Kid Named Adolf Hitler Refused B-Day Cake Inscription

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Just found this interesting.

Why would anyone name their kid that? Oh, because they have swasitka's up around the house. Could be an over hyped story, but still odd. Just after your thoughts, should any parent have the right to name a child whatever they want and expect no discrimination based solely on the name or are some names off limits?
Yeah just read that myself! Parents are obviously dropkicks!! When the kids names are registered you would think that they would be knocked back but then again they may not be the kids legal names. Still pathetic.:|
Naming the kid that Hitler isn't going to make him like Hitler. I dont see a problem with it at all.
Naming the kid that Hitler isn't going to make him like Hitler. I dont see a problem with it at all.

Of course not. But others will be prejudiced against him because of his name and he will be treated unfairly in life.

Definately worse than all the names celebrities call their kids, combined.
Dan19 - how about the constant hardship he will face for his entire life as a result of his name? Or his sister whose name is JoyceLynn Aryan Nation...

I have heard of many stupid names. Friends of ours daughter is called Star. Surname Picket. Star Picket.
My brother works in the Childrens Hospital in Melbourne and had a girl come in named Female (pronounced feh-mahl-aye).. A girl came in, no joke, called ****head (pronounced sh'thade). Some others are Spidey Webb, Peregrine Hawk, Blaze, Oxygen, Nitrogen.. The list goes on forever.

Some parents should need licences.
so its positive to name a kid after a murdering dictator racist who masacared millions of jews?
imo they shouldnt have named it adolf hitler if they didnt want the kid to grow up having problems every once and a while they would have known from the start calling it that would cause problems

im not taking sides i feel sorry for the toddler but the parents should have known that at some point in life people would have a problem with the kids name
There was a list in the paper the other day of names that got knocked back - one was Fish and Chips for twins :shock:... Also knocked back was Stallion, Violence, Gummy Bear, Coca Cola and King John 1. :shock::shock:

I don't see the need to inflict shocking names on kids...

There was also recently the girl in NZ i think that was given permission to change her name from Tula Does The Hula in Hawaii - for some reason she didn't like it???
bahahahaha fish and chips... that gives me an idea for mine thats on the way lol
Sounds like a typical white-supremacist family to me...

Aryan Nation, Honszlynn Hinler - all lead to bad thoughts...
Of course not. But others will be prejudiced against him because of his name and he will be treated unfairly in life.

I'm inclined to agree.

Sounds like a typical white-supremacist family to me

It's sad, I keep forgetting that there are people out there who still subscribe to that way of thinking.
Personally perants can name there children anything they want to name them if the child then does not like his name he will always have the option of changing his name once older so it really doesnt matter but as to this specific name i belive the general public should get over this issue about Adolf Hitler whats done is done and nothing can change we need to learn from our mistakes and move on he is somthing of the past and thats how it should have stayed but back onto the name issue look at all the different nationalities around the world look at there names there strange and always different but we get over it after a few giggles and so on so i dont see the point about this thread yeah so what the boys name is Adolf get over it i sure know our family is over the whole point of Adolf Hitler its in the past IMO
belive the general public should get over this issue about Adolf Hitler whats done is done and nothing can change we need to learn from our mistakes and move on he is somthing of the past and thats how it should have stayed ... so what the boys name is Adolf get over it i sure know our family is over the whole point of Adolf Hitler its in the past IMO

If you had survived the Holocaust you might disagree that it is "all in the past". There are still plenty of Holocaust survivors around, you know.

The impact is felt by the survivors who saw their entire families (and almost their enitre culture) decimated, the impact is felt by children of survivors whose parents wake up screaming and are unable to emotionally connect with their kids, and it is felt by every human being who has an ounce of compassion.

To suggest that they should just "get over it" is ignorant and suggests that you really should pay more attention in history class.

"Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it"
If you had survived the Holocaust you might disagree that it is "all in the past". There are still plenty of Holocaust survivors around, you know.

The impact is felt by the survivors who saw their entire families (and almost their enitre culture) decimated, the impact is felt by children of survivors whose parents wake up screaming and are unable to emotionally connect with their kids, and it is felt by every human being who has an ounce of compassion.

To suggest that they should just "get over it" is ignorant and suggests that you really should pay more attention in history class.

"Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it"

Just for your information my family has gone through enough of this my great grandmother was jewish and my great grandfather was a full blood german so what do you think happended in the end,
ive heard countles stories of my grandma over the years so i know alot about the issue my great grandfather ended up being killed proctecting my family so i do know quite abit about this particular situation,
oh and just to let you know on monday i received my year 10 certificate and oh well i guess that im not that stupid Jessb because i sure did get a band 6 in history.
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