species lacks black pigment
Hyper Short for Hypermelanistic
Gravid Pregnant
URS Ultimate Reptile Suppliers - a supplier to the hobby
Pinkie Refers to a baby mouse/rat before it gets fur
Fuzzy Refers to a baby mouse/rat just starting to get fur.
Nocturnal Active at night
Diurnal Active during the day
Femoral Pore pores on inside of thigh, more pronounced in malwa
Preanal Pore Same as femoral pore but siutuated in front of vent
Slug Usually refers to a reptile egg that is infertiel or a still born baby
for live bearers
Herp A reptile or amphibian
Herper A person who keeps or has an interest in Reptiles or
Herping Refers to the activity of exploring for reptiles in the wild.
SFR Speckeld Feeder Roaches, available form the Herp Shop
Hypermelanistic An increase in Melanin over the body i.e. more black than
Ven/Veno Venemous Snake
IR Infra Red, referring to light bulbs
RI Respiratory Infection
ES Eddison Screw referrign to screw type light bulb fitting
WC Wild Caught
CB Captive Bred
Juvie Juvenile
Hatchy Hatchling
Viv Vivarium or reptile enclosure
Thermostat A device to regulate the temperature of a cage
Thermoregulation The ability to regulate ones own temperature
Temp Gradient A change in temperatures from a heat source to a cooler area
Candling A process where you can shine a torch into reptile eggs to
determine if the contents are alive
FS For Sale
WTB Wanted to Buy
Het Heterozygous
Heterozygous Carrying a particular trait. i.e. albinoism
IBD Inclusion Body Disease (will kill ya herps)
Inclusion Body Disease Will kill ya herps
Metabolic Bone Disease will also kill ya herps
TOD Top of Decent - popular mite spray
BC Breeders Choice - kitty litter used as substrate - just
compresed paper
AHS Australian Herpetological Society
VHS Vic Herp Society
DEC Dept of Environment & Conservation (NSW)
DEH Dept of Environment & Heritage
NPWS National Parks & Wildlife Service (NSW)
OPMV Ophidian Paramyxovirus - will kill ya herps and contagious
Crix Crickets
Venemoid An elapid that has had it's venom glands surgically removed
APS Aussie Pythons & Snakes

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Good on you Pete, it took me a couple of months to figure all that out
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency (Queensland)

BTS - Brown Tree Snake or Blue Tongue Skink
GTS - Green Tree Snake
GTP - Green Tree Python
GTF - Green Tree Frog
GT - one of the above, your guess is as good as mine

IM - Intramuscular (refering to injections)
SC - Subcut / Subcutaneous (refering to injections)
oh my gosh! reptile people even have their own language?!?! I KNEW IT!!! You're all obsessed and crazy!!
I'm going to fit right in.... =) :)
MD Murray Darling.What does BUMP mean? I see it a bit on forums.
IMO - In My Opinion
IMHO - In My Honest Opinion
BUMP - if a thread gets off track bump it back to the top ie back to the original topic/question
can someone please tell me what the f@&% & means??? iv seen it everywhere and it seems to take the place of &. is this it and its just there for sum weird reason or does it have some other meaning?
great work by the way pete!:D really helps people work things out a lot quicker than b4!
Pete, you keep givin away all the secrets and you'll take all the mystry out of herping
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